Chapter 7

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Nat came into the room and handed me my plate.
We sat together, eating on my bed and talking for hours getting to know each other.

It was around 6 pm, when I had an idea and quickly jumped out of bed.
Nat practically jumped from her seat, because she got scared.

Me: Get ready! I'm taking you out! Don't ask where, because it's a surprise! Just wear casual clothes like jeans and a t-shirt or something! I'll come and pick you up in an hour if that's ok with you!!
N: Please tell me where we're going Y/N..... I don't like surprises.
Me: Nope not gonna happen! I'll come in an hour. See you later Agent Romanoff.

I got off the bed and left her room, closing the door behind me.
N: It's Nat! Don't call me Agent Romanoff!! (Nat shouted as I was leaving) 

I laughed and headed towards Tony's lab.
I knocked on his door and he let me in.
Me: Hey Tony. I was just wondering if I can take your car for a couple of hours. I want to take Nat to dinner at a restaurant.

Tony just stood there smiling at me for a couple of seconds without saying anything.
Me: WHAT?!! 
T: You and Romanoff? I mean I'm happy for you, don't get me wrong. But I'm just a little surprised you are letting her in.
Me: I don't know what it is about her. She just makes me want to open up to her and let's me be myself around her. I haven't felt like this towards anyone before. But I don't know if she feels the same way and I'm really scared that if I say something and she doesn't feel the same, I will lose this incredible person and the feeling she gives me. (I say while looking down and playing with my fingers)
T: Don't worry Y/N. I'm sure she feels the same. She has been through a lot and I'm glad she has someone like you. I'm also glad that you feel like that towards her, because she is very sweet and kind and caring but she puts up a front in front of  everyone else. I know we mess around with each other but I just want her to be happy.

Tony gave me a tight hug and then handed me the keys to his car and told me to spoil Nat.
I laughed and ran out of the lab to get ready.


I got a text from Tony saying to meet him in the lab and I said that I'll be down there in a couple of minutes.

After about 5 minutes, I was ready for our date so I headed to the lab and sat across from Tony after entering.
T: Well, I'm going to tell you something that if Y/N finds out I told you, she may never speak to me again. But I need you to promise me that you will never tell her what I'm about to tell you.
N: You're scaring me Tony.... She won't find out, so just tell me.
T: She was just here asking for the car but what she told me has me worried. She told me that she has a crush on you and she is very scared that you won't feel the same way and that she will lose you. She told me that she has never felt this way about anyone else and I don't want her to get hurt. So please don't hurt her. If you truly feel the way you told me about her just tell her. And if you don't, please make it clear to her, because she has been through so much and I don't know how she'll react to losing you.

There was a huge smile on my face which confused Tony.
T: What?
N: She has a crush on me?! I was really scared that it was only one sided but I too have never felt like this with anyone before. I appreciate you looking out for her but I promise I will never hurt her.

Tony hugged me and then sat back in his chair.
N: I better go back to my room. She is about to come and pick me up and she will be suspicious if I'm not in my room. By the way, did she tell you where she is taking me?
T: She did.... But I'm not tell you. I'm really happy for the both of you. (Tony replied with a genuine smile on his face)

I went back to my room in order to put on the finishing touches.

*Y/N's POV*

I knocked on Nat's door and she opened it.
I realized I was staring at her and the only word that came out of my mouth was" WOWW!!"
She just smiled and started to blush.

Me: Agent Romanoff... Are you ready to go?
N: Well, it depends. If we are going to hang out then no I'm not ready but if you're asking me out on a DATE, then yes. I'm ready. (Nat said while holding eye contact with me)

I can feel my face turning red and I started to play with my fingers while looking down.
Nat lifted my chin so I'm looking at her and I was greeted with a huge smile on her face.
Me: Agent Romanoff, will you do me the honors of going on a date with me? (I asked nervously)
N: I would love to! (She replied while grabbing her purse for us to leave)

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