Chapter 17

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Nat and I went into the gym and started to work out.
I was punching the punching bag so hard but I didn't realize it, because I couldn't stop thinking about what Tony had said about Nat getting hurt.
N: Babe?
N: Baby....
N: Y/N!!!
Me: What babe? Sorry did you say something?
N: What's wrong? You were hitting the bag so hard and you were zoned out.

As soon as she said that, I looked down and started playing with my fingers, feeling guilty that I scared her.
Me: N-nothing babe.... I'm ok. Don't worry....

I was still looking down, so Nat quickly dropped everything she was doing and rushed over to me. 
N: Babe, can you please look at me?

I couldn't. I don't know why. Maybe because I had the image of her getting hurt in my head.
She put her hand under my chin and lifted it up so that I'm now looking at her.

N: Good baby.... Now please tell me what's wrong.
Me: It's nothing, I'll get over it. Please don't worry.
N: Baby if it's nothing, just tell me. Because if you don't, I'm going to get worried.
Me: Well.... Before you woke up this morning, Tony and I were talking and he told me I have to train.
N: We are already training everyday, I don't understand??
Me: We are training one-on-one combat, but he wants me to start using my powers. I haven't used them since I escaped! I hate them! Then he said that I should think of you!!
N: Of me?
Me: Yes! He said that I should think about you and if you ever get hurt on a mission and my powers can save you. If I don't, you will die. He put the image of you getting hurt in my head in order to scare me into using my powers, but now it's stuck. I don't want you to get hurt! I can't ever loose you!!

(I started crying, my breathing got heavy and I started to hyperventilate)
N: Ok baby, I'm going to need you to breathe for me ok?
In through your nose.........
And  out through your mouth......

I started doing as she said and began to calm down.
She pulled me into a hug and said:
N: Don't worry baby, I'm not going anywhere. Please don't think about stuff like that. I don't want you to practice your powers, because you think I might need them. I want you to practice your powers, because you might need them. I can't loose you too and I don't want you to get hurt. So if your powers will help you be more safe, I'm going to need you to practice them. I'm assuming you're going to practice your powers with Wanda, because they are similar. So if you want, I can come with you and be there with you.
Me: I'm sorry baby. I just don't want something to happen to you....
N: Don't worry princess. Nothing is going to happen to me. Now, I think you've had enough training for one day. What do you say we go up and have a shower?
Me: Thanks babe, that'll be great. And about your question earlier..... If you don't mind, I think it will be great if you come with me for training.
N: Of course baby. Let's go.

Nat grabbed my hand and we started walking back to our room.
When we entered the kitchen, Nat turned to me and said:
N: Go ahead baby, I'll be right there. I just have to do something real quick.

I smiled and gave her a quick kiss before going up to Nat's room.
Nat made sure I was up when she turned around and barged into Tony's lab.

Nat picked him up by his shirt and pinned him to the wall.
N: Are you kidding me Tony?
T: Nat?? What's going on?? Why are you attacking me??
N: Y/N had a panic attack because of you!!
T: What?! Is she ok?!
N: She is now. What were you thinking?
T: I don't know what you're talking about? I didn't do anything!!
N: You told her to practice her powers because one day I might be close to dying and she might be able to save me!!
T: I told her that, because she wouldn't let anything happen to you and she would work hard on them to make sure you're safe. I didn't think she would have a panic attack!
N: Well she did! She couldn't get the image of me dying out of her head.
Nat put Tony down and backed away.

T: I'm sorry, I'll talk to her.
N: No, you won't. Not about this! She can't know I told you. But for future reference Tony... Don't be so stupid!!

Nat walked out of the room and went upstairs to my room.
She knocked on my door but I didn't answer.
She knocked again and I didn't answer.
She got really worried and entered the room searching for me but I wasn't there.
She heard the water running in her room and smiled.
She knew I was in her shower and was really happy I felt comfortable enough with her to shower in her room.
She left the room and walked towards hers.

After I left Nat in the kitchen, I went to her room to take a shower.
I got undressed and got into the shower.

After a couple of minutes I heard the door open so I turned around and saw Nat leaning into the door frame smiling at me.
Me: What? What are you smiling at Agent Romanoff?
N: I thought you would be in your room, so I went in there and heard the water running. So I came in here.
Me: I'm sorry. Did you want me to use my own shower? I can get out if you're uncomfortable...
N: No babe, that's not what I meant. I am happy, because you feel comfortable with me to use my shower even when I'm not here.
Me: Aww... Come and join me agent Romanoff.

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