Chapter 19

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After cuddling for about 10 minutes, we decided to go downstairs to talk to Tony.
He was still sat at the kitchen table with his head in his arms looking down.
Me: Tony....

Tony looked up at me and I saw tears in his eyes.
He ran towards me and hugged me tightly.
T: I'm sorry Y/N! I didn't mean to cause you any more pain than you've already experienced. I'm supposed to help you put it behind you, not cause you more. I'm sorry! How can I make it up to you?
Me: It's ok Tony. I'm ok. Nat helped me. I just got really upset, because I thought you didn't know about my anxiety and panic attacks and I didn't want you to find out like that.
T: Of course I knew! I'm your big brother. I also know you get really bad social anxiety when a lot of people ask you questions or are looking at you. Plus..... If we're being honest.... I also know that you and Nat have a code word for when it gets too much for you and she takes you out.
Me: (confused by what Tony had just said) How do you know any of this?
T: Well I knew about your anxiety before and I warned Nat to take care of you and she told me she will, because she likes you very much and told me about your code word so I don't get worried. But don't worry, she didn't tell me what the word was.

(I turned to Nat who was worried, because she thought I would get upset with her since she told Tony, but I wasn't. I was happy that she cared so much)
Me: Baby, please can you come and give me a hug and a kiss....
N: (Nat ran into my arms and gave me a tight hug that I knew she needed. She then gave me a quick kiss) I'm sorry baby if I hurt you. I promise I'll make it up to you and none of this will ever happen again.
Me: It's ok Nat, I'm not mad. And Tony... Just so you're aware, the code word is sweaty or something with the word sweat in it. But... If you tell anyone, I swear to God I will hurt you!
T: I won't, don't worry.
Me: Now we can talk about how you can make it up to me, because I want to plan something special for my girl and I'm going to need your help.
N: Babe...... I'm taking you out tonight remember?
Me: Yes, I do. But I'm planning on something really special that requires your entire day. So I need his help. And you don't need to make it up to me, don't worry baby. I'm sure tonight will be amazing.
N:If you're ok baby, I have training in 15 minutes on weapons and I can't be late.
Me: Of course baby, I'm ok. But pleaseeeeee be careful!!!!
N: I will baby don't worry.
She gave me a quick kiss and went out of the room.

Me: Ok Tony.... Now that she's not here I'm going to need your help.
T: Anything for you sis! Just say whatever it is that you need and I'll do it.
Me: Can we go somewhere and talk there? I don't want anyone to hear us.
T: How about ice cream?
Me: Yess!! Let's go!!

Tony and I got into the car and started driving towards the ice cream shop.
Me: Let me text Nat and tell her we're going.
T: You should.

--Agent Romanoff--

Hellooo there Agent Romanoff. I just wanted to let you know I'm going out with Tony for ice cream and would be back shortly. Please be safe and let me know what flavor ice cream you want so that I can bring you some.

Helloooo to you too princess. Have fun with Tony and please bring me mint chocolate chip. Please be careful and I can't wait to cuddle with you.

Me: She wants us to bring her mint chocolate chip.
T: Oooooh!! I haven't had mint chocolate chip in a long time. I'll also get that.
Me: Well, I want vanilla.
T: As always!!

We got there and Tony got us vanilla and mint chocolate chip.
We sat down and started to eat.
T: Ok tell me. What are you planning and how can I help?
Me: Well since you said there aren't major missions where you'll need me or Nat for the next 2 months.... I was thinking I can take her somewhere nice for 2 or 3 weeks.
T: That's fine. I can arrange that. But where do you want to take her?
Me: I was thinking France or Italy, because we have places there but I don't know French or Italian. So I'm confused.
T: Well lucky for you Nat can speak French and Italian, so you'll be in good hands. But if you ask me, take her to France, it's more romantic. They don't call it the city of love for no reason.
Me: Then, France it is. Can you just tell me what we own there so I can plan accordingly?
T: Well, we have a couple of mansions, a couple of cars and part of the beach. You can take her next week if that's ok with the both of you. You can stay there for a month or so.
Me: Really?! Thank you Tony!! But don't tell her anything. I want it to be a surprise!! Plus, I'm taking the private jet!!
T: I wouldn't expect anything less. Now, come on. Let's get Nat her ice cream and head back to the compound.

We got Nat her ice cream and headed back to the compound.

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