Sorting hat

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Harry got out of the train followed by Draco in robes already on.

— First year! Freshmen around here!— Shouted a hoarse voice, and when they turned around, the dark-haired saw the biggest man in his entire life, with a bushy beard and big clothes, or well, according to his great size. All the children followed him, kind of a crowd, as none seemed to want to line up, and however, he seemed to be looking for someone in the crowd.

— In a second, you're going to have your first glimpse of Hogwarts— the man exclaimed over his shoulder — Just around this bend—

There was a loud Ooooh! Of all the boys and girls who were there. For the narrow path they had been walking on suddenly opened onto the edge of a large lake. And, on the top of a high mountain, on the other side, with its windows shining under the starry sky, was an impressive castle with many towers and turrets. But while Harry was impressed, he made no noise, no gesture. What would he gain by yelling? Nothing, so why doing it?

— No more than four per boat!— He yelled. Why does this man always have to yell? Harry wondered, as they all got on, with the lord in a boat all to himself, ahead of them. And he jumped in, assuming Malfoy would get behind him, and he did, along with another boy and a girl.

— Hanna Abbott— she introduced herself kindly, and gave the other two a chocolate, since Harry had given up because they were going to have dinner shortly.

— Justin Flint-Fletchey— the boy with brown hair and honey eyes introduced himself.

— Draco Malfoy— the other spoke.

— Harry Potter Volant— he introduced himself and heard the little girl gasp.


Everyone was walking through the Great Hall, and Harry would be lying if he said he wasn't the least bit nervous, because if he was, with every step he took he analyzed everything, the four tables, the students, the teachers and the decorations ...

The Ravenclaw table was quiet, there were several books and scrolls neatly arranged next to each student, the food looked helpful, but exotic, yes... Above them floated a woman, a ghost, one that Harry knew, was known as "The Gray Lady" being her original name, Helena Ravenclaw.

The Hufflepuff table was a bit louder, but even if he kept his air of calm, there were pleasant conversations between them, while some did their homework, and others told jokes, the food looked quite colorful, but healthy, on them floated the ghost of the Fat Friar, who unlike the Ravenclaw, smiled and told jokes to the members of his house

The Slytherin table was quite quiet, to the naked eye, but he could see that they were talking in whispers, the food that was seen was nutritious, there were no strange things, although there were extravagant and elaborate dishes, on them floated the Bloodthirsty Baron

The Gryffindor table was an accumulated crowd, most of them were crowded together in a tumultuous way, you could barely make out that it was a table, everyone was screaming, food was flying, paper airplanes too, and the food... they had from meat, to even chocolate fountains, grapes and sweets, it was literally anything. There gonna have a stomachache for eating this bad, Harry thought

— As I name you, I want you to approach the stool— Minerva McGonagall instructed and began to chant names, some ended up in Hufflepuff, a couple in Ravenclaw, quite a few went to Gryffindor and a few to Slytherin, among them Draco Malfoy.

— Harry Potter— she said, but he didn't move forward.

— Volant, Harry Potter Volant, professor— he corrected and went to the stool, and, Minnie thought it was a joke, but the surname Volant appeared on the parchment, right at the end of the Potter name and so she sighed.

"Oh yeah, I can see it all... Really big plans! Neither is the mind bad. There is talent, oh my yeah, and a willingness to prove yourself, this is very interesting... So where will I put you? Oh Yes! Already what to do with you, but you will have to convince some. But when you show your power, they will kneel." The hat on his head spoke, to which he smirked, Machiavellian, he wanted them to kneel. To let them see that he was the best.

— SLYTHERIN— the hat shouted, and he got down, calmly, and walked gracefully to the green table, which he cheered. However, people did not come out of their stupor at having seen the boy-who-lived be selected in Slytherin, but luckily, the dinner passed in silence, however the tension could be felt ...

— So we have the hero— one of them scoffed, but Harry ignored him.

— A dirty half-blood— said another with disgust, and he made both boys glasses explode, taking them by surprise.

— A pity, because I am not anyone's hero, I am Harry Potter Volant, and I am not a half-breed, you idiots, you should be able to recognize to pure surnames" he said, letting his magic flow towards both boys.


They were all guided by a prefect to a place, which was behind one of the stone walls of the dungeons, a place which, they explained that it was the common room, in which the bedrooms were, the room included ceiling lamps that they illuminate all its green beauty: long black leather armchairs, carved wooden chairs and tables, covered with elaborate and precious tablecloths, the windows overlooked the black lake, where some selkies and the occasional creature were seen passing. It was there that they delivered their luggage and sent them to their rooms. Harry had been able to recognize many important surnames and he had smiled to himself, he knew they would be his.

Curiously, her door was next to Draco's. His room was quite large, a bed with sheets with the coat of arms of his house, a large closet, a window, a private bathroom, a desk and a chair, where the uniform was. Slytherin, after analyzing the place, he took out his trunk and hung up his basic clothes, and opened his other trunk. He took out Foaz and Dioi, also took out some books to fill the shelves and put on his pajamas, ready to sleep, since tomorrow he would have classes, and he was dying to know how far ahead he was, and, to get his followers. But... How could he get followers if he didn't even have a solid purpose? He wanted to be the master of death, the minister, and he wanted to recreate society, but those were personal goals.

He needed to promise to win, he needed to offer to obtain, and that was just what he was going to do, whatever he saw fit he was going to train them so that they could exploit their potential to one hundred percent, but he needed something to ensure the loyalty of those people... tomorrow after class I would go to the library. So he tried to sleep, but without success, since there was a question that was haunting his mind. Would other magicians see the wake? He supposed not. Would they be as sensitive to magic as he was? Was that a disease? I was nervous and couldn't sleep. He needed answers, and he knew exactly where to find them: The forbidden section of the school library, he had to sneak in, and he would do it tomorrow with his father's cape, so, with a solution to his questions, and, a little calmer, he lay back down and this time he did fall asleep.


While on the other side, the professor was DADA, tossing and turning without being able to sleep. Dumbledore really thought that Voldemort was dead! He had even risked the integrity of his students by laying the Philosopher's Stone in the school! He wanted Harry to "rescue" her to prevent Voldemort from attacking or stealing her! Why would he want the stone if it had horcruxes? But the main problem was that Harry thought that Voldemort had killed his parents, and Tom could not allow such atrocity. He couldn't allow Harry to believe that his Death Eaters were bad... well... back when he was obsessed with blood purity, if they had tortured and killed several, but it wasn't like that anymore! They had realized what really mattered!

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