Chapter 61

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I woke up still on top of Nat while she was playing with my hair.
I was really sad that I woke her up in the middle of her sleep.
N: Good morning bubs, how are you feeling?
Me: Before I answer that, when did you wake up?
N: I didn't go to sleep after what happened early this morning. I wanted to make sure you were ok.

I started crying when she said that because I was already sad, and the thought of her not getting sleep because of me was like daggers into my heart.
N: Baby? Are you crying?
Me: I'm sorry.......
N: Why are you crying love? What are you sorry about?
Me: For what happened before..... You didn't get any sleep because of me......
N: Babe, please don't cry. I slept from 10 till 5 so I'm good. I didn't sleep, because I wanted to make sure you were ok, not because you woke me up...... Besides, I love you and I would do anything for you.
Me: I'm just sad that I was the reason you didn't get sleep yesterday. I'm sorry.
N: Awwwww bubs....... I love you so much.

I squeezed Nat tighter and held on to her like life depends on it.
N: Are you hungry baby?
Me: No, I just want to stay like this for a while. I miss you.....
N: How do you miss me babe? (she said giggling) We literally spend everyday together.
Me: I don't know, I'm clingy today I guess. I don't want to get off of you. When I'm in your arms I feel safe and last night I didn't feel safe so just hold me please.
N: In that case, you're stuck with me the entire day. I won't let you go.

We spent the entire morning like that.
The time was now 2 pm when Nat received a text from Tony saying that lunch is ready.
N: Babe.....
Me: Mhmmmmmm
N: Do you wanna go downstairs to lunch?
Me: No, I'm not hungry.
N: Babe, you have to eat. I just meant do you wanna go downstairs and have lunch or do you want me to bring lunch in here?
Me: I'm not hungry, but in here is better.
N: You didn't have breakfast too, so I'm  going to need you to eat even if you're not hungry.
Me: Ok, let's eat in here.
N: Now do you want to stay here while I go downstairs or do you want me to carry you down with me?
Me: With you. I don't want to be alone.

Nat texted Tony to prepare 2 bowls of spaghetti and that we were going to come downstairs to get them and come back up.

Nat got up and carried me downstairs like a koala.
Tony gave Nat the 2 bowls and Nat turned around to go back up to our room.
Me: Can we eat in the cinema room?
N: Of course we can baby.

We spent the entire afternoon watching movie after movie until it was 6 pm.
Pepper was going to bring Morgan around 7 so we had to get ready.
N: Baby......
Me: Yes love.....
N: Morgan is going to be here within the hour, so we need to get ready.
Me: You're right, she can't see me like this. Come on, let's have a shower together.... (I said with a smile on my face)
N: There's my happy girl.

We took a shower together and got ready.
At 7:05, Pepper texted me that they are pulling up into the driveway, so Nat and I went outside to greet them.

Mo: Aunt Tashaaa.........
Morgan jumped into Nat's arms.
Me: What am I? Chopped liver?
Mo: Aunt Y/N....... I missed you so much!!
Me: I missed you too Morgan. I have a surprise for you.
Mo: What is it?
Me: Actually it's with aunt Tasha.....
Mo: What is it aunt Tasha?
N: Did you bring your knife set with you little agent?
Mo: Yes, but mommy made me promise to be safe.
N: Well we are going to train together, so that you'll always be safe.
Mo: We are?!!!!!
N: Mhmmmm and aunt Y/N is also going to be there watching us.
P: Well I'm going. I'll pick her up later.
Me&N: Bye Peps.
Mo: Bye mommy...

We got into the gym and locked the doors to make sure no one interrupts us.
Mo: When are we going to throw the knives aunt Tasha?
N: Before we do that, we need to learn a little fighting ok?
Mo: I'm going to fight just like you?!
N: With training, why not?
Mo: Did you hear that aunt Y/N?
Me: Yes I did, but I'm scared, because aunt Tasha always kicks my ass, so........ Be careful.....

Nat and Morgan started training. Nat taught her some basic self defense and told her that they'll practice twice a week and when she's ready, they'll start throwing knives.

It was 9 pm and Pepper still hadn't picked Morgan up.
Morgan had fallen asleep on Nat's lap in the cinema room, so I texted Pepper that she'll sleep here tonight and I'll drop her off tomorrow, since she didn't have school.

N: So how are you feeling bubs?
Me: I'm great. Don't get me wrong, I wish it was me instead of Morgan on your lap but I'm fine.
N: Glad to hear it. Where is she going to sleep? She doesn't know the compound. She might get scared.
Me: How about she sleeps in our bed and you can sleep next to her and I'll sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag.
N: Of course not love. I'll sleep in the sleeping bag while you sleep on the bed.
Me: No, because you didn't sleep well last night, and I can't take it if you don't sleep again.
N: Baby, I'm going to sleep, just not in the bed.
Me: Nope, end of conversation. I'll be sleeping in the sleeping bag.

We took Morgan to our room and placed her on my side of the bed.
I tucked her in and then turned to Nat.
Me: Good night baby, come on get under the covers so that I can tuck you in as well.
N: You know I'm not 6, right?
Me: Yeah, I know. But I also know that you secretly love it, even if you won't admit it. And that's ok, because I will continue to do so.
N: I just love you so much. I don't know what I have done to deserve you.
Me: I'm the one that's supposed to ask you that. Now good night.
N: Good night love.
I gave her a quick kiss and got into the sleeping bag on the floor next to Nat.

Nat wasn't sleeping, she just kept turning and turning for an hour.
N: Hhhhhhh................ (she let out a big sigh to get my attention)

I started laughing at her antics and turned towards her.
Me: What's wrong baby?
N: I can't sleep without you. I want to cuddle with you.
Me: Me too. I can't sleep without your arms around me, but there isn't enough room. Unless.... You wanna come down here with me....
N: Can I?
Me: I was only joking baby, the sleeping bag is for 1, where will you sleep.
N: On the floor, without a sleeping bag.
Me: Not gonna happen.
N: I got it!! (Nat suddenly jumped off the bed)
Me: What are you doing? (I said giggling)
N: Can you stand up for me baby?
Me: Nooooo....... Tell me what you are doing first.
N: Just stand up! (she used her dominant voice that I can't say no to, and I stood up)
N: Such a bottom....
Me: Shut up...... What are we doing?
N: Koala....

Nat grabbed my waist and pulled me up. I wrapped my legs around her and my arms around her neck.
Me: Where are we going bubs?
N: Nowhere. We are going to bed like this. So this way, there is room for all of us to sleep.
Me: Are you going to be comfortable?
N: With you on top of me? I'll be on cloud 9. Now, come on..... Let's sleep. I'm tired.

Me: Good night bubs. I love you.
N: Good night princess. I love you too

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