Chapter 10

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I went into the lab and saw Tony working on a suit.
Me: Good morning brother. What is it that you wanted to talk to me about? (I asked impatiently, because I wanted to get back to Nat)
T: Well, a couple of things. First of all, I wanted to talk to you about your date. Then, I wanted to give you your new suit and finally, I wanted to talk to you about a party. Where do you want me to start?
Me: Let's start with the suit then we can grab coffee or something and talk about the rest there.
T: Ok, let's get started then.

After about 2 hours, we were all done with the suit-
T: So.... Do you wanna go to a café to talk or do you wanna grab something from the kitchen?
Me: Let's go to a café. I'll feel more comfortable knowing no one can hear us.
T: Ok, let's go! But I'm driving.

I texted Nat that I'm going to go out with Tony and she told me to have fun and that she would have lunch ready for me when we come back.

I couldn't help but smile and Tony noticed.
After about 10 minutes, we pulled up to a café and ordered lattes.

T: So..... First of all, we are going to have a party tonight at 9 in celebration of your arrival. Second, let's talk about your date with Nat. I thought you were going to a fancy restaurant?
Me: I don't have anything to wear for tonight. I can ask Nat if she would come with me to buy some dresses.
T: I think that's a great idea. And if you can't go because something happens, text me and I'll have dresses delivered to your room. Don't worry sis.
Me: Thank you brother, you're the best.
T: Now back to Nat. Spill!!
Me: Well, I pulled up to the restaurant and she looked out the window and saw that it is a fancy restaurant. She refused to leave the car, because she said I shouldn't spend that much on our first date. I insisted but she said she had something in mind. We switched seats in the car so she was driving and she took me to a carnival, because I had told her that my favorite memory is when we went to the carnival before I got kidnapped. We had a lot of fun and played for hours until I challenged her to a basketball match where the looser gets a pie smashed in her face by the winner.
T: You made a bet with Romanoff?!! Ooohhhhh... That's never a good idea. She will do whatever she has to do to win.
Me: Well, I kind of figured that out when she pushed me to the floor, so that she'll score the winning basket. But that wasn't the best part.
T: Ok, now I'm intrigued....
Me: After smashing a pie in my face, she helped me clean it up and once we were done, she pulled me into her and kissed me.
T: You kissed?!! Ohh my God!! Y/N!!!
Me: That wasn't the only time. She then kissed my again on the Ferris wheel after she found out I'm afraid of heights and talked to the man about stopping the wheel for a few minutes when we reached the top.
T: Who knew Romanoff had such game. I'm really happy for the both of you.
Me: Thank you brother. Now, I just have to figure out something special for our next date. I mean she didn't just take me to a restaurant, she took me to the carnival because I said that I loved it there. So now I have to do something special but I have no idea what I should do.
T: Why don't you take her to the beach? She mentioned once that she always went to the beach whenever she was stressed or she needed to think about something important.
Me: Ohh My God! You're a genius!! I can set up a nice table with candles and roses and have dinner ready for us when we pull up and then I can get someone, like a violin player, to play for us while we eat dinner! That would be romantic, right?
T: Yes, it totally would. But don't forget the champagne. Now, come on. Let's go back to the compound. I'm starving. It's 2 pm and I don't know what I'm going to eat.
Me: Well, I do (I say with a smirk). After I texted Nat that I was going out with you, she said she would prepare something for me and her to enjoy when I got back.
T: Hmmm..... Maybe I should date her..... Wait! That's why you were smiling at your phone before we left?
Me: Yeah, I don't know why but I always smile when I'm talking to her or when I'm with her. She really is something special.
T: I'm glad you found each other. Now, come on. Let's grab some take out for me and dessert for the both of you and head back to the compound.

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