Chapter 2

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Whis was just watching both Mika and Beerus going back and forth. Fully aware Mika going Super Saiyan, he knew that Beerus pissed her off then a ki blast going off again. Whis looked down at himself to find dirt and ashes all over him.

"They really need to stop pissing each other off." Whis sighs and vanishes to another area.


Feeling pissed off and sad, Goku flies to Capsule Corp after getting into an argument with Chi-Chi. He was just glad the kids weren't there to see it like the last time. Knowing he already needed to talk to Mika gave him an excuse to fly there anyways. Goku knows she still feels bad about their battle and him ending up hurt badly but it wasn't her fault. He pushed her buttons until she couldn't rein in her anger. Finally reaching Capsule Corp, he notices Bulma outside watching Trunks and Goten playing. He lands next to her and gives her a tired smile.

"Hey Goku. How are you?" Bulma knew her friend was in distress when Goku doesn't give his usual goofy smile.

"I'm alright. Know where Mika is?"

"She just left with Whis about a half an hour ago. Why? What's up?"

"Just wanted to talk with her."

Bulma was about to answer when she got called over. Excusing herself, the blunette leaves towards the house. Goku sighs and scratches his head. A half hour too late. Damnit. Feeling another ki beside him, Goku looks at Vegeta and nods at the Prince. Vegeta, catching the fact something is wrong, raises an eyebrow at the other Saiyan male.

"What's wrong Kakarot? Normally you're all smiles and laughs." The Prince found this weird and was surprisingly concerned.

"Me and Chi-Chi got into another fight. I hate it, Vegeta. I hate it. She somehow knew I was coming here to talk to Mika and blew up in my face about it. Throwing family pictures at me and more vases." Goku looks to the ground and sighs. Vegeta smiles a little.

Vegeta knew, besides Bulma, that the Saiyan male had fallen for Mika, his best friend for years. The male also knew that Mika needed a rock and Goku could be that rock, even if he was an idiot in his eyes. Vegeta knew both Saiyans deserved each other and he was alright with it. Feeling his wife's presence, Vegeta looks at Bulma in which in return he gets a soft smile from the female. He also notices a small back-pack in her hand in Goku's gi's colors. Nudging Goku slightly, the male finally lifts his head.

"Here, Goku." Bulma throws the bag at Goku and the Saiyan catches it with ease. Goku furrows his eyebrows at Bulma.

"What's this for?"

"I called Whis and he's coming back to get you. He should be here shortly. He was already on his way here to get you anyways."

Finally arriving on Earth, Whis was extremely dirty by now. He was covered from head to toe in dirt and ash. Brushing some of it off, he notices that Bulma, Goku and Vegeta was staring at him. Whis merely shrugs and walks over to them.

"What happened to you?" Vegeta raises his eyebrow again for the second time that day.

"Beerus jumped into the training and he continued to push Mika's buttons until she turned Super Saiyan. I hope they don't destroy the planet. Gods only know what kind of damage there is." Whis sighs and shakes his head.

"How badly injured is she?" Goku was extremely worried about the female Saiyan.

"Beerus has minor wounds and Mika? I'm pretty sure she has major wounds littered across her. She might need a sensu bean."

Instantly reacting, Goku searches his gi and finds a small pouch with a couple in there. Showing Whis the bag, Whis nods his head in approval.

"Let's head back before Mika kills herself." Whis raises an eyebrow. "Please?"

Whis smiles and nods. Grabbing Whis' hand and waves at Bulma and the others. Whis taps the ground with his staff and then they take off.

Please be okay, Mika. I'm coming.

Playing with Gods (Goku x OC!Mika)Where stories live. Discover now