Sirius Black II

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And unsurprisingly, Harry had managed to find the camera, greatly appreciating that Tom had reported "sick." Harry remembered going through every wall, painting, and brick, speaking in Parseltongue to every chandelier, key, and relief, from the seventh floor down, the disused classrooms, the Astronomy tower, he had even used his father's cape to check the other common rooms, the bathrooms and it was then that he had remembered what Tom had said to him "The second floor girls bathroom" So he bundled up, and he knew that the curfew had passed, but he did not care He also carried a mirror charm on him in case the basilisk appeared, although, as he was speaking Parseltongue, it was not supposed to do anything to him, so he ran to the place and checked absolutely everything, he said open the toilets, the mirrors, the floor, even the walls and taps. Until one was opened, revealing a black well, which seemed very deep, so, after casting a cushioning spell on it, he jumped into the darkness, and, upon landing, he felt on something soft and scales Apparently, the little basilisk had changed its skin not long ago, so he took advantage of it and, conjuring a bag, gathered the freshest scales, and the driest ones in another, since they were hardly accessible ingredients for potions, and he'd be an idiot if he was wasting them like that, since he had them there for free!

Shut— he shouted in parsel from below and saw how the light disappeared above his head and everything turned dark, and, suppressing a chill, he conjured a lumus. He decided to advance at a leisurely pace, and a few meters away he saw many round paths, took a deep breath and decided to advance through the middle one, which opened like a circular stone path, like a giant pipe? He kept moving forward, and he could see that at the bottom there was a circular door of what looked like Gold? Bronze? Silver? With snakes coiled, like a lock.

Open up— he hissed and the snakes were uncoiling, until the door opened. Showing that he was at the end of a very large room, dimly lit. Towering stone columns carved with linked snakes rose to support a ceiling that was lost in the darkness, casting long black shadows on the greenish gloom that reigned in the place, giving it a mysterious air, he again took out his wand to conjure another lumus, and, he advanced, with narrowed eyes, just in case the basilisk appeared, and, when he reached the last pair of columns of serpents, he saw a statue, as high as the chamber itself, it was attached to the back wall

— Salazar Slytherin— he murmured to himself, admiring the statue, as he got closer and closer, being able to see that there were words carved into the stone, in parsel.

Salazar Slytherin the greatest of the four of Hogwarts— he read, and his mouth opened, so he closed his eyes, however nothing happened, to which he opened them, seeing a path, through which he entered, until He came to a study, crammed with books, while a glass desk rested in the center. Harry could feel the magic of the books, he could see their dark wake, which called him, but he resisted and approached an area where the magic was quieter and began to check the shelves! There were all kinds of books, some of healing written in Latin and parsel! There was even a Grimoire! So he shrunk some and keep them, perhaps Tom did not know about these, and, when he saw that there was nothing more interesting, he left ready to go

Food— he heard from behind, as something heavy was crawling on the damp ground.

Don't you dare— he warned and felt the basilisk stop.

A speaker... An heir, tell me, what is your name master?— asked the animal.

Harry James Potter Volant—he answered and the animal turned around him.

I'm Scor, and you smell like a snake— said the creature.

I have a partner, who is in the forest, but I am here for you!— he explained.

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