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Harry regretted what had happened the other night, only with Tom had he allowed himself to really cry and smile. However, he did not feel very comfortable knowing that that man had seen him cry, that is, he knew that Tom would not say anything, but he did not feel well, especially after what happened on his birthday, but it had been totally impulsive behavior. ... and although he knew that Tom was not going to judge him, he felt a kind of discomfort inside him ... He was serving himself toast when he heard screams at the Gryffindor table, he shrugged and continued with his own, took the Daily Prophet and held back his gasp, he really had to give Black some credit.

Have you seen this wizard?

The well-known assassin Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban, it is not yet known how he did it, in fact he is the first person to do so, it is suspected that the Dark Lord had something to do with the escape of his "right hand" Due to-

He could not read any more because the newspaper was reduced to fire, he looked up with eyes loaded with daggers, to whoever dared to do that, and saw Poer Burke's amused look and sighed tiredly. While Albus Dumbledore got up from his chair and approached the wooden lectern and with a sonorus spoke.

— Students and teachers, as you have surely been able to see, Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban, dark and difficult times are coming, and we must take care of each other, that is why the Minister of Magic decided to put dementors, the infamous guardians of the cells of Azkaban , guarding the castle, in case Black decides to come here, and it is my duty to warn you, that they are not creatures with whom one wants to cross, it is not in them in forgiveness, so you should not even try to approach! if you want a joke! Since the slightest bit of guilt can make them confuse you, and come closer to you ... And I would not like that any of you young people, nor any teacher, had an encounter with those unpleasant beings. However, the Quiddich will not be canceled, as in the castle, there will be dementors flying, again, avoid approaching, I do not care if the snich is close or you think you can evade them. And let you know that I don't agree with having you here, but with a dangerous criminal like Black hanging around, it's the only option— Dumbledore finished the sonorus incantation, and sat down at the teachers' table again, leaving everyone pale and muttering about the guardians of Azkaban. But Harry was smiling with pleasure, he would have the opportunity to test his skills with the patronum charm, and it seemed that his followers were also noticing it, because Akit approached him and smiled in agreement, while Harry just bowed his head forward in a single affirmative movement


Riddle looked annoyed at Dumbledore, he saw him so calm, trying to sneak potions and spells on Harry like nothing, so that he was "who he was meant to be"

— Poer, I know that Harry goes to your rooms often, and, I would not like to assume that you have a relationship beyond the professional with a minor student— accused the old man with false concern. Tom's face turned and he frowned.

— That's an aberration! I would be incapable of such a thing, my private life is strictly outside the professional one, so I have almost no contact with my work colleagues. Director Dumbledore offends me, I have been working here for three years and you accuse me of something like that, do not confuse relationship with affinity, Mr. Potter is interested in my travels through America and Africa, because of my knowledge of other magical cultures, my abilities in Runes and defense— Tom was offended, by the old man's accusation, really! How was he going to mess with a minor, that is, if it was his destiny, but he wasn't going to touch him until he was seventeen! He wouldn't be able... It's not like he's been behaving professionally with Harry either, but he hadn't been sexually intimate.

— I'm very sorry boy, I didn't want to bother you or make you feel bad, it's just that I have to take precautions. Has he told you something? About him? About his friends or his plans for the future?— the old man asked.

— No, the truth is that he is a very reserved boy, who enjoys listening, and scoring, and silence. He sometimes comes to my office to do homework, just silent company and sometimes a little help. He almost never speaks, he just writes down, I'm the one who answers his questions — said the blue-eyed, the director nodded, his eyes narrowed.

— Poer confuses me, he tells me that his private life is out of the professional but even so I tell him about his travels and who knows that Harry— Albus accused again

— My trips were for research, collection and study purposes, I do not tell you about my vacation on the beach director Dumbledore, I tell you how I managed to extract an exotic poison from a plant with only one blade, how in ancient times spells were created on their own, and as runes go from the runes go hand in hand with potions, our talks have only academic topics— said the DADA professor.

— "Well, it's all boy, you can leave, I'm sorry to have thought badly of you— said the old man, and the youngest retired towards his rooms with red eyes of fury, and, when he arrived, he saw Harry sitting looking at the rain in the window, so calm that it infected him his tranquility, and, with a deep breath, his eyes were blue again

— Do you know the problems that you have given me Harry?— Asked mockingly, the other shrugged, without taking his eyes off the window, seeing the drops of water collide with her furiously —The director thinks you come here secretly because we have a relationship! Dumbledore really thinks we slept! That we are a couple!—Tom mocked bursting out laughing, but Harry was blushing, luckily, looking at the window and Tom did not see him, he did not know that he had dreamed of that body on his, stuck, colliding, skin with skin...

— Ridiculous, right?— He asked in a mocking tone and the older one stroked his hair, while Harry closed his eyes at the contact.

— What about Black? — He asked suddenly, the older one frowning looking at the bad weather —He must be outside, getting cold... - Harry reflected, and, although he thought that the man should have fought for his innocence in a more legal way and not be so ... impulsive, so ... Gryffindor, if he felt bad for who he was his godfather

— Oh! Black is a damn cunning dog— Tom assured with a wink and his green eyes widened.

— Black is a metamorphagus?!— He asked and the older one denied laughing

— 1975 would have been chaos if Black had been a shape-shifter, the girls, the boys, the teachers... everyone— Tom burst out laughing, just imagining Sirius Black flirting with girls and boys with metamorphic abilities... —He is an illegal animagus, and I must assume that you know exactly what an animagus is— he said with obviousness and the minor nodded.

— He must be in bad condition, Azkaban bars are really thin... he must be sick, you could take him something, I mean, since you are his friend— commented the minor

— He must be near Hogsmeade stealing food from the baskets— said Riddle, the youngest suppressed a shudder, although he had said that what had happened in that town with Tom was over, it was not at all, and sometimes he remembered it with pain and an anguish that burned in her chest, but she wouldn't tell Tom... ever.

— That place is a waste of time, but I will sign the stupid paper and I will go, since your absence would be obvious, give me things and I will take them for you— Nevertheless, Tom could see de discomfort in Harry when he mentioned the town's name, but he didn't want to ask, the least he wanted was to make him feel bad again

— Luckily for you, I am one of the teachers who watch the next exit, so I could turn a blind eye while you travel the distance, the forest, and the house of screams— Tom said with a sly smile.

— Thanks, but... it's time for me to go to sleep— he said trying to hide his yawn, a gesture that Tom found too tender ...

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