The astonomy tower

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Albus Dumbledore smiled with pleasure in his office as he ate a lemon candy, since his plan was going smoothly, well not entirely because Potter had not yet approached him, but his behavior left much to be desired... And that was a good excuse to bring him to his office, in order to question him. He applauded the air, an invisible audience for his genius, after all, the potion brought oblivion as a side effect ... so Burke would never know what he had done, besides with Potter's way of being he would only drive him away without give him the option to speak.


Harry was walking along with Draco, reluctantly, the blonde turned out to be skilled in Legremency and had seen what his master had done with the pills, so he had called a meeting with the others, however he had chosen not to reveal the truth, only He said he had seen him get attacked by some Gryffindors, and they didn't need more to agree to take turns walking with him. And today it was the turn of the Malfoy heir, and now it was nine o'clock a few minutes ago, they had eaten a while ago, but the jet needed to clear up, and to do so he used to wander the corridors ... Of course the green-eyed man knew what was happening so that they were accompanying him, a part of him was grateful to Draco for not telling the truth, not wanting to appear weak, but the other detested them, so much that he wanted to give them a good Crucio ...

— Look ... Are you with your little pet?— McGrey mocked, a Gryffindor of the same year, they ignored him and continued with their walk, but the unhappy idiot was determined to bother.

— Oi, come here Potter! I heard you like boys to put the Quaffle on you— the Gryffindor scoffed, trying to say that Harry was gay —Answer me! —he demanded jumping on him, but he was thrown against the wall before he even had a chance to touch him

— Malfoy!— McGonagall yelled, and Harry tried to explain what happened, but she took Draco and McGrey to punishment, so he sighed, heading for their common room, but a paper crane landed in his hands.

The Astronomy tower in two hours is important. D.M

He wondered if it could be important enough to Draco to meet him there so late, but he shrugged and put the crane in his pocket. However, he was another person who was smiling victoriously behind the column, he knew that the thing would not be easy and that he was probably going to have to cast various spells and curses to make her stay next to him in the tower.


Harry was thinking, he was still mulling over the matter of the lesser Malfoy ... What could be important enough for him to quote him in private? It could be something embarrassing, or something about his family, an event he was supposed to attend, a betrothal to someone, maybe ... he had valuable information about some Voldemort tactic or plan ... Worse! Perhaps his father had given Draco's loyalty to that man and he should take the mark! Or maybe he just needed help or advice and was embarrassed to ask, which was why he had quoted him in private.

He got on the scale while he thought and checked the obvious, sigh as he removed the glamor, he had gone from weighing fifty-six to fifty-one kilos, his muscles were less defined due to lack of training, and he did not have the strength to training, that is, he fell asleep and even if he slept eight hours he was still sleepy, all he did was drink water, soup, whiskey, coffee, some fruit, smoothies, puree, and hopefully a nutritious potion ... Now he was trying to reincorporate things to his "diet" things like jelly, bread and custard, but the dark circles and the deposits on his cheeks remained, so he put on the glamor again and took a potion of strength, immediately he smashed the glass against the floor, full of anger. He didn't have to be like this! Riddle was an idiot and there were thousands of people who wanted him! He would go half Hogwarts if necessary, but he would forget it, after all it had been Riddle who had let him go, he had done nothing wrong! So he put on the Slytherin robe, and then went downstairs to report that he was going out to meet Draco, that they had business to discuss.

— What a nice master I have the pleasure to have— Abbott gave him a wink and he rolled his eyes, he was like that, he flirted with everything that walked, and he was not going to reprimand him because he knew they were empty comments and that Abbott respected him, he just smiled sideways and left From the dungeons to the Astronomy tower, walking at a normal pace, thinking about what Malfoy had to say to him, he began to get anxious and impatient, so he accelerated the pace, until he arrived. And when he finally did he could see a silhouette on the railing, he hugged himself, trembling.

— Come on Malfoy, talk its cold— he said, noticing that he didn't have his wand with him, but he was soon wrapped up in the heat of the heating spell, as he got closer to the railing he could notice that the figure stretched... Where is your wake Draco? Thought the green-eyed

— We have to talk— said the voice and he clenched his fists, immediately he prepared to return, but the blue ray touched him and he was immobilized up to the neck.

— What does Professor Burke need? They are not hours nor place to quote a student— he spoke without emotions, but with clenched teeth of fury.

— Don't call me that, and it's not what you think— said the older one.

— That's your name sir, and I don't know what he's talking about— Harry pretended not to understand, he did not wanted to have this conversation... He did not wanted to see him... Not after the damage he had caused him...

You do know, emerald, what happened in my office, th-that wasn't me ... and I don't even remember, I-I only know b-because I saw your mind, I think I was u-under a hatred filter or potion, or something similar—Riddle explained, looking Harry in the eye.

— A professional liar— Harry sighed with a sarcastic smile.

— I love you Harry, I really do, I spent five years of my life taking care of you, give me a reason why I would hate you from one day to the next for no reason. It doesn't make sense! Or what was that kiss? Because for me, it did mean something, you, you mean everything— the words came out of Tom's mouth without knowing how or why

— Y-you are lying— the minor accused him. Tell me it's true, he thought.

— I do not lie! I would never say that you are a hindrance, because you are not. Your parents ... you and I know the reason and the culprit of their death, and they did it because they loved you so much that they were willing to give their life so that you could have yours and be happy, besides, you are far from being horribly pathetic, You are the most intelligent and beautiful boy that I saw in my life Harry, I would die so that you could be happy, even if it implies that someone else loved you— he murmured

— Tom— Harry smirked, Riddle removed the spell and walked over to the youngest.

— I ... I got carried away, and acted l-like a stupid Gryffindor, I-I had attitudes that I shouldn't have had, I acted like a baby, I should have talked to you, but I was too sad and hurt to do it— Harry commented annoyed.

Tom took his student's cheek and placed a chaste kiss on his lips, the youngest frowning.

— Are you putting yourself mysterious to take me to bed? — Harry asked, laughing but half asking, since a part of him was eager to sleep with Tom

— Oh ... I don't need a mystery and you know it," whispered the older one, passing a finger over his chest.

— We still have a lot to talk about," said Harry annoyed, crossed his arms.

— I know, and that day... you know... what happened in my office... er... I had called you with the idea of explaining and answering all your questions— Tom assured 

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