Chapter 41

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Tony knocked on the door really loudly, scaring me and Nat.
I jumped up from Nat and landed face first on the floor next to the bed.

Nat quickly got up to check up on me, but I was ok except a small cut on top of my eyebrow.
N: Babe? Are you ok?
Me: Yeah, yeah I'm fine.

I got off the floor and Nat saw my cut bleeding.
N: Ohh Myy God! Babe! You're bleeding!
Me: Don't worry, it doesn't hurt. I should clean it up before my healing power kicks in. Can you go and talk to Tony, I don't want to talk to him just yet.
N: Yeah, of course. If you need anything just yell and I'll come help you.
Me: Thank you baby. I'll be fine.

With that being said, I went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me.
Nat opened the door and just stared at Tony.
T: Umm...... Good Morning......
N: Really Tony? What the fuck!! She cut herself because of you.
T: What? How did she do that?
N: We were asleep and your knock scared us. She jumped out of bed and hit the floor and cut herself.
T: Ohh shit!! I'm sorry. Is she ok? Can I talk to her?
N: No, because she's still angry at you and doesn't want to talk to you right now. Give her some time and she'll come around.
T: Well... Unfortunately, she is gonna have to talk to me, because there are some forms that she has to fill out before going on a mission and I'll be waiting for her in my office along with Pepper.  Make sure she's down there in the next 30 minutes.
N: Ok, I'll let her know. Now bye.
T: Bye.

Nat opened the door and saw that I'm putting a band aid above my cut.
N: You ok bubs?
Me: Yeah, I'm ok. What did Tony want?
N: Well, he needs you in his office to fill out some paperwork in the next 30 minutes. Pepper is also going to be there.
Me: You've got to be kidding me. Ok let me get ready and I'll go talk to him.
N:Ok bubs. I'll be waiting outside.

I got ready in 10 minutes and went up to Nat that was playing on her phone.
I took her phone and straddled her legs, wrapping my hands around her neck.
N: You ok baby?
Me: Yeah.... Just thinking....
N: Thinking? About what love?
Me: About how much I wanna kiss you right now. Here.......( I placed my fingers on her lips) and here........(I traced my fingers up and down her neck) and here........ ( I played with her collar bone) and here......(My hands started to go down her stomach)
N: What's stopping you?

I saw Nat had turned red from the teasing and I decided to leave her like that until I came back from Tony's office.
I quickly got off of Nat and said:
Me: I got to go but I had to leave you thinking about me sweetheart.
N: Ohh, you're liking this aren't you?
Me: Mhmm, I like teasing you.

Nat got up and started walking towards me her eyes full of lust.
I got really nervous and started backing away from her with each step she took, with a smile on my face.
I hit the wall, but that didn't stop her.

She came up really close to me and whispered:
N: You're such a bottom baby. Leave the teasing to me.

I pushed her away
Me: I am NOT a bottom!
N: Baby we've had this conversation before. There is nothing wrong with being a bottom. Just look how red you are right now.
Me: Of course I'm going to be red. You're very sexy and I get nervous around you.
N: (Nat gave me a quick kiss) Go on love, I'll be waiting for you to come back. And don't forget, tonight, I'm taking you out for burgers.
Me: Baby, you're always taking me out. Let me take you out tonight.
N: No baby. I'm taking you out tonight. End of conversation. Now go, otherwise you'll be late.

I went downstairs and entered the office.
Me: Hi Pepper, how are you? TONY.
P: I'm fine sis, how are you? Are you and Tony fighting again?
Me: Ohh! He didn't tell you what he did?
T: Y/N enough. Come on, let's get started.
Me: (Turning to Pepper) You should ask him, because you will be SOO pissed at him.
P: Don't worry sis. I'll make sure he tells me and I'll make sure he makes it up to you.
Me: Thank you. You were always my favorite.
P: (laughs) By the way, Morgan really misses you. What do you say you come up for the weekend and bring Nat with you? It will be great if you introduce her to your wifey. Of course if you're up for it.
Me: I'll love it, but I have to ask Nat if she wants to take that step. I'll let you know.
P: That's great. So....... When are you going to propose?
Me: I don't know, I would like to get engaged to her but I don't think it's the right time to get married right now. But if I propose right now, it will scare her off.
P: I don't think it will. Have you seen the way she looks at you?
Me: (laughs) I'll think about it Peps, thanks. Now, let's get started Tony. I have a date tonight.
T: Ok, so you have to fill out this paperwork which should take you about an hour. Here......
He handed me the paperwork and I started filling them out and signing things.

After about 50 minutes, I was almost done... The only thing left was the info on my emergency contact.
Me: Heyy Tony..... I think I want to put Nat down as my emergency contact if that's ok with you.
T: Of course sis. It's your decision.
Me: Great, just one thing....... I know everything I need to put down except her birthday. She has never mentioned it before.
T: Wait. Let me pull up her file while you finish the rest of the info.

After about a minute, I was done and was waiting for Tony.
T: Her birthday is in 2 days.
Me: What?! 2 days?! I'm gonna kill her! How am I supposed to prepare something special for her in 2 days?!
Me: I need to talk to you after this. I'm gonna need your help sis.
P: Sure thing. Just finish the paperwork and we can go grab some coffee or something.
Me: Yeah, that'll be great.

I finished the paperwork and handed it to Tony.
Me: Ok sis, let's go. Tony, make sure Nat doesn't know what's going on. If she comes back looking for me, just tell her something and keep her occupied.
T: I will. Don't worry.
Me: I'm still mad at you, but a little less. Now, come on Peps. Let's get out of here.

Pepper and I got into the car and headed to a nearby café.
We ordered some coffee and started to talk.
P: So, first of all. What are you going to get her?
Me: On our way here, I was thinking maybe I can get her a promise ring. It will show her that I'm serious and ready to spend the rest of my life with her, and there isn't the pressure of getting married just yet. What do you think?
P: I mean that's a great idea. She will love it. But if you want to get her a ring, we have to go shopping right now, because her birthday is in 2 days and you won't get another chance.
Me: You're right. Let's go and we can discuss the rest on our way.

We paid for our drinks and got back in the car and headed to a jewelry store.

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