Chapter 27

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~Time skip to 3 weeks~

We have been in France for the last 3 weeks.
I was loving every moment of it.
I loved spending time with my amazing girlfriend in the city of love.
I talked with Tony almost every day but he seemed a little off the past couple of days.

*The time is 9 AM*
I woke up cuddled into Nat.
I looked up at her and saw her staring at me, smiling.

Me: Are you watching me sleep Agent Romanoff?
N: Maybeee.......
Me: You know that's creepy right? (I said while laughing)
N: It's not creepy, it's romantic. I just can't take my eyes off of you.
Me: I love you baby soo muuchhhhh....
N: I love you more.
Me: Not possible.

We got up and got ready to go to a café around the corner for breakfast.
When Nat's drink arrived, I sensed that it's off.

I grabbed it out of her hand and started inspecting it.
N: What's wrong baby? Why did you do that?
Me: Baby I'm sorry, but I think someone has spiked your drink.
Nat took the drink from my hand and started to inspect it as well.

N: I think you're right baby. Ohh Myy Gooddd!! Thank you!! I don't know what would've happened if you didn't notice it.
Me: Don't mention it baby. Let's just go back to the house to make sure you're safe. I think something is wrong, I don't feel good. I had this feeling yesterday in my stomach that we were being followed and that you were in danger, and today this happened. I got to talk to Tony to see if he knows anything.
N: What? Why didn't you tell me love?
Me: I didn't want to worry you.
N: We'll talk about this later. But come on, let's go.

We quickly settled the bill and went to the house.
I got on the phone with Tony to ask him what was going on
Me: Hello, Tony?!
T: What's wrong sis? Why are you angry?
T: What?! When?!
Me: This morning. We went to have breakfast and someone spiked her drink. You were acting strange the past couple of days, did you know  anything?

T: Ok yes, someone sent out a threat for Natasha, but I didn't tell you because you are in France and I didn't want to worry you.
Me: Are you fucking kidding me right now?!! Someone threatened to kill my girlfriend and you didn't think to mention it to me?!
T: There's no point in arguing now. You have to come home! If they found you in France, I don't know what they'll do, and you can't use your powers so you and Nat are not safe. I'm going to send the jet to come pick you up. It should be there in 8 hours. Don't be late.
Me: Ok, let me go tell Nat what's going on. By the way, do you know who sent the threat?
T: Yes I know, it was Rogers. Not him directly, but someone who I know is associated with him.
Me: Rogers?! I swear to God I'm going to kill him!!
T: You know what? I'm going to come to France in the plane and then come back with you, just in case something happens.
Me: That'll be great brother, thank you.

I hung up the phone and quickly ran to our room where Nat was sat.
She looked up at me and saw my face which had gone white due to the shock of someone trying to kill her.
Nat quickly dropped everything and ran to me, worried about what was happening.

N: Babe, what is it? Why is your face like that? Did Tony tell you something? Please talk to me baby.....
Me: Rogers.......
N: Rogers?!
Me: Rogers is trying to kill you.
As soon as I said those words, I started to cry.
It was my fault she was in danger.
If I had let her go when Steve threatened me a couple of weeks ago, she would've been safe.

Me: I'm.... I'm sorry......
I completely broke down and fell to the ground.
Nat grabbed me so that I won't hit the floor, and sat me down slowly on the bed while hugging me tightly.
N: What are you sorry for love? You didn't do anything.
Me: But I did.......
N: What did you do sweetheart? Whatever it is, tell me. We can figure it out together.
Me: I was selfish.... When he attacked me, I only thought about myself and the fact that I couldn't live without you. So I didn't let you go. If I had, he wouldn't be trying to kill you right now. I'm sorry.......
N: Awwwwww, babyyyyyy...... Please don't cry. It's not your fault. I don't blame you and neither should you. I can't live without you. We will take care of this don't worry.

Nat calmed me down for the next 30 minutes.
Me: Babe......
N: Yes love.....
Me: Tony is coming to pick us up in 7 hours, because if he found us here, you're in danger. You will be more protected at the Avengers compound. I'm sorry but we have to cut the vacation short.
N: Please don't apologize baby. We will start packing soon and we'll leave. We can always travel together, because you're stuck with me and I'm never letting you go!
Me: I love you baby, very much. I just don't understand why?
N: Why what baby?
Me: Why he is attacking you?! He said that he loved you. So, why would he want you dead? Shouldn't he be after me? I just don't get it.
N: Thank God he is not after you. I wouldn't forgive myself if you were in danger because of me, or if something happens to you because of me. I don't understand either why he is attacking me, but we will figure it out. I just don't want you to stress about it a lot, because we're both ok and that's all that matters.

~Time skip to 7 hours later, when Tony came to pick us up~

T: Hi guys how are you?
We hugged Tony, because we had missed him and got on the plane.
Me: Hello to you too brother. How is everyone?
T: Everyone is good and they can't wait to see you guys again. They all miss you.
N: Well, we miss them too. Now Tony about this Rogers situation... How dangerous is it?
T: Well, the person who sent out the threat is a close friend of Rogers. His name is the winter soldier.

When Tony said those words, my anxiety went through the roof and my entire body started to shake.
Nat and Tony ran towards me as I fell to the ground and curled up in a ball with my knees in my chest, rocking back and forth.
Me: No..... No...... It can't be..... It can't be......
N: Babe, babe, look at me. Breathe for me baby.

I looked up at her and started to cry.
N: Good job baby. You're doing so well. Now, in through your nose........ And out of your mouth......
After about 10 minutes I calmed down.

Nat picked me up from the floor and sat me down in her lap.
I grabbed onto her like a koala and hid my face in her neck.
N: Now baby, can you please tell me why you had a panic attack?
Me: Because of the name......
N: The name?
Me: The winter soldier....... I know him.

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