Infernais I

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Harry was upset that Tom was doing nothing but wanting to talk to him, how dare he? After the things he had told her !? Of what he had done to her! Who did he think he was !? It had been a low blow, and it hurt, a lot, and despite the insistence of his followers he had not been eating much, he drank tea or water, and maybe he ate some banana, or melted chocolate or cream cheese, and his academic performance he had dropped considerably, because he fell asleep in class, he did not attend, he did not turn in homework, he had even gone to class drunk! He lived in another world, remembering Tom's sweet words, but then he fell into reality, which made him very angry ...

— Master!— he heard Avery's voice, not knowing that behind that corridor some blue eyes were spying on them, hoping to find out something

— I'm sorry, you were saying— Harry asked and Jacob sighed.

— What's wrong with you? And please, don't tell me anything— asked the teenager.

— Something, but I won't tell you— he answered with false humor.

— I think he should talk to Professor Burke, he always knows what to tell him— Avery advised, but Harry's gaze darkened, his jaw tightened and he glared at him.

— I don't, want to hear his name again—he ordered in a scathing tone of voice.

— I-I we all thought... you were friends— Jacob felt just as confused as the one who was spying.

— We never were Avery, it was all a... misunderstanding, he is nothing more than a teacher— he confessed, but what was in his voice was not disgust but pain disguised as anger. —And I was never anything other than his student— he affirmed, trying to convince himself ...

— But... I-I saw how he worried-—Jacob was interrupted by the green-eyed boy.

— Well no Avery! As I said before, misunderstandings, I believed it too, but I was a fool, I sought Burke's approval when I only need me and the group— said Harry annoyed —And from now on, we are going to focus on our training and only our training, maybe we could even give society a taste of what awaits them— the green-eyed boy spoke, making Jacob smirk

So the spy took advantage of the moment to enter Harry's mind, where he saw the things that had happened. But this did not go unnoticed by the boy, who raised his shields and left


Harry and his companion went to the common room, where they separated immediately, since the green-eyed man ran to his room, and as expected he locked himself in it and burst into tears, he had been a complete fool to believe that Tom loved him in truth, he was a Slytherin after all, and they are known to use any means to obtain their end, and he had been their means. Reality fell back on him like a bucket of cold water: The only person he loved, in whom he trusted knew all his secrets, hated him, and wanted him away... the person who should love him... had so many things to use in her against ...

He remembered the words of his uncles, those that had been buried by the words of admiration of his followers and Tom, had come to the fore, flooding him "You should do us a favor and die since you only get in the way" to be lying " "Little freak" " Who would ever want someone like you?" they made fun of him and the voices he hadn't heard in years came back to torment him... And they were getting louder, the air again decided to escape from his lungs, he knelt down, clinging to the back of the bed as if it were a life preserver ... He made a decision together with the cape of invisibility and ran to the infirmary, looked at the clock, which read eleven-something, ran to the shelves, and searched, and searched until he found them, took the bottle and read the label corroborating that they were those, smiled melancholy, and then uncapping the bottle and swallowing ten in a row, she knew it would take at least twenty minutes to take effect, so she headed to the dungeons keeping the bottle in her pocket, in case she needed more.

But in the middle of the dungeons his eyelids were heavy, his head throbbed, his body was lead and he walked sideways, they seem to be quick-acting, he thought laughing

— Harry! What happened?— Asked that voice.

— N-nothing— he answered and continued to stagger.

— Don't tell me anything, you're wrong, have you been beaten? —asked the other.

— N-none o-of your business w-why-does it e-even m-matter to you?! ... I c-could be m-murdered... and it would ssstill not be y-your problem— he said, fluttering his eyes and slurring his words.

— Harry—Tom spoke pleadingly.

— No... don't yyyyou... —His voice trailed off and he fell forward, but Tom caught him, as always

— Please—Tom murmured, desperate

— What did you drink?— The minor tightened his lips and pushed him away, but the bottle hit the floor, and Tom was faster to grab it, because Harry was quite numb —Sleeping pills ?! This bottle brings twenty, why are there ten left!?— He demanded, taking the child by the shoulders and shaking him.

— Ddddon't t-talk to me! Y-you asked m-me fffor s-space and you... I've been -ddoing what y-you asked, s-so g-go, let me do what I want... —he ordered trying to run to the common room but colliding with the walls more than once.

So it was not long before Tom caught up with him, and when he did he grabbed Harry's hip and half his wand in his mouth.

— Evanesco— he whispered, and the orange light illuminated the child's mouth, but Riddle received a fist to the jaw

— I told you to stay away! Stop fucking my life, and understand that I don't want you around!— He yelled at his professor.

— Please! Listen to me!— Tom shouted annoyed, making Harry take half a step back

— No! I don't give a shit about you! You are the worst person I have ever met in my life and I want you away from me! And if you approach me again, neither my followers nor I will hesitate to hex you— Harry threatened annoyed —You are a despicable being, the worst Slytherin I have ever met! I hate you so much, you make me wanna die— he yelled at her and disappeared between the bricks at the entrance to the common room.


— I brought them together here for a reason— he explained to his followers who were accommodated in Demeter Travers' room. —We have a mark, knowledge, power... but we don't have a name— he commented and they all nodded.

— I also wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry I neglected training, now with Voldemort on our ass we must go out into society, show who's boss. In war, there will be another war, to see who is more powerful— said Harry and everyone applauded.

— Gentlemen of the night— Rosier suggested.

— What a brute, there are girls here— Avery said.

— The News— Milicent commented.

— It's good, I don't know, I like it, —Zabini said with a shrug.

— Night demons— Nott asked with a smile.

Ombres— Draco said, and literally everyone looked at him with a frown. —It means shadows in French— he added obviously.

— No. We are nobody's shadow— Harry said for the first time in the discussion.

— Infernais— it was Stephan Carrow who spoke.

— What about that? — Pucey asked.

— It is the same thing that you infernize, torture, the same as, infernal, torture— he explained in Portuguese and then in Spanish, but Harry had understood the first time.

— I think it's perfect Carrow, I didn't know you spoke Portuguese though— everyone applauded the boy and cheered

Infernais— Harry repeated, liking the taste the word had... And they all raised their wands, drawing red sparks.

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