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Harry couldn't care less about the tournament, much less who the champions were, in fact he had only attended the selection ceremony only out of courtesy and because his manners prevented him from missing such an event. Unfortunately, of the majority of the beautiful Beauxbatons students they were just that, beautiful, the only one worth rescuing, was Fleur Delacour, a young woman who could think for herself, whose thinking was totally rational, the others were only body, while That she couldn't be less interested in the boys, but in going to the library to read, so she could prepare for the tests, and in fact, she went so often that Harry had been lucky enough to cross a few words with her. While the Durmstrang students were a bit smarter about the white and dark magic divisions, they, like Harry, considered this to be a stupid thing the size of Merlin's castle, but sadly they were too weak, and, Although they did serve to continue, they needed to be given orders constantly, and that bored the green-eyed person, since their people, they could make decisions on their own, knowing which were the right ones, the wrong ones, which ones were going to be to their liking and which ones no, besides, he had neither the time nor the desire to instruct people from scratch to explain his complex way of thinking... Very complex way of thinking...

But until now, the best thing had been the fact of having been able to see, first hand, the fury reflected in the blue eyes that were hidden behind the crescent-shaped glasses of their director, nobody else, except him, and Professor Moody seemed Noticing the sparkle in Dumbledore's eyes, and indeed the professor had winked at him. And that was what had Harry in that mood, the fact that Tom had reported incapable due to a work trip and would not return until the end of the Triwizard Tournament, I mean, that he would not return until his fifth year. He would never admit it, he preferred thousands of Crucios before admitting that he missed his teacher and that he needed his company, and he wondered if Tom missed him. Because he did miss his jokes, comments, winks, his voice and the way he scratched his head. He was one of the few people who were allowed to touch him, the only one really, since his followers did not do it unless it was not necessary ... But he had not realized how much he needed it, and that had made him angry. He had already accepted that he was in love with Tom! But he couldn't depend on Tom like that! He was not a little boy! It bothered him deeply to need so much of a person, when he had been able to live by himself for a long time, he did not need anyone, moreover they were all replaceable, and sooner or later they would die, or abandon him. And the worst thing was that he did not know why his body reacted that way to Tom, and it bothered him not to know what was happening, because Harry knew that when he did not know something, he had no control, nor the power over the situation or person, not to mention, he found it pathetic to need the blue-eyed man's arrest. But he was going to make sure Tom needed him, when he got back he was going to make sure he wanted to be with him.


But what Harry didn't know was that as time went on, Tom's desire to be with him increased, he missed his Harry so much, and he hated that he had to go to his mansion during the tournament, but he had a lot to plan, and , to take care of his Harry, he had put Barty, because he could not be in two places at the same time ... He had to put together the strategies to trap the Order, the way to expose the old man in front of society and then kill him, to later assume as Minister of Magic, of course the last one would be difficult with Harry as a competitor ... An owl that he knew well interrupted his thoughts, took the letter and read.


The Order of the Phoenix will be using my house as a barracks, for the Fidelio matter, yesterday I got Dumbledore's owl asking me to connect the chimney, we will have to write to each other less frequently and with code names. Believe me I didn't want to accept, but Remus convinced me that it was a good idea, it's like going back to the old days, when we spy from the inside ...

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