A soup

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Everyone was too surprised by Harry's potential and abilities, all but Draco, who was proud of his leader.

— Ours will be left for tomorrow— said Tom, with a wink directed exclusively at the green-eyed man, who felt that his face was suddenly hot, nodded in greeting, still feeling the heat on his face, and then went up to his room followed by Draco.

Leaving the older ones looking at each other, visibly astonished, not only by their abilities, but by the way he had enjoyed subduing Bellatrix, the way he had unconsciously smiled upon hearing her screams of pain, pain caused by the

— Good night Harry— said the blonde, still sorry for the way he had yelled at him that he was crazy.

— Good night Malfoy— Harry hadn't forgotten the way Draco had yelled at him either, but he couldn't think anymore, because he fell asleep. Completely oblivious to the attack of anger that Tom Riddle was having when he saw the closeness that Draco had with Harry, since using a disillusioning spell he had sneaked into the room because something inside him told him that he should do it, so, after see that, he left without knocking on the door, but hit the one to his room

But the anger was the product of not knowing why he was angry. Harry was a boy of almost thirteen! But then he remembered those beautiful emeralds, and he remembered Lily Evans... He was upset that they weren't there for him, to advise him at this stage, where he would start hanging out with girls... Because part of Harry growing up without parents was his fault, just as he had lost some friends, who died thinking that he was guilty. The anger of seeing how Harry was going to go through the confusion of adolescence and falling in love alone, just as he had had to go through... had it not been for the advice of Lucius and Mulciber, they would have been the ones who had explained about the most embarrassing things and the talk your mother or father is supposed to give you.

But he had no one and they had explained to him about condoms and women, but the talk had been diverted when he had explained that he did not dream of girls or their cleavage, but that he dreamed of other men. They had only laughed, and told him that there was nothing wrong with being homosexual and that in fact in the magical world he was not so frowned upon, they would have joked, making him feel safe, since, deep down, he had feared that they would hate him, or turn away from him for... that. And he was sure that Harry knew those things, he could swear he had read them in a book, but that was not the same as feeling encouraged, loved, or supported, hence the anger, frustration, helplessness, guilt... Or so Tom Riddle believed.


The blue-eyed man woke up the next morning to a peck at his window, which he appreciated, since if he had not forgotten to wake up, and, if he had fallen asleep, he would have missed the duel with Harry, so he rushed to get dressed and open the window, to let in the bird, which had a Gringotts envelope in its beak, he took it and the bird flew away, however, a headache invaded him as soon as he opened the envelope. He had a chill and put on a coat, then read the letter.

Dear Lord Tom Marvolo Riddle-Gaunt,

We want to inform you that we have managed to find your destined partner, this information may be complicated to process, since you are thirty-three years old, and, there are things that you do not fully understand, and you will never be able to, because magic works in ways that even sometimes we elves ourselves are unaware, but the thing is, your destined mate has just entered pre-adolescence, so your creature heritage has just started the awakening process, which means you must be close to turn thirteen. As you well know, your vampiric heritage by ancestral commitment Gaunt has its effects on you, and the first time he came we explained what a destined couple was, this young man has a vampiric heritage, yes, of which generations are skipped, and he fell into this young man, yes, I do not know if it will be fortune or horror, but he is a man, he currently has a marked residence in Hogsmeade, emancipated, heir to several Noble and Ancestral houses, his destined partner is Harry James Potter Volant

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