Chapter 42

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Pepper and I spent the next 3 hours going from one jewelry store to another.
I wanted to make sure that the ring was perfect.
7 stores later, I found the perfect one.

I called Pepper over to make sure it was THE ONE, to which she agreed.
The ring was expensive, almost 10 grand, but I didn't care. She deserves the world and I won't hold back.
We were both so tired but we needed to discuss the plan for the day, so we decided to get some cake and talk there.


It had been over 4 hours since Y/N left.
I am worried, because no paperwork is gonna take that long.

I got up and headed downstairs to make sure she is alright and doesn't need anything.
I knocked on Tony's office, because I didn't see her in the common area or the kitchen and Tony answered.
T: Come in....
N: Heyy, Tony it's me. Do you know where Y/N is? I can't find her.
T: Yeah.... Umm..... She left.
N: She left? Is she ok? Did something happen between you two again?
T: No, no, nothing happened. She is still mad at me but nothing new happened.
N: She has a good reason to be. But now where did she go? Cuz she usually tells me if she leaves the compound.
T: Pepper wanted to buy Morgan something and asked for Y/N's help, because Morgan loves Y/N's presents more than ours.
N: Ohh ok. But who is Morgan?
T: Ohh right, I'm sorry. I forgot I haven't introduced her to you guys yet. She is my 6 year old daughter.
N: Daughter? You have a daughter?
T: Yeah, I do. But no one knows except me, Pepper and Y/N for safety reasons of course.
N: Ohh ok. Do you know when they'll be back?
T: No, I don't, but can I talk to you about something?
N: Yeah, sure.
T: Actually, it's 2 things. First of all, I'm gonna ask you this, because Y/N was really nervous when we asked her, because she didn't know if you wanted to or not.
N: Wanted what?
T: I was wondering if you and Y/N can come up to our place over the weekend. Morgan really misses her aunt and I would love for you to meet her since you're family now.
N: Awww..... You consider me you're family?
T: Yeah, of course. You're Y/N's wifey, which makes you my sister. So, would you come?
N: I would love to.
T: Ok, but just act surprised when she asks you.
N: Don't worry, I will. Now you said 2 things. So, what's the second thing?
T: I wanted your advice on what I should do to make it up to Y/N. If you guys are going to come up on Friday, I only have a couple of days to make it up to her. Because today is Monday and I don't want her to come up still mad at me.
N: Hmmmmm...... You can take her on one of your brother-sister dates, she loves them. You can apologize and tell her that you were scared. I'm sure she will forgive you.
T: That's a great idea. I'll ask her when she comes back but I'm going to need your to help convince her, because I know she's gonna say no at first.
N:I will, don't worry. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna prepare lunch for my wifey for when she comes back.
T: Bye.
N: Bye Tony.

I went into the kitchen and started making spaghetti and meatballs for her, because that's her favorite.

*Y/N's POV*

I got a text from Tony saying that Nat came by and asked where I was and that he told her I was going to get a present for Morgan.
Me: Heyy Peps. We need to hurry up, because Nat's asking about me.
P: Ok, let's plan this date and we'll leave.
Me: Ok, I was going to yell at her for not telling me it was her birthday,  but I decided to keep it a secret and surprise her on the day.
P: That'll be great, because she will not expect anything.
Me: Yeah, that's what I thought. Now, will you be at the compound on Wednesday? Because I want to serve her something homemade on her birthday for breakfast but as you know, I can't cook shit.
P: (laughs) Yeah, I'll be there. What do you want me to prepare?
Me: I was thinking pancakes with blueberries and coffee, since that's her favorite.
P: Yeah, I can make that. Don't worry.
Me: Thanks Peps. Now since Tony wants to make it up to me, and you're going to be in the kitchen in the morning, I'm gonna make him prepare the balloons. I want to fill the room with balloons and decorations when she's asleep and take her the breakfast, so that we can enjoy it in bed.
P: That's romantic...... And you should totally use Tony. I'm sure he will do whatever you want.
Me: I thought about throwing her a party, but then decided not to. Because then everyone will know it's her birthday and there is a reason she hasn't told anyone.
P: Yeah, you're right. But you have to prepare something special at the evening to make up for the party.
Me: After breakfast, I can run her a bath with her favorite bubbles and stay there for a while with cuddles afterwards. Then for lunch, I can rent out her favorite restaurant and eat her favorite food and dessert.
P: That's great but you also have to plan an activity for you 2 to do together.
Me: Hmmmmm...... How about we go to a shooting range after lunch? I know she loves it there.
P: Yeah, that'll work.
Me: After that, I can take her to her favorite spot on the beach where I asked her to be my girlfriend and have dinner and champagne waiting for us and I'll give her the ring afterwards.
P: I'm sure she will love that.
Me: Then, we can come back to the compound and we can have a movie night on the roof with pillows and a projector that we can set up the night before and then we can have our fun in the bedroom..... ( I say while giggling)
P: After all that, I don't think you would make it to your bedroom. So, I'll make sure no one goes up to the roof. (She says while laughing)
Me: I think that'll probably be best.
P: You planned a hell of a date in 1 day. I wonder what you would've done if you knew sooner.
Me: I don't know, but I probably would've taken her somewhere. There's always a next time.
P: I can clear up my day tomorrow and on Wednesday, along with Tony's, so that we can help you prepare everything, because she will be suspicious if you disappear the entire day.
Me: Thanks Peps, let's go. We should get Morgan something on our way, because I don't like lying to my wifey, and I've missed Morgan so much. Now, are you sure you're ok with me bringing Nat over to meet Morgan?
P: Yeah, of course. I want her to get to know her other aunt.
Me: Thanks sis. Now, come on. Let's go.

We got Morgan a doll and headed back to the compound.
The time was 5 pm when we returned.

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