I love you

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The mercury eyes were crying. Honey eyes were crying. The gray eyes were crying.

Two sides were crying for different reasons, the sky was dark, nature seemed to perceive that the magical world had lost an Angel, a being of light, but a light so blinding that it became dark ... The white roses rested in the cold marble, everyone looked at him with empty eyes, not believing the events.

— I remember him well, yes, an honorable person, always ready to help his loved ones, even if he didn't seem like it, with his elegant walk, his aristocratic bearing, he would not want us to cry, he would want revenge, blood, and for us to move on, therefore, his memory must be honored— Severus wiped the treacherous tear that ran down his cheek when he was invaded by memories —I still remember the day I met him, yes, a full-fledged Slytherin, cunning, visionary, intelligent, and with an insatiable thirst for power. Today we say goodbye to a friend, one who fought to the end, dying for his cause, and with honor from him— Snape raised his wand to the sky with a sad smile.

— A man without equal, one who was simply incredible, but I am afraid that this world was very little for someone like him, and he did not appreciate it, but even so he fought to make this society a better one, with honor— Lucius spoke , he raised his wand in imitation of Snape, then sat down again

— He did not speak much, he was reserved, he was a true Angel, a being from another world, at first, I was not interested in meeting him, but father told me about him, and our f-first meeting will always live in my memory. He was a being that had formed a hard shell to avoid being hurt, but when he opened us, and allowed us to enter, we saw a true golden man, who ca-cared for his own, with a wonderful mind, who now lives i-in us. A man who created his empire without the n-need for v-v-violence... Excuse m-me— Draco got out, sobbing, and then raised his wand, a gesture that everyone imitated, all wands pointing to the sky conjuring the enchantment of darkness, and this was done, leaving the white marble shining, illuminated by the white candles that rested on it, along with the roses.

And after the condolences, the people went away little by little, leaving one last person alone, looking at the tombstone.

Two words. Two tears One Love.

He had been an idiot for rushing into the act without evidence, and the only thing that made him feel a little less bad was that Albus Dumbledore had been brutally tortured and murdered. His love had died because of him, slowly and agonizingly, in front of his eyes, so he sobbed even more...

One wand. One spell. One life. His love had seen him fall at her feet that day, while he had tried to save her life, he had tried to save his. He remembered closing his eyes, waiting for the inevitable, but then he had seen it, and he had wanted to protect it ... He had seen life leave those eyes so beautiful ... those eyes that had driven him crazy from the first day they He had seen, as well as he had been able to feel the pulse leave his body ... And he remembered crying, although he never did because he knew that crying did not solve things, so it seemed really stupid to cry for something like that. Something like death, after all crying was not going to bring him back. Why cry for something that has no solution? But now nothing mattered ... Everything could go to hell. The logistics, the Arithmancy, the Runes, the options, the aristocracy, everything could be screwed up. Because the pain was so strong that he was willing to kill whoever it was, just to have him by his side again, that could dream selfishly, but he was a Slytherin after all, and whenever he had wanted something he had had it. And that was why he cried, because he had always gotten the means to get the end of him, like a good snake, but this time there was nothing to do. He was dead.

But he didn't want to, no, he needed to feel his kisses on his neck, his hugs, hear his screams, his complaints, touch his body, he needed him next to him. He wanted to be able to be certain that when he returned to his room he would be waiting for him, that even if he were asleep, he would be there ... At times he thought it was a joke, and that he would come out of the shower with the towel sensually tied to the waist as always, and she would kiss him, tell him it had been the best joke, that she would high-five and make love ... But it wouldn't be like that, because she had died in front of him, and he had cried on her face.

Blue eyes lifted and stared at the tombstone. Two words and a name.

"I love you, Harry Potter," he read aloud.

"Me too love, me too" he answered himself, oblivious to the presence behind him, who was watching him with green eyes ...


Time passed, and just as he had promised, Tom had become Minister for Magic, for his Harry, he had changed the laws, making new, to detach himself from the Muggle world, for Harry, Tom had changed the Hogwarts syllabus to one with grayer focus, by Harry, had opened a magical orphanage, by Harry. He could not leave him behind, nor did he want to, nor did he know how, because all he needed in this world, was his Harry, the owner of his heart, which felt heavy every time he heard his name being pronounced as another name. Like another person, when he was much more than that, he was the love of her life, her partner, her partner, her everything.

That was why, four months later, and with the wound still fresh, he wrote the letter:

I'm sorry to have to leave you all, but I can't live like this anymore, I can't do it, not without love, without my love, the day I saw him leave, a part of me went with him, my happiness, part of my soul went away Taken this day four long months ago Harry James Potter Volant, is, was and will be the only love of my life and owner of my heart, and they can criticize our relationship when I'm gone, they can say that I was older, and that it was illegal, and all the stupid things that they want, because I don't care, nothing matters anymore. Because you have no idea what these months were, every day my heart ached, and it broke a little more knowing that it was no joke, and it hurts knowing that he is gone. And maybe I am being cowardly and selfish, for making the decision that I am making ... but after all I am, and will always be a snake, since he was always the lion. I am not brave, I am not capable of living in a world in which I do not see those green eyes, and I am challenging his desire, since he once told me that if I died, that he wanted me to live for him, to fall in love again, travel, smile and scream ... but I can't even drink water without thinking of Harry. So today I write this with a smile, knowing that I fulfilled many of his goals, and although I will abandon them, I do not want them to cry for me, because I am already happy. Cry to the living, do not waste time crying the dead, I already lost too much in that ...

Tom Marvolo Riddle, Minister for Magic

He sighed and left it on his desk, the other copies he sent to Sirius, Lucius and Snape, he knew they would be angry and hurt, because he was being a coward, but he couldn't live feeling like a part of his soul was missing. He adjusted his tie, and looked at the crowd from above, everyone was waiting for Minister Riddle's important speech, today, four months after the death of Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived.

— I love you— he whispered to the wind again, and perhaps, it was his lack of sleep, or of sanity, but he could swear that someone was blowing in his ear I love you, and he was enveloped in that aroma that he used to feel when he was at his side, books, mint and cold. Harry, his Harry his, so I put his wand on his chest and said

— Avada Kedavra— the green light touched his chest and fell, from, like dead weight, from the top of the roof of the Ministry.

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