Barty Crouch Jr. I

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It seemed really stupid to Harry that a tournament that had stopped taking place years ago, due to the number of deaths, would suddenly start celebrating this year without any explanation, so he assumed that, like the other stupid things that happened in the school, it was the fault of its headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Just as he also assumed that some idiot was going to try to put him into the stupid tournament, so he tried to keep as much company with the teachers of his followers as possible, so that no one will think that he had slipped away and put his name on that stupid Chalice, he seemed silly, he had no motives, after all, he did not have to prove anything to anyone, he knew very well how powerful he was. Join a stupid tournament to win a bag with only a thousand galleons! It had more than ten full vaults.


What struck Barty Crouch Junior, however, really curious about his master's plan, was that instead of trying to get Potter into the tournament, he had been tasked with protecting him, and preventing someone from putting his name on it. the chalice. He wasn't going to question his lord, but he didn't quite understand it! Wasn't Potter supposed to die ?! So he had steeled himself and asked why he shouldn't try to harm Potter, to which his lord simply told him that he was not the hero everyone was waiting for, and that when he grew up he would it would be a great ally. Which had surprised Barty more than he could imagine. He was supposed to be the golden boy! Not that he should save the magical world? However, his surprise was greater when he found out that Potter was in Slytherin.

— He must know who I am?— Barty questioned.

— Do not worry Crouch, he will discover it himself, eventually, he is a very special boy ... however, if you decide to tell him from the beginning, there is no problem, although I am sure that he will not take very well the matter of being protected — his lord laughed

— The only thing that is strictly forbidden is that you tell him my real name, he can't know it, not yet— he explained, and Crouch, after a bow, was gone.

— I'm very sure that a letter from the little boy would come to me insulting me, he doesn't like to be taken care of— Tom said to himself, in the silence of his mansion and then he smiled. His Harry was going to be very upset.


Harry was furious. Oh, and yes he was, in a week the other two schools would arrive to participate in the Triwizard tournament, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. But it's not that he was furious about it, both schools seemed great to him, in fact when Foaz had told him about the magical world he had also told him about the different schools and he had considered Durmstrang as an option, since they had no problem with black magic, but fostered it and aided wizards with dark cores. But that was not the point either, the point was that one of his beloved teachers had been entrusted with the task of protecting him, and to be more precise we talked about the former Auror Alastor Moody, who was not actually Alastor Moody, but Barty Crouch Junior, under the famous polyjuice potion and it hadn't taken Harry long to realize that the former Auror was not him, first, because he had seen his stele, and, not only did it not fit that a man like him should have it, but It was fuzzy, it had two colors, and when he had called him to his office Harry had been the first to speak, demanding the truth, asking him who the hell he was, what he was doing at school, and most importantly, what had happened to him the real Alastor Moody. And the man in front of him had only smiled, remaining in a deep silence waiting for the effects of the potion to wear off, transforming into who he truly was, and then telling him his name, surname and what his mission was at school. That was why he was really furious ... why he slapped the door and left there

For what stupid reason, Voldemort would send one of his most loyal Death Eaters to protect a fourteen-year-old boy ?! And in second place. Who the hell did he think he was ?! He wasn't a pathetic Gryffindor! He could defend himself perfectly on his own, and that half Hogwarts could tell him, he was an exceptional student and someone you had to mess with, unless you wanted a direct ticket to the infirmary or St. Mungo's ... That was why he had gone to the Room of Requirement , with the idea that it needed to download; and when he entered it, he saw that rag dolls had appeared, the same ones they use for training, marksmanship targets and a lot of other things, which he broke very easily; with the same ease with which they reappeared. That's how he spent two hours in the living room, destroying and burning things, until he decided that he needed to go back to his bedroom, where after a good shower he lay down to think, Did Voldemort see him as a little boy who needed protection? It seemed something really stupid to him, although it was true that he had not been the one who had murdered his parents... Was he to blame because they had died and he had not done anything? Well, they didn't need his guilt or his grief! He could grab them to shove them where they fit! He was a boy perfectly capable of defending himself, and in fact, he was so furious that he did not even think, when he took the parchment, the pen and sent the letter he had written to him, and then fell exhausted on the bed, trying to clear his mind, since, he really needed to rest, and if he kept thinking about it, he would not be able to


What the hell are you trying to do by putting the idiot of Crouch Junior to take care of me? You think I need a fucking babysitter?! I know it wasn't your fucking responsibility that they died, so roll up your Death Eater and shove him up your ass. I can take care of myself! However, and luckily I won't tell anyone of his true identity, it would be counterproductive in a number of ways, so you can get on with your damn life without worrying. Although honestly, I don't know what are you expecting, that I will throw you flowers and send you a pumpkin pie for sending me help? Well no. I don't know if you need him here for something else, and if you don't you can take him with you, I don't need a bodyguard, I already have my people. So fuck you

You don't know how much I would like to face you right now.

And you don't need a damn fucking signature to know who is writing!

Tom was doubled over with laughter, his stomach hurt, but he couldn't stop laughing.

— H-he's furious!— He said between laughter and hit the table with his fist while he laughed, he passed the scroll to Lucius and he began to cough, hiding his own laugh.

— Well... I mean... he is— he affirmed, while he looked at the young man's colorful vocabulary.

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