One innocent, and one awake

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Tom had gone to visit Madame Pomfrey and she had told him that Harry should wake up during the night or in the morning. Meanwhile, Sirius had made the decision to report to the Ministry of Magic, where he was surprised to see the gang of bowed Aurors and people begging him for forgiveness. He had the confirmation interrogation, behind closed doors, and as he left he was applauded ...

— I cannot find the words to tell you how sorry we are for the horrors that you have had to go through as a person of good and completely innocent; the system, the Ministry failed you, based only on what you could see and declaring you guilty of a crime that you had never committed, but that you had tried to avenge, but today, thanks to the actions of a person, we have found the true guilty of the murder and treason of the Potters, a person who you revealed was a friend of you, and, if it helps you, the real culprit will be subjected to the same sentence that you would have had to serve: a full life in Azkaban , but with the difference that he will receive the infamous kiss of the dementor. We really hope you can forgive the incompetence we had and our wrong actions, that is why we are here today, asking for your forgiveness, you will have been able to see, that posters with your face have already been published, both in the magical world and in the muggle world , saying that you are innocent, and completely harmless, attach a photo of the true culprit, in addition you will be given the amount of twelve thousand galleons, one thousand for each year that you have spent in Azkaban, please do not misunderstand me Mr. Black, no We hope that you will forgive us receiving money, but we hope that with that, you can have what you want, a life full of luxury, your vaults will be opened and at your complete disposal. Although happiness is not bought with money, that is why we are also going to cover a psychological treatment in St. Mungo's, and, on behalf of the Minister of Magic and the entire magic community we apologize Mr. Black for having doubted you, and having put him through that ordeal— said the same woman who had spoken at Peter's trial, Anais McKinnon, Marlene's cousin, a girl Sirius knew very well ...

— You've committed a really serious offense, those twelve years that I spent in Azkaban, I not only lived with torments and nightmares but I was away from my godson, the love of my life and my friends ... the only thing that I am going to ask of them , is that my file be cleaned, in addition to being able to access the political part that corresponds to me, my seats in the Wizengamot, as well as all the assets and capital that were denied to me by my parents— he demanded, with Anais taking note of everything , and then send him flying in a purple crane, directly to the Minister's office

— I suppose that remorse and guilt will accompany you the rest of your days, so you have my forgiveness— he said with an arrogant smile. "One last thing I would like, is to begin a cause, in favor to the Werewolves, all of you must rethink lycanthropy and lycanthropes, they deserve rights and I will be very present in the cause, fighting for their rights— he said with his head held high.

— Are you an undeclared creature? —Anais asked, arching her eyebrow.

— In bed I am— he whispered, so that no one but her would hear from her, making her blush since they had had something at Hogwarts, and she even helped him with Remus...

— I believe that we could start the hearing in two weeks, in which each one can present their point of view on the subject, either in favor or against their rights, a vote will be taken and a common agreement will be reached based on to that, an update to werewolf law—Fudge spoke behind Black.

— I appreciate it— he affirmed and felt an itch on his chest, the Black shield was being burned into his chest

— What about this?!— He asked horrified.

— It is what happens to men when they come of age, they receive the mark of their house, indicating that they are heirs, but when the family tapestry was burned, he was skipped, passing to the next, his brother, Lord Regulus Black, may he rest in peace... but now, being recognized as worthy before the magic mother, your progenitor's order was annulled, and you received the mark— Cornelius Fudge explained.

— Well, ladies and gentlemen, if that's all, I will withdraw, I hope, not be attacked anywhere— he threatened and they all nodded, at which point a plump woman with crimson red hair and blue eyes came running.

— Lord Black wand, just like the previous one, twenty-eight centimeters, Dragon's heart fiber core, oak and Runes in the hilt— she said, handing him a box and he held it with a smile, pointed it to the sky and conjured a white lily.

Sirius left the Ministry with a smile, and, as soon as he stepped into the street, he lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall to smoke, eyes closed, enjoying the freedom of him.

— I can't believe you remember me— a voice spoke at his side, and he saw Anais smiling.

— Of course if doll, that's what I used to call you, remember? When I still liked women— he scoffed laughing, she nodded

— I hope you're still as good in bed, if not, it would be a disappointment for your partner— she teased, and he put his hand on her chest dramatically.

— You offend me Anais! Of course I'm still just as good! I would invite you to check it out, but I would have problems at home— he scoffed

— Twelve years Black, and you haven't changed a thing— Anais denied laughing, and took Sirius's hand, intertwining her fingers, and kissed her hand, with teary eyes

— Forgive me, please S— she whispered, that's how she used to say when they were together. I'm sorry, I should have fought for your innocence, but I-I got carried away by the pain and hatred of having lost Marlene, p-forgive me Yes— she sobbed

— It's okay A, what is done, this is done, the important thing is that you stood there and defended me, and I appreciate it— Sirius assured, and then hugged her


As night fell at Hogwarts, Tom had settled into the chair next to Harry's gurney, carrying a book

— You know, Ronald Weasley received his sanction for pushing you, but it does not compare to what your friends did to him ... in fact, they did not want to tell me what they did, or what spells they used, but he was found in his pajamas, in the bathrooms of the dungeons, in total silence, urinated on, empty expression, with blood in all four limbs, he murmured something of a fight with an Acromantula, the medimagas believe that he suffered a type of poisoning with the steam of a potion and that resulted in a realistic hallucination, in which I fight against nothing, hurting myself in the process, but he does not speak, he is interned at St. Mungo's, and I don't know why, but it does not impress me in fact, since there were no magic signatures ... You are going to kill me someday, and they will get away with it— Tom said, not knowing that the green-eyed man was awake, and that he had heard everything and was proud, but he was magically exhausted, so he had fallen asleep

Harry woke up the next day, and the first thing he saw was Tom's body asleep in the chair, with two fingers on his wrist, his heart racing knowing that he had stayed there all night, he saw him move and smiled.

— You should go to sleep, you look tired— he mocked and the older man smiled, making the green-eyed heart race even more. Because it was impossible for someone to be this perfect in the morning, he felt Tom's hand caress his cheek and he blushed, looking away

— I wanted to make sure you were awake, and feeling good," returned the older one with a smile.

— I am— Harry assured.

— I see it— the blue-eyed commented and kissed his cheek and then left, leaving the jet flushed and caressing that cheek. Since it was not news to Harry that Tom attracted him, more than that, he still remembered admitting on his birthday, to himself, that he was in love with Tom, and really wanted to kiss him, but he was totally virgin and inexperienced, since those things had always seemed a waste of time, something insignificant, he used to prefer a good book of potions or creatures, but now he wondered if he needed to try sex ... he was no stranger to masturbating, he did, very off from time to time ... imagining his dear professor... 

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