Chapter 37

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It was 10 am the next morning.
I was still out cold when Nat woke up.

Nat got out of bed and brushed her teeth before getting ready.
She went downstairs to the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee.
N: Hey Jarvis.....(The AI System)
J: Yes Agent Romanoff....
N: Where is Tony right now? I need to talk to him.
J: He is in the lab. Do you need me to call him or tell him anything?
N: No, that's ok Jarvis. I'm heading there now.

Nat went to Tony's lab and knocked on the door.
N: Tony, it's me Nat. I need to talk to you. It's important.

Tony opened the door and ushered Nat in.
T: Come in Nat. What can I do for you?
N: What I say cannot leave this room, ok? Or I swear to God I will kill you.
T: I'm assuming you mean Y/N. Don't worry, I won't tell her anything.
N: Last night she said a couple of things to me that have me worried and I need advice on what to do.
T: Nat, you've figured out what she needs and have helped her more than anyone I know. So I'm sure you're going to do the right thing, but tell me what it is so that I can help you.
N: When I took her to bed yesterday, she thought I was a stranger. So she started talking about me. She told me that she loved me very much and told me everything I do that she loves. Then, I asked her if there was anything that I do that she doesn't like and she told me no but there are some things that she does that I don't like.
T: What? What do you mean?
N: Well, I love everything about her but she said that she felt like a burden to me and had a panic attack a couple of days ago about that and couldn't tell me. She also told me that she's scared I will get hurt on a mission. I'm so confused on what I should do, because I don't feel like that. I don't think she's a burden. I love her with all my heart and I want her to know that, but I'm afraid if I just talk to her, she will feel like a burden. What should I do?
T: Ohh shit!! You're right. You have to do something from your heart that will show her how much she means to you.
N: I got it!!
T: Tell me, maybe I can help.
N: I know we've known each other for about a 6 months now, but we already talked about marriage and how that's something we see in our future with each other. I was thinking I can get her a promise ring to show her how much she means to me and how much I love her. And.... her birthday is coming up in 2 weeks, so I can get her the ring as her present. What do you think?
T: That'll be great! She's always wanted someone to give her a promise ring ever since she was a child and I think that's the perfect idea. Now do you need help with the ring? Like do you need me to pick it out with you or do need me to pay for it? Cuz I'll happily do so.
N: That's so sweet Tony but thanks. I got it covered, don't worry.
T: Ok, let me know if I can do anything. Now you got to go, because she's going to wake up with the worst hangover and you'll need to take her breakfast.
N: You're right. Let me go prepare something and take her some Advil for her headache.
T: But Nat...
N: Yes Tony?
T: I think you should talk to her about the panic attack. Otherwise, it might get out of control and she will shut you out. It has happened before and I don't want her to go through that.
N: Ok, I'll talk to her. I'll take her somewhere and talk to her. See you Tony.....
T: See you Nat....

Nat went into the kitchen and prepared pancakes for the both of us. She then made us coffee and placed them onto a tray. She then grabbed some Advil and a cup of water, placing them also on the tray. She then grabbed the tray and headed upstairs into our room.
Nat opened the door and saw me asleep on the bed.
She knew it would still be a while till I woke up, so she had placed the coffee into cups that keep it hot.

~The time was 1 pm~

I stirred and opened my eyes slowly.
I had a massive headache.
I turned around and saw Nat sat beside me reading a book.
N: Good morning beautiful.
Me: Shhhh..... Please don't shout..... I have a headache ........ But good morning to you too gorgeous.
N: Here baby. I brought you some Advil for your head and made us breakfast.

I sat up and just looked at her smiling.
N: Why are you smiling at me like that love?
Me: I love you.......
N: I thought you would be grumpy today, so I wasn't expecting that! But I love you more baby... Here.
(Nat handed me the meds and the cup of water and I took them)
Me: Thank you baby. Now come here and give me a kiss.

Nat blushed slightly but I pulled her in and gave her a passionate kiss.
Me: I had the weirdest dream that a stranger brought me to bed and I talked to her about you and then she tried to take off my clothes but I didn't let her. Then you came and helped me and we went to sleep.

Nat got nervous, because I remembered what happened but I thought it was a dream. She didn't want to tell me it really happened right there, because she wanted me to enjoy my morning. So, she just played along with it.
N: You let a stranger take you home.....(She said while laughing)
Me: I don't know how she came home with me. I just remember driving back with you in the car and then being carried to my room by this stranger.
N: That's a weird dream love, but don't ever think that you can come home with a stranger, you hear me?
Me: I hear you love. Don't worry. I'm all yours and no one else's.
N: Good girl. Now come on.... Let's eat breakfast.....

We ate breakfast and then headed downstairs to the kitchen.
When we got there, Tony was seated at the table eating his lunch.
Me: Heyy Tony.....
T: Hey Y/N, hello again Nat.
Me: Hello again? When did you two see each other today?
N: I saw him when I came down here to make us breakfast.
T: Yes, she's right! That's when I saw her.
Me: Ok, I know you two are hiding something. But promise me it's nothing to worry about.
N: You don't have anything to worry about princess.

My face turned all red when she called me that.
Me: I honestly don't know how you manage to do that to me. I just adore you.
N: I adore you too baby. Now I don't want to ruin your mood, but there is something important I need to talk to you about. So, can we go out somewhere? Because I don't want to talk here, where anyone can hear us.
Me: Ok, but you're starting to scare me.
N: Don't be love. It's something important but nothing to get worked up over.
Me: Ok..... If you say so..... Ohh!!! Can we get ice cream?
N: Yes love. Come on, let's go.
We got into the car and headed to the ice cream shop.

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