Chapter 6

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Mika took the top of her gi off, scarred skin from her left shoulder to her left hip. Vegeta's eyes widen. His face fell as he saw tears start to fall down his best friend's cheeks. He grabs her gently and holds her to comfort her. Now he understood as to why she acted weird when Frieza was resurrected.

Little did the two Saiyans knew, Whis was standing on the other side of the door, listening to their conversation. The male frowned and sighed softly, walking away from the door.

"This is going to an issue and or a challenge for Goku."


Goku watched as Mika was meditating on the stone with candles around her. The female Saiyan was completely relaxed and a blue aura radiated around her. He had never seen her meditate before now. The male looked over to Vegeta who just shrugged his response. No use in asking questions but to just watch.

The two male Saiyans were relaxing in the water while Mika was sitting where she was with her eyes closed. Whis soon pops out of nowhere and pulls Goku away to speak with him. Vegeta gets out of the cooler water and into the hot tub type deal. Mika pops open an eye as she feels the presence of none other Beerus himself, who grunts his greeting as he sits beside her and begins meditating with her. Meanwhile, Whis stops and turns to look at Goku, who in return stops and looks at the male confused.

"You love her, don't you?" Whis watches Goku as the Saiyan's face goes completely red.

"I.. Well.. She.." Goku didn't know what came over him as he started to stutter for the first time in his life. He stops and looks at Whis.

"Let's try this again. Do you love Mika?" The older male watches Goku sigh and look back at him.


"What are you willing to do to achieve what you most certainly want as well as your kids?"

"Anything. I want someone who understands what I do is to keep us safe and not just for my own gain."

"Then let's get this started." Whis smiles as he holds his hand out to Goku. As soon as the Sayian grabbed his hand, they were off to Earth.

~Time Skip brought to you by Bubbles~

When Whis came back from dropping off Goku to Earth, he found that Mika was by herself still meditating. The blue aura around her was stronger and lighter. He slowly walked towards the female and sets a soft hand on her left shoulder. Mika opens her eyes and sighs.

"Hi Whis.."

"Mika.. You need to let go of the past." Mika's eyes narrow as she jumps to her feet and looks Whis directly in the eye.

"It's not as simple as you think it is... Especially with my past!"

Whis glares at the female. This is the source of her anger. He makes his first move. The male goes for a strike which Mika dodges easily. He'd strike, she'd dodge.

"Then stop running from the past!" He hit a nerve. Whis knew it when Mika went Super Saiyan one.

"You try having a father who thought nothing more of his daughter who was stronger than he was at that age! A mother who was in the ground because of her own spouse. Losing your only home to Frieza and losing your dignity to him! Cowering in fright in front of Goku! COWERING IN GENERAL! I HAVE LOST EVERYTHING THAT I LOVE DEARLY! EVERYTHING THAT KEPT ME SANE!" Mika starts striking back Whis. It's now been three hours since they had begun sparring. The female Saiyan was sweating bullets and tears were running down her face.

"Vegeta is all I have left... I lost what I had so close to me before pushing him away from me..." Mika collapses onto her knees, tears running down her cheeks in streams.

Whis stops and his eyes widen. She had just opened up to him. Not completely, but a start. He walks up to her and kneels in front of her.

"Mika, look at me love." He lifts her chin so she looks at him with lost eyes. "The past doesn't necessarily make you who you are, but what you do with your life now." Mika nods. She feels the older male press a kiss to her forehead. "Go rest, my dear. You need it."

The female Saiyan goes back to the bedroom. Opening the door slowly, she sees it's just Vegeta laying on his own bed. The Prince looks up at her and watches as she plops onto his bed and curls into him like when they were kids. His face saddens as he holds her close.

Come on, Mika. Be the strong woman I used to know when we were kids. Be you for once.

Playing with Gods (Goku x OC!Mika)Where stories live. Discover now