Chapter 1 (Rewrite)

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It's now been a couple of years since Lord Beerus and Whis came to Earth looking for a Super Saiyan God. Goku, Vegeta and Mika have been training with the two to become stronger. Whis took it upon himself to help the female control her anger better. Beerus wasn't too fond of the female warrior but liked her more and more as they sparred when it was just her. Then it became more of a friendship when he learned how she became a warrior of Earth along side Goku and Vegeta, especially how she became Vegeta's childhood friend. Whis considered Mika like his daughter and said to her no matter the circumstance, she could always contact him; whether it be for company or for more training. Though sometimes she had to beg for him to come get her because he was sometimes just as lazy as the cat-like God. Of course, her best friend also knew why she wanted to go there more often lately than ever.

Vegeta had been helping Bulma with the new building his wife wanted to build just for those extra people if they needed a place to stay. They had just finished it when Mika walked up on their door step. Bulma was the first one to know what it was about but Vegeta was surprised to see the female. The last time he knew, she had been staying with Goku and Chi-Chi. Bulma instantly showed Mika the knew building and got her set up with her own room in the building, helping her with interior designing and everything else so it was customized just for the female. That was about a year ago now.

Mika had contacted Whis not too long ago and begged (with lots of new foods and candy) to come get her before she started to slip on her anger management. The female was currently in her room, packing a bag with clothes that she would need besides the bag with the new foods she promised in return for Whis coming and getting her. She had been in a stable situation with her anger but each time Chi-Chi came over to see Bulma, Mika seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Things being thrown at her and Bulma having to escort Chi-Chi away from the female as Vegeta would take Mika away to a quiet place to mediate or just to spar with him. He hadn't seen hide or hair of Goku in a while since this all started but once in a blue moon, he would see the male with Gohan and or Goten for a visit.

The female Saiyan sighs before hearing quick running down the hallway and her door busting open with two little Saiyans coming in. She laughs as Goten and Trunks tripped and landed on each other. The female helps the two up before squatting down and looking at the both of them as they smiled at her big.

"Now what on Earth has you two running around like two maniacs?" Mika blinks in surprise as Goten hugs her out of nowhere before smiling softly and holding the boy to her. "What's the matter, Goten? It hasn't been that long since I saw you, you know."

"I know, but how long will you be with Mr. Whis and Lord Beerus?" Goten looks up to the female with big puppy eyes that reminds her so much of his father. She chuckles.

"Not long hopefully. Two days at most, longer if I need to, just to finish up my training." Mika watched as Goten's facial expression changed from happy to sad. The young boy sniffles and whines as tears come to his eyes. Mika's eyes widen in surprise and panics as she hugs the boy tighter. She feels him tighten his little hands on her blue gi as she smiles lovingly and starts to stroke his wild hair gently. "I'll be back before you know it, Goten. I promise. Nothing in this world could keep me from you. I'm only one call away. I'll be there to save the day. Superman ain't got nothing on me. I'm only one call away." Mika holds his cheeks with her hands as Goten smiles slightly as he hears her sing. He sniffles and wipes his nose with his sleeve as he nods.
Mika stands up and grabs her bags, throwing them on her back as she gets escorted out by Goten. As she passes Trunks, she ruffles the boy's hair as he pouts before switching it into a smile. She grins at the boy before walking with him by her. As the female got lost in her thoughts, she realized more and more how attached Goten was to her and was entirely why she started living with Vegeta and Bulma. The female Saiyan frowns slightly as she remembers that day.

Mika was playing with Goten as Gohan, Videl and little Pan were visiting. Goku had ran out to go get some formula for the little girl as they had just ran out. Chi-Chi was in the kitchen making some lunch for all of them, her eye slightly twitching as she heard the laughter from both Mika, Goten and Gohan. Videl giggling at the dorkiness from her husband as she held Pan. Finally, Chi-Chi had enough and grabbed a vase to throw at Mika. The female Saiyan dodged it easily before looking at Chi-Chi with surprise.

"Gohan, take the others outside while I talk with Chi-Chi." Mika dodges another vase as she watches the other female. "What's wrong, Chi-Chi? You were never like this."


"What the hell is going on? Chi-Chi, this is uncalled for and you know it!"

"THIS BITCH IS A WHORE AND TRYING TO STEAL YOU FROM ME!" Chi-Chi grabs a nearby vase and hits Mika right on her head when she wasn't paying attention.

The female Saiyan grits her teeth before grabbing the only bag with her belongings before flying off to Capsule Corp. She could feel her blood boiling as she flew to her best friend's house. Landing on the large yard, she releases a ki-blast away from the house and city. She breathes heavily as she walks up to the door and knocks. She looks up when Bulma opens the door and looks at her with sympathy. The blunette ushers her in before Mika notices the surprised look on Vegeta's face.

"Mika? What are you doing here?" Vegeta blinks as he slightly furrows his eyebrows, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Got kicked out because apparently I am a 'whore' and 'trying to steal Goku and getting to close to her children'. Do I need say anything else? Oh! Can't forget the vases being thrown at me in front of Goten, Gohan, Videl and Pan. So yeah." Mika inhales deeply as she feels her temper starting to come back. Bulma hands the female a tall glass of White Sangria. The female Saiyan smiles softly at the blunette and takes the glass before taking a long drink from it. "Definitely needed this. Thank you, Bulma."

"No problem. You can stay here if you want. We have plenty of room and we just finished the housing building I've been talking about. Nothing is furnished so if you need a shopping spree, we can do it." Bulma links her arm with Mika's before looking to Vegeta as he lets out one of his true, gentle smiles.

"And I am more than willing to spar with you. I would love to have a sparring partner who can with-stand my training." Vegeta smirks as Mika grins big.

"Count me in. Let's go on that shopping spree, Bulma. Gonna need some paint, furniture and clothes."

Mika smiles slightly as she knew the day ended with a good memory. After the shopping spree with Bulma, the three of them ended up getting into a paint war before moving to the huge cinema room to watch spoofs and drink Sangrias. The female sits down on the ground as she waves at Goten and Trunks as they run off to go play. She could always rely on Vegeta. The man had basically been with her since they were toddlers. They got into so much trouble as teens that for a while she had to work gate duty and Vegeta got stuck doing the boring meetings. They always laugh at the silliness now. She hears soft footsteps behind her as she turns her head to see who it as and smiles softly. Whis smiles back in greeting before helping the woman to her feet.

"Are you ready?" Whis holds out his hand to her and keeps his smile as the female grabs his hand and nods. The blunette male tapped his staff and off they were to Lord Beerus' world.

Once arriving at the godly planet, Mika breaths in a breath of relief as she noticed Goku wasn't here. She needed to have time to herself and this was the best way she could do it besides her little grove back on Earth. The female Saiyan followed Whis to where Beerus was currently leaning back against his favorite tree. Mika smiles as she walks up to him, opening the bigger duffel bag and handing him a decent sized paper bag.

"What's this?" Beerus looks at the warrior as she hands Whis his as well before she looks back at the God.

"New foods as well as new candy. I know better to come here empty handed, Beerus. Besides it's my way of thanking you." Mika bows respectfully to Beerus, who in return has his eyes wide with surprise.

"You know you are more than welcomed here, Mika. The two Saiyan doofuses... Maybe not so much. You have nothing to prove besides.... what is this?" Beerus holds up a bottle of Pepsi with a confused look.

"That is an American drink, very popular. It's called soda. It's carbonated water with artificial flavoring as well as corn syrup. Try it. It's really good." Mika opens her own and takes a sip before watching Beerus take a drink of his before widening his eyes.

"THIS IS AMAZING! WHIS! YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS!" Beerus looks towards the blunette with excitement as the other male chuckles and smiles.

"Of course, my Lord."

Mika watched in fondness as Beerus and Whis bantered back and forth about the food or answered questions of either side. Once both were done, Mika and Whis started running through their drills as Beerus watched. This went on for a little while before Beerus stepped in and took over the training. As Mika continued to match Beerus hand-to-hand, he started to get slightly pissy. Sensing this, Mika started to back off a little before a ki blast hits her, knocking her back a few paces. This set the woman off. Automatically switching to Super Saiyan, the woman lets go of her signature move, Hell Fire, and hits Beerus before he could dodge out of the way. Mika goes after Beerus as both had lost their temper.

Whis watches silently before sighing after noticing Mika going Super Saiyan. The blunette knew then Beerus had pushed the woman too far before he noticed another ki-blast going off. He covers his face as dust and rocks fly towards him before quickly dashing out of the way when the two came too close to him. Whis looks down to find his clothes, dirtied.

"Wonderful. Washing clothes were not on my list of to-dos today. I think I need to call in reinforcements before this gets worse." Whis taps his staff and promptly speeds off to Earth.

Playing with Gods (Goku x OC!Mika)Where stories live. Discover now