Chapter 49

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~The time was 7 am on Friday~

T: Come on lovebirds!! We need to leave now, if you wanna surprise Morgan before she wakes up!!

He keeps honking the horn.
Nat and I ran out with our bags.
Me: We're coming, we're coming.

Nat took a seat next to Tony and I sat in the back, in the middle seat.
Me: Tony can you put on some music?
T: Yeah sure.

We all sang song after song until we reached Tony's place.
We got out and headed inside.
Pepper was reading the newspaper while drinking coffee.
Me: I didn't know they still made newspapers.... ( I said while going up to her and giving her a hug)
P: Ohh shut it....
Me: Is Morgan up yet? I miss her so much....
P: No, but she should be up any minute. You can go and wake her if you like.
Me: Let me grab our bags first.

Before I got out, I heard Morgan yelling and running down the stairs.
Mo: Aunt Y/N!!!!!

She jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly.
Me: Good morning Agent-in-training, I missed you.
Mo: I missed you too. Are you staying here today?
Me: Actually, I'm staying the entire weekend.

I saw her eyes light up and she just hugged me again.
Me: Morgan, I have someone really special I want you to meet.
Mo: Ok......

I turned around, and saw that Nat was biting her lip to conceal her excitement at the sight of me and Morgan.
Me: So Morgan, this is Natasha. Natasha Romanoff.  She is my girlfriend, but I'm going to marry her real soon.

Morgan went up to Nat and extended her hand for Nat to shake.
Mo: Hi Natasha, I'm Morgan.
N: It's nice to meet you Morgan, but call me Nat.
Mo: Ok Nat. So are you and aunt Y/N dating?
N: Yes we are.
Mo: Do you love her?
N: Yes, I do very much.
Mo: Good, because I can see she loves you too. You're the first person she has introduced me to. So..... now we have to go somewhere and talk about her, because I need to make sure you won't hurt her.
Me: Morgan!!
Mo: What aunt Y/N? If she loves you then we'll be totally ok. But I don't want her to hurt you and since I'm an Agent-in-training, I will be able to tell if she lies.
N: It's ok Y/N, so where do you wanna go and talk Morgan?
Mo: In my room.

Morgan grabbed Nat's hand and dragged her up the stairs.
Me: Ohh Godd, she's going to make Nat wish we never have kids.
T: Heyy!! That's my daughter you're talking about.
Me: And she's my niece, so I know exactly what I'm talking about.

All of us laughed.
P: Have you had breakfast yet?
Me: No we haven't, because someone (pointing at Tony) kept rushing us.
T: If you had woken up sooner, you would've had time to get breakfast.
P: It's ok, do you want pancakes? Because I'm going to make Morgan some and I can make extra for you and Nat.
Me: That'll be great, if my wifey comes downstairs alive. (We all laughed)

After about 30 minutes, they still hadn't come downstairs, so I decided to go check on them.
The door was open so looked through it and saw Nat in a purple fluffy scarf with lots of feathers and a pink tiara sitting at a kid's table and chair and pretending to drink tea with Morgan who was dressed similarly.

I got my phone out and took lots of pictures of them like that.
Then I set one of them as my home and lock screen so that Nat can see it whenever she picks up my phone.

I went back downstairs and showed the pics to Tony and Pepper who giggled at the sight of Nat like that.
Me: Now, none of you mention this to Nat, because she will literally kill me if she finds out I showed these to you.
P: We won't. Now, let me call for them to come down.
Me: That'll probably be best.
P: Morgan!! Nat!! Come down, breakfast is ready!!

Both of them ran downstairs without any feathers or tiaras on.
We all sat down at the table and Pepper placed the pancakes in front of us.

Me: So Morgan..... Do you approve of Nat?
Mo: Yes!! Using my spy skills, I think she is in love with you.
Me: Fewwww.... I was worried she was lying to me, because I'm also in love with her.
N: I love you too princess, don't worry.....
Me: Tashaaaa....... not in front of Morgan!! (I say turning red at her pet name)
Mo: Tasha? Who's Tasha?
N: That's me sweetheart. Since my name is Natasha, Y/N calls me Tasha.
Mo: Can I call you Tasha too? I really liked  it.
N: Of course, but no one else can. Only you 2.
T: Are you sure Tasha? (Tony said taunting her)

Luckily Pepper hit him over the head before Nat did anything.
T: Sorry, sorry.... Jeez...
N: You better watch your mouth Stark....
T: I'm sorry, but I can't take you seriously after what I saw.
Me: Shut it Tony!!
N: What? What did you see?
T: Ohh come on Y/N, I can't not say anything.
P: You WILL not say anything. So shut up.
T: Ok, ok fine. Nat.....
N: Yeah Tony?
T: Can you please check the time time on Y/N's phone?

I grabbed my phone but Nat quickly jumped and ran towards me.
I ran towards the living room when Nat grabbed me and pushed me onto the couch getting on top of me.

My phone fell onto the floor beside us but Nat didn't care and got on top of me, pinning my hands above my head.
N: What did you do Y/N? I know that look.......

Morgan ran over and grabbed my phone, opened it, showing it to Nat.
Mo: Here Tasha, it's a picture of me and you.

Nat turned to me and I saw that she had gone all red. She was embarrassed that we saw her like that.
Me: Awww...... Baby........ don't be embarrassed....... I think it's really cute how you're playing with Morgan.

She bent down and started kissing me but Tony yelled at us.
T:Heyy...... my daughter is literally watching you.
Me: Sorry Morgan!!
Mo: It's ok, because you two are in love. And people who are in love kiss each other.
Me: That's right. Now go and finish your breakfast, because I have to talk to Tasha real quick.

Nat and I walked outside to grab our bags.
Me: I'm sorry babe if I made you uncomfortable when I took that picture. I just loved seeing you like that. You were playing with Morgan, you were sooo cute.
N: It's ok love, I just got embarrassed, because no one has ever seen me like that before.
Me: I love you babe.
N: I love you more.
Me: Not possible.

Suddenly from the second floor, where Morgan's bedroom was, we heard a yell. It was Morgan.
Mo: Come on aunt Y/N and aunt Tasha we have to playyy......

Nat turned to me and I could see the excitement in her eyes.
N: Did she just call me aunt Tasha?!!
Me: Yeah, she did. Are you ok with that babe?
N: Yeah, I'm more than ok. I love it.
Me: Well I'm glad baby. Now come on let's go and playyyy...... ( I say mocking Morgan's tone of voice)
We both laughed and headed inside.

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