Desperate request

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The order of the Phoenix was gathered in the barracks, they were worried, because Voldemort and his Death Eaters were not giving up, they had attacked and burned many houses and magical forests, however what surprised Albus was that they had not murdered any Muggle, the He maintained that it was a strategy to mislead them, because, in fact, they had written down the coordinates of the attacks on a parchment, to review the areas and there was nothing, no mansion, no type of magic signature, they had even looked for signs of some Fidelio spell! ! But they had found nothing, and that led them to assume that the commotion and the attacks meant that they would move Harry, if they had not already done so... Although of course those were mere conjectures, because none had proof, not even Dumbledore he was one hundred percent sure of the state in which his golden child was.


Harry was in... he didn't really know exactly, he was in what looked like some kind of abandoned cabin, which they had reached via porter

Director, Sirius, someone ...

Please help me, I managed to find this scroll among some old drawers. Voldemort has been torturing me, he used the Cruciatus curse, some more that I do not know, and he barely gives me water, he has me sleeping on the floor, on a straw moment, like an animal, the room has no windows, I do not know how much time has passed. But I'm scared, my body hurts and I don't know how long I can hold out, please don't leave me ...


The green-eyed boy finished reading the letter, and moistened his fingers, sprinkled a couple of drops, with the idea that they might pass for tears, he handed it to Tom, who after reading it smiled.

— You really did shine with the crooked calligraphy, and that of the watermarks like false tears, you are a little genius, but now I need you to pee a bit in the room and leave a little blood on the floor or the walls— asked Tom, to what the minor raised the eyebrow.

— You are not gonna leave?— Harry asked.

— Are you ashamed?— Riddle smiled.

— I'm beginning to believe that, or you're a pervert, or you desire me— the minor scoffed, there was a silence, Tom clicked his tongue and left the room, to which the jet smiled, he had won, so he got ready to do what Tom had asked.

When Harry finished, he went out and saw Tom sitting on a log, a malicious smile was drawn on his face, as he approached, taking care not to make noise, with the idea of ​​scaring him, but the blue-eyed already knew that Harry was behind him, so he was the one who scared the child with a scream, so Harry stumbled back, closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the impact but was caught by the blue-eyed arms.

— Are you always going to be there to save me?— Harry complained, and the older one approached his ear.

— Always— he whispered, giving the shorter one a shudder, who struggled to maintain a neutral expression, while he appreciated Tom ...

— Appreciating the view eh? So you do like boys?— He asked sarcastically despite knowing the answer, and the green-eyed man saw his opportunity to advance on the field, to get closer to his prize, to win

— Why the interest Tom? Looking for a boyfriend?— he returned the lowest mocking one, Riddle looked him up and down, raised his hand, and then passed his thumb slowly over Harry's lower lip, so the youngest approached him so that their breaths collided, if Riddle played, he would win.

— I think, it's obvious— he said with a wink, and Harry's heart skipped a beat, although he didn't allow his face to show any emotion.

— The only obvious thing here is that you desire me— Harry commented casually, making Tom snort, with an amused grin on his face.

— You do know that you are older than me right?— the shortest sneered.

— I don't think that matters to you... or at least it seemed not to matter to you the other day in the living room of my mansion, or when you slept with me at the Malfoy's place, on holydays— the blue-eyed smirked.

— Try me— Harry prompted, with a grin

— Don't play with fire— Tom warned, although he said that more for himself than for the minor.

— You're scared— Potter scoffed.

— No, but you're gonna to desire more once you try— returned the tallest, although he tried to convince himself more than the jet ...

— I would challenge you... but you wouldn't dare— the minor threatened, and Tom was really going to answer, but their flirtation was interrupted by an owl, to which Harry gave the letter, but it was in that split second that he was distracted, so Tom held Harry's cheeks and kissed the corner of his lips.

— You're the one who doesn't dare— he replied, licking his lips with a sly smile.

But Harry grabbed him by the neck and kissed him, he had never kissed someone, but he had seen the couples in the common room and had read a lot... So he twirled his tongue around the blue-eyed one, biting his lip, making him moan into the kiss, but obviously and sadly, Tom had more experience, so he ended up guiding the kiss, with a hand on Harry's waist, the other on his cheek, while both of the younger's hands rested on Tom's chest, magic flowing between them like electricity. Until they had to separate due to the lack of air, and they looked at each other flushed, they were still attached, so they could both feel each other's erections

— Harry... I-I'm so sorry, no... y-you... y-you're right, I-I'm way too old... Th-this shouldn't have h-happened— Tom felt bad. "Not yet," he murmured under his breath.

— I wanted it that way, b-but we can forget it if you wish— Harry murmured, without expression, trying not to cry

— No! I... Just wait until you are sixteen, I-I know it's not long, but I need you to wait, I-I can't... please— Tom asked with a sad smile.

— Fuck you—Harry said, obviously annoyed, his vision slightly clouded by the tears that threatened to come out.

— I promise, that you'll be the only one— he affirmed "You already are" Tom murmured, kissing the back of the green-eyed's hand, who blushed but said nothing, without having any, nor the slightest idea of ​​the promise they had just made...


Molly was talking to Arthur in the barracks kitchen, when an owl came through the window puzzling everyone, however, it was Sirius who took it, and screamed as he opened the envelope.

Director, Sirius, someone ...

Please help me, I managed to find this scroll among some old drawers. Voldemort has been torturing me, he used the Cruciatus curse, some more that I do not know, and he barely gives me water, he has me sleeping on the floor, on a straw moment, like an animal, the room has no windows, I do not know how much time has passed. But I'm scared, my body hurts and I don't know how long I can hold out, please don't leave me...


Sirius finished reading it crying.

— T-the ink is all run, my poor puppy has been crying! It even has s-blood on the edges! — Sirius said while crying

— We must track down the magical signature, and the owl!— Dumbledore yelled and they all ran off in search of Harry.

Who was having a "duel" with Tom so that his magical signature would scatter across the terrain, but it was not the same as before, now they were on a snowy mountain. So they spent the next week, leaving their signature and blood on different properties, one further away from the other, with the aim of distracting the Order, and, to the misfortune of the minor, they did not talk about the kiss or anything else, which he had somewhat angry. Was Tom playing with him? Why didn't they talk about what had happened? Did he regret it? Or was he afraid to kiss him again?

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