Malfoy Mannor

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He looked up and to the sides, brushed off his cape and admired the place, it was the largest mansion he had ever seen, with its four floors and two towers on each side, with its labyrinthine gardens, full of flora and fauna that he had never seen. He walked through the entrance while looking at all the windows, the soles of his dragon skin boots made noise against the pebble floor, his black pants were camouflaged in the shadows, he was one of those that were tight to the body, highlighting his white shirt, accompanied by a black jacket, which, stretched back and formed a cape that accompanied the noise of the boots, which waved in the air with natural elegance, she climbed the marble steps gracefully, and knocked on the door, It opened, revealing Draco, with his shiny hair, a dark gray suit in its entirety, accompanied by a cape to match the Malfoy shield in gold thread, behind him, two elves, one on each side

— Lord Potter— he bowed and Harry reciprocated the gesture, seeing how the blonde still had trouble standing up properly, and more so with walking, so he moved slowly, wanting to look elegant, camouflaging the pain, which made him smile, Someone learned their lesson, he thought with satisfaction, as Draco led him through the main room, filled with gold and silver ornaments, decorated with the finest fabrics. At the end of the hall, on the marble staircase were Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, she was wearing a gold mermaid cut dress, her blonde hair fell unruly down her back, while Lucius was wearing an all-black suit with a cape similar to the one. of his heir.

Harry kissed the back of Narcissa's hand and shook hands with Lucius, promising to get together to discuss the idea of ​​political bargaining.

— Without so much formality, Harry— Cissy smiled, and then said goodbye to her, and left with her husband, leaving him again, alone with Draco, who guided him to a door.

— The others will arrive in a few days, and they will only spend three days here, the rest of the time is yours, feel free to summon an elf for any of your needs— a grin.

The room was huge, quite a bit bigger than the one in his magic chest, which he had sold not too long ago. The walls were made of dark wood, one of them rested a large round mirror, the edge of which was adorned with silver snakes, on the opposite wall there was a double bed with French blue padding. It had a desk, with a chair next to the bed, as well as a large black closet and a private bathroom, it also had a shelf full of books that Draco had carefully chosen for his teacher, trying to compensate for his outburst.


Harry knew that Tom was on the other side of the door, he could feel his magic...

— What is it? —He said wearily, while he buttoned his pants and Riddle entered, suppressing a giggle

— I think, what is a good time for you to meet, or rather for my followers to meet you. What do you think? Although I must say, if you stay like this much longer, I'm afraid I will have to put it off and put a few sound-absorbing spells in this room— he commented flirtatiously.

— Just the inner circle— Harry replied as he pulled on his shirt, ignoring Tom's flirtation and blush.


A few hours before

Lucius saw the deal Harry had with his son, and for the first time in years, he was afraid. Fear that his son would follow a madman and lead him astray. Fear that Harry would think like Tom before the right path, fear that his son would lay down his life for a future Dark Lord.

— Malfoy— Harry called and the blonde appeared immediately, limping slightly, bowing slightly, which brought Harry a smile. "Report," he asked as he drank his tea.

— The Travers brothers already have a guaranteed position in the ministry, Demeter is engaged to Apol Yaxley, a seventh year, but being in sixth grade and having a good last name they already have a guaranteed position, she as Ineffable and he, with the department of Aurors— he reported and the green-eyed nodded.

— The boys have sent letters, they want to continue with the training, I already have the list of surnames of who we are going to make future loyalists—Draco said, referring to the future loyalty to the Dark Lord, but that Lucius could not know.

— Nott, Lestrange, Carrow and I— he commented. And Lucius was hallucinating, he leaned against the wall while breathing heavily ... his son had sworn loyalty to Harry, his son already had a leader, the sons of the most faithful Death Eaters had sworn loyalty to him Lestrange! Carrow! Nott! And they would surely be marked! However, he did not move from there, he needed to know more ...

— Anything to drink?" Draco asked politely.

— I'm fine, have you been able to advance with the patronum? —Asked the dark-haired with a raised eyebrow.

— Yes! He's a dog!— The blonde celebrated

— I'm proud. Anyone else? —he questioned again

— Milicent has a bear, Abbott a cat, Zabini a snake and Avery a Thestral— the blond spoke, and he just nodded.

— May I know yours? — Malfoy asked politely

— It would be rude for me to say it alone, as soon as the others arrive— said the green-eyed one.

— Do you already have it? — Harry asked Draco

— No, it will be when the others come— he commented sadly, Potter put his hand on the shoulder of his follower.

— Don't worry, I'll see that it doesn't happen— he said and the blonde sobbed on his master's shoulder.

Lucius looked at the scene in astonishment, he knew that that was anything like the relationship that Tom used to have with his followers before the change. , there was no submission or fear, right? There seemed to be respect, affection, trust, Draco loved Harry, and he seemed to care about his followers and that was ... strange. Lucius sighed, his son was completely loyal to him and would probably be marked ... But he should be marked before Tom! He could not...

The Malfoy patriarch was sure of one thing, besides war there would be another. Between two Dark Lords, for power, to see who was stronger, who was better ...


Harry was walking through the corridors of Malfoy Mannor, Tom's hand on his hip, guiding him into the main hall containing the leading members of the Augurey order. Malfoy, Snape, Avery, and Abbott. (Lupin and Black were at his house, because it was also unnecessary for them to be there)

— Ready?— Tom asked, to which Harry took him by the tie, bringing him closer to him, bringing his foreheads together, clashing their breaths

— I was born ready— he said and the older one stole a little kiss from him.

— Tom — Harry spoke before entering. —After this, I need us to talk about a matter—communicated the minor

— About what? asked the blue-eyed.

— After this— he limited himself to saying making Tom roll his eyes.

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