Chapter 16

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(Y/n POV)

I look over at Jeff. "You know.. we've been walking for quite a while".
"Yeah.. we have.." he answered back shortly after.






"Stop that.. it's getting really awkward" Jeff said, annoyed.

"Right.. sorry" I apologized and looked in front of me. I'm so confused, I'm now a 100% sure he's probably luring me somewhere. He's gonna kill me and hide my body, I just know it. All the things I could've done with my sad life and this is how it's gonna end, how tragic. Dying in the arms of this jerk. Couldn't it be a better looking one? Just imagine dying in the arms of a hot killer. I wouldn't mind that at all but no, this is what I got instead. I'm not complaining eventhough I am, he's kinda cute not gonna lie.

As I think that, I slightly look at Jeff's dreamy... no... horrifying face. Nevermind what am I thinking? I disgust myself, for thinking that. I don't even know what I want anymore. But come on look at him, he's so.. I cut myself off by looking at his face again and shake my head in disapproval. No way, I have issues. Serious issues, maybe I should see a psychiatrist?

I was frustrated "Jeff we're walking an neverending road..". He then stops walking and stares at me. I stare back, looking him in the eyes. It was quiet and awkward for a moment. Jeff sighs "I have something to tell you...". I start to feel nervous for some reason and I could see in his eyes that he was nervous aswell. "Okay I'm listening" I say, acting all though eventhough my stomach is trembling and my mind was racing. Is this what it feels like to have butterflies in your stomach? I must've swallowed alot and I mean ALOT of caterpillars. That's disgusting, why would I even think that? Now that got me thinking. Do people eat caterpillars? And why would they? Does it taste good? Would I eat it? So many questions overflowed my mind. This isn't the right time (y/n), snap out of it.

He looks at me in the eyes and leans forward. Okay now I'm 100% sure we're gonna kiss. I know I thought he was gonna kill me but come on, look where we are. I don't even know where we are. We're nowhere. Right when I thought he was going to kiss me, he moves his face to my ear and whispers "I actually have no idea where I'm taking you.. sorry for wasting your time and especially your energy" and then leans back again.

...BOY THE ANGER THAT'S BOILING INSIDE OF ME. I can't believe my ears and I can't believe myself, how stupid am I for thinking that we were gonna kiss. This is embarrassing. Why did I even expect that he was gonna do that! Jeez I really am stupid. I crossed my arms and furiously look at him "Seriously!?". "You made us walk all the way here for nothing? Just why?" I snapped, clenching my fists. "Well I was busy thinking of a place but you keep distracting me" he shrugged, not caring at all. "How am I-? okay nevermind this isn't gonna work let's just go home" I say, facing the other way.

He sighs and puts his hands in his pockets. "Alright you cranky princess.. let's get you home..". "I'm not cranky and I'm not a princess I told you this.. I'm a queen" I rolled my eyes at him. "Hope your eyes get stuck.." he muttered. I didn't respond and just walked.

Jeff POV

'Great.. just great.. I didn't sign up for this! How did I even get in this mess..' I put my hands in my pockets and look forward. It's late anyway, might aswell get her home then i'll head back to the mansion.


(Y/n) and Jeff both walked in silence. When they made it back to (y/n)'s house, (y/n) closed the door and locked it heading to her room.

Are you kidding me? (Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now