Chapter 6 (Rewrite)

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"Kakarot?" The Prince watches as the male jumps slightly and looks to him.

"Is she alright? I-I didn't mean to trigger something..." Goku furrows his eyebrows before looking back to the ground.

"She's alright. Every so often she will have a random panic attack. Nothing against you or anyone else. It happens to me and Bulma every so often." Vegeta leans up against the wall beside Goku with his arms crossed across his chest.

"It happens with me and Lord Beerus every so often as well. This is nothing new." Whis walks up to them with a small smile on his face. "This will be a challenge for one of you but you will be able to help her with time and patience." Whis watches as Goku looks out the window in front of him before pushing himself off the wall and heading down the hallway.

It seems he's already thinking about why Mika is so reserved. Whis smiles softly to himself. The challenge is accepted it seems.


It wasn't too long before Mika woke up and went into the pool room to meditate while the boys were relaxing in the natural hot spring. The female sat on the decently warm stone, letting herself relax as she closed her eyes. Her hands rested on her knees as her legs were crossed. No sooner than later, a blue aura started to radiate around her. Goku watched the female Saiyan meditate as he has never seen her do so before. Vegeta glances at Mika before leaning his head back and relaxing himself. He's seen his best friend meditate multiple times now and has even joined her on some occasions.

Just as Goku was about to relax, Whis walks into the room and taps Goku's shoulder, motioning him to follow him. Goku raises an eyebrow at the angel before sighing and pulling himself out of the natural spring. Vegeta watches the two leave before leaving himself to go do some personal training. Mika soon pops open one eye as she hears the normal grumbling of Lord Beerus as he sits beside her and begins to meditate with her. The female slightly smirks before she closes her eye again. Meanwhile, Whis and Goku are near the lake before the angel stops in his tracks and turns to look at Goku. The male Saiyan slightly jumps back to keep himself from colliding with the other before he looks at him.

"What's the matter, Whis?" Goku furrows his eyebrows slightly as Whis gives him a small smile.

"You love her, don't you?" The angel slightly smirks as Goku's face becomes panicked and turns completely red.

"I... Well... She..." The male didn't know what to say as his words came out in stutters as his wide eyes look at Whis. He opens and closes his mouth a couple of times before completely stopping himself.

"Let's try this again, shall we? Do you love Mika?" Whis watches at Goku sighs before he looks back at him.

"Yes I do. I have for years. I just didn't realize it until now."

"What are you willing to do? What not only you want but also your kids; to achieve that happiness that you all strive to have?"

"Anything. I want someone who understands what I do is to keep us safe and not just for my own gain. Someone who understands that my kids, Gohan and Goten, want to do the same. Not force them to do what they don't want." Goku looks at Whis with a determined look as the angel smiles.

"Shall we get started then?" Whis summons his staff before turning his back to Goku.

"Yes." Goku grabs Whis' shoulder before the angel taps his staff and sends them to Earth.

As Whis takes Goku to Earth, Lord Beerus opens his eyes to look at Mika. The blue aura around her was stronger and lighter. Better than what she has achieved in the past. The cat-like God looks around to make sure no one was around before he moves himself to look at her fully. Mika opens an eye and looks at Beerus as she raises an eyebrow.

"You need to let go of the past, Mika. It's eating away at you." Beerus watches closely as the female clenches her jaw before closing her eye again. There's the source.

"Not that easy, Lord Beerus. No matter how hard I try, the past will always eat at me because of my regrets." The female Saiyan opens her eyes and watches him as he fully stands up in front of her.

"What regrets? That you weren't strong enough to challenge Frieza head on at the beginning when he was planning on destroying Planet Vegeta? Erasing all Saiyans? Or was it because you were too scared on letting someone get close to you because of what happened to your family? Both Goku and Vegeta aren't going anywhere anytime soon because of their Saiyan pride. Time to buckle up, Mika." Beerus glares at the female as he watches her mouth slightly twitch as she growls.

"It's not as simple as you think it is." Mika exhales sharply as she stands up.

"Then explain it to me, Mika, because all I see is a coward running from her own past!"

Beerus barely manages to block her attack as he sees fire behind those charcoal colored eyes, her entire body shaking in anger. This is the source of your anger. I understand now. The Destroyer God decides to throw a punch of his own which gets blocked easily. He narrows his eyes as he continues his onslaught of attacks.

"Come on, Mika. TELL ME WHAT SCARES YOU MOST!" Beerus lands a blow to her stomach, knocking her out of the building as she skids to a halt in the air.

"LOSING EVERYTHING I GAINED BACK!" Mika's voice shakes as tears are brought to her eyes. Beerus stops himself from attacking and looks to the female in concern. "I lost my mother and my brother due to the missions Frieza was giving out. I never saw the remains of my mother and my brother came back to me in pieces. Bardock was all I had left before I lost him because of his Saiyan pride. Staying behind on Planet Vegeta to try and fight Frieza when he knew he had no fighting chance against him. He could've easily left with me in the escape pod and lived to see his sons grow up. I pushed away Goku when I started to feel that warmth of love again. He was better off with Chi-Chi than me. I did the exact same with Vegeta but he still stuck around as my best friend as well as Bulma. Goku doesn't deserve a broken Saiyan Warrior because of what has caused me pain. I have a damn scar to prove it.

"What pride I had left was burnt away after what Frieza did to me. Cowering in front of my own kind in fright because of what he did. Not being able to train at my full potential because it scares me to know that I could easily hurt those around me. Vegeta is the only one I have left and it scares me to lose him. Losing Goku would destroy me. I would officially lose what sanity I have left. I..." Mika breaks down as she slowly descends back to the ground. Beerus lands in front of her before grabbing the female up in an embrace as he slightly purrs.

"Let go. It may take time but you need to let the past go. Don't let it control you. It's what your anger feeds off of. Why you easily lose control of your ki. But if you ever tell anyone I purred for you, I will destroy you."

Mika looks at Beerus in surprise before laughing. Beerus smiles softly as he finally hears that joy once again. He sighs before letting the female go and stands up straight. The Saiyan woman stands up as well before wiping the remaining tears away and yawns. Mika slightly blushes as the God smirks.

"Go rest. I will wait for Whis to get back before I start my own training." Beerus goes and sits on his usual tree stump as he goes back to meditating.

The female Saiyan heads to the room the boys usually use to find Vegeta there by himself. The Prince looks up from his book as his best friend walks in and slightly moves over for the female to climb in. He smiles slightly as she instantly curls into his side and closes her eyes. He throws one arm around her as he goes back to reading. From what he could tell, she was calmer after whatever Beerus had done and it seemed to have worked. Vegeta smirks.

Who knew a God could be soft with a mortal, let alone a Saiyan. Well played, Lord Beerus.

Playing with Gods (Goku x OC!Mika)Where stories live. Discover now