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Petrified. It was the word that was heard the most in the first days of March, since apparently there was something loose that petrified students of all houses, the house with the lowest being that of Gryffindor, so they pointed first hand to the Slytherins, as was to be expected, but the accusations were dissolved by Professor Snape, who had imposed a strict curfew in order that none of his snakes would be injured, and with the double purpose of controlling that they were not some of them were responsible for the petrified, but luckily none of them had left outside the imposed hours, so the Slytherins had been cleared of guilt and charges.

At first, obviously, they had thought that some student had been too clever bothering, but each time there were more, and in completely opposite places, which had led them to think that it was actually a band of rioters, since, it was impossible be in two places at the same time, as well as it was impossible to appear inside Hogwarts, so, ruled out the option of the group of rioters, many began to point out that Voldemort had something to do with this, and now they were in class of DADA, a class that happened to share the four houses due to the incidents of the moment. Therefore, things were different now, the schedules had changed, and, if before the curfew was at eight, now it was at six, which meant that from the final classes, they went directly to their common rooms As well as they had imposed restrictions to go out to the corridors, bathrooms or library, so they had to go in a group, and accompanied by a teacher, or a prefect, just as they had to return together and accompanied by that same teacher or prefect. Some of the classes had been taught jointly, with the four houses in the same room, which generated great chaos

— I mean, it's obvious, who-should-not-be-named want us to deliver Harry Potter to him— said a Gryffindor in the defense against the dark arts class.

— Ten points will be deducted from Gryffindor, keep quiet— spoke the professor, who was already beginning to get irritated, however, the silence did not last long

— It's Potter, I'm sure, he's an ally of the Nameless, and he's a Slytherin after all. His lord is petrifying us! —Said another lion with a shudder, to which, Harry got up silently and walked to where he was, scaring him, however, Poer settled himself wanting to see what was going to happen and how the green-eyed man was going to react, which looked quite annoying.

— Let's see, I don't know if they are stupid, or if their parents are cousins— several giggles were heard, however, he spoke again—If Voldemort wanted to terrorize us, he would not go after a couple of dirty bloods petrifying them. He would murder them. Besides, why would a man like him waste his time on foolish thirteen-year-old guys? — Said Harry.

— And how does he know that? I'll tell you, because it conspires in their favor— Ronald accused, to which several girls screamed while hugging each other.

— You're a Death Eater! — Finnegan yelled, earning another ten points less for Gryffindor, and, seeing Harry's angry expression, the professor knew he had to intervene if he didn't want anyone in the infirmary that afternoon.

— Enough! No one conspires with anyone, everyone to their seats, and Mr. Potter, I'll see you after class— said Burke, and everyone was silent to continue copying the homework.

However the expressions, grimaces and glances were still there, as well as the whispers about what Prefect will pay off, and about being careful about going to the toilets alone. But Tom knew it was the Basilisk, he could hear it whispering in the sewer, but obviously, he couldn't go to Dumbledore because it would be obvious that he was a talker, and because he also didn't want to know anything about that moron. But he secretly wondered if Harry heard the voice.

And he did, Harry had been hearing hisses, similar to Foaz, who was now in the Forbidden Forest. He was sure it was a snake, because he had heard other boys say that they heard friction sounds between the walls. But for him the whispers were perfectly understandable.

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