First year: Train I

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Harry had arranged to meet the Malfoys to meet him on platform nine three-quarters, at ten fifty, since the train left at eleven, so he got up at nine, went into his trunk and let Foaz slip around, while he took a bath with hot water and washed his hair with jasmine shampoo, he put on black underwear, sweet but strong cologne, black pants, not too loose, not too tight, a white button-down shirt in gold, a black cape with his Potter and Volant crest, and white slippers. In his normal trunk he put the Hogwarts robes, a snich he had bought, his official wand and a few galleons, while, in his trunk of things he had put the materials, school books, his shrunken private trunk, where he had put his Dioi owl and Foaz, and, in his hand, he carried his backpack, where he had, his custom wand, some books on dark arts, another on poisons, the Gringotts bag to take out galleons, and a bottle of water.

He got out of the bathroom and shrunk the private trunk and put it away later, he saw the time, it was nine forty, so he went downstairs, he made himself a coffee and some toast with honey, a quiet breakfast while he read a little about poisons, the clock from the kitchen rang, indicating that it was ten o'clock. With his Knocturn wand he conjured a mop and everything he used was washed automatically, with magic he also made breakfast for his uncles: Coffee with milk, strawberry tea and pancakes with honey, he put the cups, plates, glasses and cutlery, I put a letter on Petunia's plate.

Aunt Petunia, I'm leaving, I was emancipated, I left them breakfast and I hope they have a good life, I leave them about thirty pounds for their last years being not so bad.

Harry Potter Volant.

He put down his things with him, including the ticket, relaxed his magic and went out, feeling truly free, took a deep breath and took a few pounds and called a taxi to Kings Cross, loaded him with his trunks and took advantage of to get some sleep, and hopefully , woke up shortly before arriving and, once the car stopped, I paid the man seven pounds leaving him the tip, and, after grabbing his suitcases, he walked until he collided with a lady, who was dressed quite extravagantly, wearing a pompous blue dress with a kind of white fur scarf.

— Excuse me, could you tell me the time?— He asked putting his best smiling boy face

— It's ten forty-five — she said and, after thanking her, he quickened his pace until he found a cart, in which he loaded his things and walked to beams nine and ten, and, once he had located them, he ran and went through.

Harry trembled, he could feel the magic pulsing and touching him, enveloping him, brushing him, pushing him and caressing him. The colors and textures invaded him again, so he had to count to ten and take a deep breath, before moving forward, but even so, he started to get dizzy, he checked the time, ten forty-seven, he prepared to go further quickly, and managed to make out, in one of the nearby columns, a group of blond heads, so without thinking, he went there.

— Harry!— Draco yelled and ran to meet him, kissing his cheek and hugging him he felt him breathe deeply into his neck and blushed slightly.

— Hello to you too Draco— he greeted and patted his back with a half-smile, unaccustomed to the contact, so every time he hugged him Harry was left without knowing what to do, how to react... The blonde's mother walked up to the dark-haired and she kissed both of the younger's cheeks and smiled, the train whistle blew and Draco smirked, while Harry remained with his best stoic face.

— Goodbye mother, goodbye father— greeted the blond with a nod, since he was a child he had been taught not to kiss and hug his parents in public.

— Lucius, Cissa— Harry put his left foot back again and bowed and then kissed the back of the matriarch's hand.

— Bye boys, take care and be good, Draco don't forget to write to us and Harry can do it if you want— Lucius informed, and they both took their bags and got on the train.

And, to their annoyance, they had to walk a lot, until they found an empty compartment, which was almost at the end of the train, so they arranged their suitcases and Harry stayed with his backpack in his hands, the blonde sat next to him doing frowning at the jet, that boy would be a good ally, but he needed to learn life lessons and stop being so... Capricious perhaps, but was it really necessary for him to sit next to him? The green-eyed man wondered. Malfoy seemed to notice some discomfort in his friend Harry and not wanting him to get angry, he moved his seat, facing him.

Potter took out a light book on poisons and antidotes and was about to read when his new "friend" interrupted him, he mustered his self-control not to put on his worst face and instead looked at him, the poor boy was blushing.

— I ... uh ... I was wondering if I can read with you? Or if you have any other?— the blond questioned, and Harry handed him a book entitled The Latest Dark Curses Created by Women and they both fell into reading.

At about twelve o'clock, or a little later, the woman with the cart passed by.

— Would they like something precious?— She asked and they both nodded taking out their galleons.

— A box of sprinkles, a bottle of pumpkin juice, two chocolate frogs and a cauldron cake— Draco asked in a serious tone, the woman handed him the things and he paid.

— A box of mint figures, a chocolate wand and mint chocolates— asked Harry, the woman passed it to him and he gave her the galleons, to which she left and they both continued reading

— Looks like you really fancy mint— Draco said, and he nodded, so the blonde boy handed him one of the two frogs with a smile and after eating it he took a sip of juice, Harry ate his mint figurines and continued reading, until they were interrupted by the door, which had been slammed open.

— Hello there! I'm Ron Weasley. Is it okay if I stay here? There is no more place— he asked, only looking at Harry, who thought, that he should see if he was smart and if it was worth it, if he saw that it was not, he would make him go ...

— Sure— Harry replied, without looking up from the book, the new member dropped by his side while he ate bean sprouts.

— What are you reading? Those aren't from school— Weasley spoke, "It's starting to get a little infuriating" Harry thought as he read.

— Poisons— Harry said, at the same time that Draco replied "Dark Spells", to which Weasley shrugged and continued eating.

— Didn't you bring animals?— He asked but was universally ignored by the boys. —I brought my rat, it's a bit old though— he mocked, and after several minutes of silence he spoke again.

— What house do you want to meet? I'll be from Gryffindor, Oh! What a lack of manners of mine! What are your names?— he inquired.

— Draco Malfoy— the blond said without looking away from the captivating book that Harry had given him. Those women were truly geniuses! He wondered if Potter had already read that book... "Shoana Shakerbolt had invented a spell called Dark Rolod no less than a hundred years ago, which begins as a slight discomfort in the stomach, the opponent thinks that it is only a pain, but begins to prick and get stronger, the organs are punctured by thousands of needles slowly and until the affected person faints, if the bleeding from the mouth is already dead (there is a margin of seven minutes until this happens) the counter spell is simple On Rolod (No pain)" Harry's voice brought him to reality, although, he thought he should inform him about this spell.

— Harry Potter Vol— Harry stopped because he felt a change in the atmosphere, and when he looked up he saw Draco's wake was moving and turned lime green, he could feel the tingling on his skin and smiled

— Oh my! You are Harry Potter! What are you doing hanging out with a Malfoy?! They say they served the Dark Wizard, the one who gave you that scar!— the freckled yelled and Potter closed the book with a loud crash.

— My name, is Harry Potter Volant, and you are being very rude and rude, so go away— ordered the green-eyed boy, groping for his wand

— You are one of them! You're also dark— the boy screamed and then ran off, leaving peace and silence in the compartment, silence, thanks to which, the two boys fell asleep, with the books on their lap, but were awakened by a voice a few hours later, and they saw that it was almost night.

We are about to arrive, please put on your robes— the voice spoke and they both changed right there, after all, they were both boys. 

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