Chapter 7 (Rewrite)

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Mika looks at Beerus in surprise before laughing. Beerus smiles softly as he finally hears that joy once again. He sighs before letting the female go and stands up straight. The Saiyan woman stands up as well before wiping the remaining tears away and yawns. Mika slightly blushes as the God smirks.

"Go rest. I will wait for Whis to get back before I start my own training." Beerus goes and sits on his usual tree stump as he goes back to meditating.

The female Saiyan heads to the room the boys usually use to find Vegeta there by himself. The Prince looks up from his book as his best friend walks in and slightly moves over for the female to climb in. He smiles slightly as she instantly curls into his side and closes her eyes. He throws one arm around her as he goes back to reading. From what he could tell, she was calmer after whatever Beerus had done and it seemed to have worked. Vegeta smirks.

Who knew a God could be soft with a mortal, let alone a Saiyan. Well played, Lord Beerus.


Whis had came back from Earth after dropping off Goku and continued to train Mika. The following two days were quiet as they trained. Vegeta every so often took turns with Mika for training as they haven't really trained together since they had gotten to the God of Destruction's planet. The female Saiyan often meditated with the cat-like God since Whis had tasked him with doing so; to hopefully calm his anger somewhat. On Mika's last day of training, Whis touched the female's arm and smiles softly.

"You've completed the training and have complete control now. If you have any doubts, don't be afraid to contact me and we will find new ways of controlling your anger." Whis pats her shoulder before taking her and Vegeta back to Earth.

Once arriving at Earth, Mika sees Bulma waiting patiently with Goten and Trunks. As soon as the female Saiyan's feet touched the ground, the young half Saiyans ran towards her with their arms wide open. Mika grins and kneels down to catch them both in a big embrace. She could hear slight sniffles from Goten as Trunks pulled away to greet his father. Mika pulled the Goku look-alike closer as she feels his little hands grip her gi tightly.

"I've missed you, Mika." Goten pulls back enough to look at the female as she smiles softly.

"I've missed you as well, Goten." Mika ruffles his hair as he giggles.


The female stands up to see a fuming Chi-Chi standing not too far away. She furrows her eyebrows at the female in confusion before dodging a glass that the other had thrown her way. Mika could see the fresh tear tracks running down her cheeks before looking to Bulma in confusion, who seemed to have the same confused look as she. Mika pushes Goten towards Trunks as both children go inside of Capsule Corp.

"Chi-Chi, what's wrong? I don't understand why you are so mad at me." Mika easily catches the next thing the other female throws at her. The Saiyan looks down at her hand to see the wedding band Goku had given her. Her eyes widen in surprise before looking at her.

"Now do you understand why I am mad? You stole my husband from me. You stole my kids from me. I should've never trusted you from the moment you landed on Earth. You Saiyan whore!" Chi-Chi runs towards Mika with a fist raised as the female braces for it with her eyes closed but never feels it. She opens her eyes to see Goku in front of her, holding Chi-Chi's fist.

"She never stole us, Chi-Chi. You let us go." The male Saiyan looked so solemn compared to his usual happy self. Mika looks down as she realizes what Goku did. Chi-Chi huffs before walking away. 

The female Saiyan could start to feel her blood boil. She never wanted this to happen, ever. Mika had pushed Goku towards Chi-Chi for a reason and never expected to ever have him. She definitely didn't expect this out of him. He had two wonderful kids with her. Before too long, she could feel her ki start to spike. Vegeta lays a gentle hand on his best friend's shoulder before taking it back as he gets electric blue eyes glaring at him in return. Goku turns himself around to look at the female Saiyan, only to have his eyes widen in surprise. This is not what he had expected from her. 

"Mika, let me explain..."

"How dare you, Goku?! That woman loved you with everything she had and you decide to just randomly end the marriage?! I pushed you towards her for a reason! You had something good, something I can't have and you just leave it?!"

"Mika..." Goku reaches towards Mika but she steps away from him, clutching her fists so hard as she feels tears coming to her eyes again.

"No, Goku." The female looks at him with teary eyes before flying off. Goku growls slightly before he gets ready to follow her but is stopped by Vegeta. The younger Saiyan furrows his eyebrows at the Prince in confusion.

"Let her breathe for the moment, Kakarot. Give her time." Vegeta watches as the other male sighs.

"I'll go talk to her. She might listen to me better than dad at the moment." Gohan walks up to the two with a small smile with Pan in his arms before handing her to Videl and flying after Mika. Goku sighs and rubs the back of his neck.

Mika, I love you. That's why I broke it off with Chi-Chi. Why don't you see that? Or are you scared to get attached to something that is good for you?

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