Chapter 8

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"No! I don't need explaining, Goku. You've done enough already." Mika flies off before Goku get another word in. The male Saiyan gets ready to go after her before Vegeta stops him. The Prince shakes his head.

"But.. Vegeta.."

"Let her breathe, Kakarot. She needs to get control of herself before you go after her." Goku sighs and nods.

Why do I always end up fucking something else up?


The more it settled, the more Goku actually got pissed. Honestly, he has never gotten this pissed before. The male Saiyan was actually pissed that Vegeta stopped him from going after Mika. Goku looks at Vegeta.

"Why did you stop me from going after her, Vegeta!?" Goku was taken aback when Vegeta looked at him with a sad look.

"Do you really want to know?" Goku nods at the Prince. "Follow me."

Goku follows the older male Saiyan to what he recognizes as Mika's 'safe' place. She came here when her temper was boiling too hot or she needed to think. It was a small lake surrounded by a thin forest and wild flowers. It was peaceful. Goku now understood why she came here so often.

"Mika's mother died on a mission that her and Mika's father was on. He ran as soon as he knew who they were going after. He never brought back the body. When we were teenagers, Mika's brother Genesis died in action and there was barely anything left of the body.

"After finding out that Planet Vegeta was gone, Mika lost herself. She was the only one left alive out of her family. She learned a lot of things on Namek. She tried to fight off Frieza when he found her. But when her temper started to get the best of her after finding out it was him, was the biggest thing in her life that she regrets the most.

"She challenged him to a duel, but what she didn't know was what he was going to do to her before that day would come. Frieza had Ginyu grab her from her quarters and took her to the 'throne' room. He fired one ki blast at her back, permanently burning her from her left shoulder down to her left hip. She lost her dignity and anything else that day. The Mika I knew died that day and I haven't seen any life of that person since then.

"All she has is memories, Goku. Memories. She pushed me towards Bulma as she did the same to you towards Chi Chi. She doesn't want to get close to people as she fears of losing them once getting attached." Vegeta looks towards Goku, who was currently lost in thought. Why had he not noticed this years ago? "Goku?"

"I remember when Mika first told me to go for Chi Chi. She helped plan the wedding and everything else. We both had invited her to the wedding, but she never came. Never told us why. I guess I now know." Both males went quiet, contemplating on what to do next.

{Person Change: Mika}

Mika found herself in a hot tub in the big water "park"? She didn't know what else to call it. It was a huge building close to the house, that had a huge swimming pool with three decent sized hot tubs on the outside of the pool on each side. The female didn't care that she was still in her gi, all she wanted was to relax before losing herself. She held her left arm to her closely. The female got lost in her memories of her mother and brother. The good times on Planet Vegeta.

"Mika?" The female Saiyan looks up to see Gohan and Bulma. The half-Saiyan boy gave her a soft smile. Mika looks away in shame.

"You have to be mad at me." Gohan walks up to the side of the hot tub and sits cross legged close to her.

"Actually, no." The male chuckles as he sees Mika whip her head towards him with a surprised look.

"How? Why? Whaaat?"

"I'd rather see Dad with you than Mom. The fighting started when I started training with Dad and then Piccolo. It just got worse after Goten was born. In a way, you helped him realize that he just wasn't happy with Mom anymore. I will still love them both dearly no matter what. But to me, you are more a mother figure to not just Goten but to me as well. More so than our mother has been. You took the time to spend time with us, no matter what it was. So in a way, I'm thanking you and please, give Dad a chance to explain himself."

Mika nods to Gohan before losing herself in her thoughts. The female hears both Gohan and Bulma leave the building as she closes her eyes. She never saw the arguments that Goku and Chi-Chi had up until Goten was about the same age that Gohan was when Raditz came to Earth.

The female Saiyan feels the ki radiating from Goku as she felt the water ripple from him entering. Mika opens her eyes and looks up at him as he stands in front of her. In all honesty, she couldn't stay mad at him. No matter how hard she tried. She couldn't keep her feelings for him from growing.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, Goku. It was wrong of me." Mika looks away from the male. Goku sits next to her before gently grabbing her chin and making her look at him.

"There is nothing to apologize for, Mika. I should've told you from day one how much you mean to me. You taught me a lot of life lessons when I first met you, fully. I don't know why I didn't see it back then but I definitely see it now. You mean the world to not just me, but to Gohan and Goten. They want more siblings but Chi-Chi said no. I want a daughter so bad. Gohan said when he was a teenager, he would've loved to have a sister just like you. Chi-Chi and I tried for a daughter but ended up with Goten. Chi-Chi was disappointed but I was happy nonetheless for another son and Gohan was happy to have a sibling regardless.

"I love you, Mika. More so than my own life. I'm not letting you get away this time. Not now, not ever. I want and need you in my life. Please."

Mika looks into Goku's eyes and finds that he isn't lying. There is no waver to his voice but urgency and pleading. The female Saiyan allows her hands to lay on his cheeks and softly caress them, her thumbs running along his cheek bones. Goku watches her intently as he slowly wraps his other arm around her waist and brings her into his lap, making her straddle him.

"Mika... Please say something."


"Yes what?"

"Yes, I will be your mate and yes, I will give you more children."

Playing with Gods (Goku x OC!Mika)Where stories live. Discover now