Chapter 30

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*The time was now 10 PM*

Nat stirred and opened her eyes. She looked out the window and saw it was dark again.
She quickly looked up and saw me staring at her with a huge smile on my face.

N: Are you staring at me princess while I'm sleeping?
Me: Maybeee.....
(We laughed, because we've had this conversation before but the roles were reversed, as she was the one watching me sleep)

N: What time is it love?
Me: It's 10:08 love.
N: You let me sleep on you the entire day? Again?
Me: Yes love, I did. I love you more than anything in this world.
N: Next time you're in the hospital, I'm going to set an alarm before going to sleep.
(We laughed)
N: No, but seriously babe. Do you need anything? Did you eat anything?
Me: Ok love. I'm going to tell you everything but promise you won't get mad at me.
N: Promise.
Me: So..... I haven't eaten anything today, because you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you. The doctor told me I can go back to my room this morning, but due to obvious reasons, (Nat was asleep on me) I couldn't move. The doctor told me I need to change my bandages daily which she taught you but I can't let you do that, because I don't want to burden you. What elseee....... I told Tony to get your room ready for us. I hope you don't mind, because I want to stay with you and not in my room. Also..... I have to be on bed rest and I'll see the doctor for a checkup in a week for further instructions. There are also some antibiotics and painkillers that I have to take which the doctor said she gave to you. But I'll take them, don't worry. Whewwww..... That took a lot of energy........
N: Are you done? (she said while laughing)
Me: Yes, I'm done.
N: Ok, we can take this step by step. First of all, let's get you to the bathroom, because I know you've been holding it in. Then, I will carry you to the kitchen where I'll make you something to eat. Then we'll go to my room and discuss the things you just said further. How does that sound love?
Me: Perfect. (I said smiling)

Nat took me to the bathroom and then carried me bridal style to the kitchen.
We went into the kitchen, which thankfully was empty.
Nat carefully placed me on the kitchen counter, next to her and asked:
N: What do you want to eat baby?
Me: Can you make some kind of soup? I don't care what kind, but I don't think I can keep solid food down.
N: Of course baby. Coming right up.

Nat made us tomato soup and we sat there eating it.
She then carried me again and took us to her room.
She gently placed me on the bed and went to her closet to get us clothes to change into.
She came back with some new underwear and an oversized t-shirt for the both of us.
N: Can you carefully lift your hands up baby?

I did and she changed me. Afterwards, she changed her clothes as well and got into bed next to me.
She opened her arms and I cuddled into her chest, clinging onto her like a koala.
N: Are you ok bubs?
Me: Physically yes, but emotionally no.
N: Please talk to me bubs. Tell me what's wrong.
Me: I didn't think I would see you again. I thought that would've been the last time that I would see you, and all I could think about when I was falling, was all the things I still wanted to do with you. I'm sorry.....
N: Awwww...... Babe........

Nat held me tighter and I cuddled into her more.
N: Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. I also thought that that would be my last moments with you and my heart broke, because I have so many plans with you that I can't wait for.
Me: What kind of plans?
N: Well first of all, I want to buy a house with you and move in with you. Then I want us to get married and after a couple of years, when the timing feels right, I want us to have kids, even though I can't carry them myself, I would like to have them if you're not opposed to it.

My eyes started to tear and I hid my face trying to mask it.
A tear fell from my face onto Nat's neck which she quickly noticed.
N: Baby? Are you crying?

She lifted up my chin and saw tears in my eyes.
N: Why are you crying love? Did I say something that upset you? (she asked in a soft and calm voice)
Me: No bubs, the complete opposite. I have the same plans but I was afraid to ask you about kids, because I know you can't carry them, but I also know that carrying a child isn't what makes someone a mother and I know that you'll make the best mom. I have never wanted that life before meeting you. One night I had a dream, where we were married and had kids in a big beautiful house with 2 dogs, and I can't stop picturing my life with you. So when I got shot, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do those things with you.
N: I love you so much baby. I also never imagined my life like that but one day I just thought about it and it felt right. I know we will grow old together and we will do all of those things, except...... Maybe let's just stick to one dog.

We both started laughing even though we both had tears in our eyes.
N: Babe?
Me: Yeah?
N: I don't want to ruin your mood but can we talk about what you said earlier when we were in the hospital room?
Me: *sighs* Yeah sure....
N: Ok first of all, of course I didn't mind you staying in my room. Don't ever think that, because I don't consider this my room and the one next door yours. I think this is our room and the one next door is where you keep your stuff. (she said while laughing making me laugh)
Me: Don't make me laugh Nat. It hurts when I do.
N: Ok, ok. Now, you have to take your painkillers and antibiotics every 6 hours and I want to be there for each one. I will give you the medication every 6 hours to make sure you've taken them correctly. Now the worst one of all, the bandage. We need to change your bandage daily which is going to hurt like a motherfucker. So I'm going to need you to keep breathing for me when I do, ok?
Me: Ok baby..... But I'll take the meds myself, you don't need to wake up in the middle of the night to give them to me, I can set an alarm and take them.
N: Babe, I won't be able to sleep if I don't make sure you've taken them. So, please let me do this.
Me: Ok, ok love.
N: Now let's cuddle, because tonight we don't have to change the bandages and I want you to be in my arms.

I clung to her like a koala again and fell asleep within minutes, because I was so tired.
Nat kept playing with my hair and whispering sweet nothings in my ear until I fell asleep.
After she made sure I was asleep, she let sleep consume her.

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