Chapter 14

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We went out the car and I stopped Nat before she got into the passenger's seat.
Me: Do you trust me Agent Romanoff?
N: Of course I do princess. Why would you ask that?

(I pull out a blindfold from my pocket and show it to her)
Me: Well the place I'm taking you is kind of public, even though I rented it out and no one else is going to be there, but you will recognize it before we get there. So, I'm not taking any chances. Can you please turn around so that I can put this blindfold on you?
N: Are you serious? I'm going to be blindfolded the entire time we go there?
Me: Yup. Now, please turn around.

I placed the blindfold over Nat's eyes and helped her into the car.
We drove for about 20 minutes in comfortable silence when suddenly she placed her hand on my thigh and started going upwards and towards my inner thigh.

I quickly grabbed her hand and said:
Me: Babe... What are you doing? I'm driving.
N: You really aren't going to say where you're taking me?
Me: No... I'm not.... We're almost there so be patient.....
N: (She moved her hand towards my core and placed her fingers over my clit while doing small circles on it) And how about now.... (she said smirking)
Me: Nat...... Stoppp........ I'm driving..... Ok, stop we're here. Wait right there I'm coming to get you.

I got out of the car and opened her door helping her out.
I grabbed her hands and started to walk her towards the area I had set up for us to enjoy.
We just made it in time to watch the sun set over the incredible blue ocean while drinking wine.
I took off her blindfold and she didn't say anything.
I got really worried, because I thought she didn't like it.

Me: What? You don't like it? I'm sorry we can go to another pla-
I was cut off by Nat jumping into my arms and kissing me.

We kissed for a minute or so before pulling away.
Me: (I saw tears forming in her eyes) Babe are you crying? Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to hurt you....  I'm sorry if I did anything.....
N: No babe. You didn't do anything wrong. It's just no one has ever done anything like this before, it's perfect. I love it.

She pulled me into a passionate kiss.
After a couple of minutes, we pulled apart and I took her to the table.
I pulled her chair out for her to sit and then sat her down.

N: Thank you baby. How did you know I love the beach?
Me: Well during my brother-sister date with Tony yesterday, I told him how amazing you've been and then you said you were making lunch and I couldn't believe how thoughtful you are. I told him that I wanted to plan something special for you but I don't know what and he mentioned that you come here when you're stressed or you have something important to think about. So, I rented out this entire beach, so that we'll be alone and set up this table and dinner, but I have 1 more surprise....... and there he is.

The violinist came up to us and started to play romantic classical music and I held out my hand:
Me: Agent Romanoff, may I have this dance?
N: Of course princess.....
She gave me her hand and I pulled her up for us to dance.

We slow danced for about 5 minutes before the song ended. As the next song started, I grabbed 2 glasses of wine and handed one to her.
I spun her around and wrapped my hands around her waist so that we're now facing the ocean where the sun is setting.

Me: Nat..... I wanted to ask you something..... (I said shyly)
N: Why did you get so shy all of a sudden? You can ask me anything....
Me: Will you be my girlfriend?
N: Yes!! A thousand times yes!!

We kissed and then turned around to watch the beautiful sunset.

N: Babe, this is so thoughtful of you. I love it! I love every single thing you have planned. You're amazing. What did I do to deserve you?!
Me: You deserve it baby. You deserve the world. You have done so much for me. First time I knew I wanted us to be more than friends is when you said we should decide on a code word for when my anxiety gets really bad. Then, I knew we had something special when you took me to the carnival. I also love how you sacrificed the comfort of sleeping in your own bed, to sleep with me every night since I've been here, because you found out I have nightmares and I don't get them when I'm with you. I love how you call me princess and the effect it has on my body. I love how you're very sweet and loving towards me even though you put up a tough exterior with everyone else. So baby, the real question is: What did I do to deserve such am amazing girlfriend?!
I quickly jumped into Nat's arms and we started kissing.

N: How about we send these guys away and have a little fun on the beach? (she says smirking at me)
Me: (turning to the violinist and the 2 chefs) Please leave everything you're doing and go. I appreciate everything you have done and your checks are on the table over there. Thank you for the incredible music and thank you for the amazing plates of food you have prepared. Even though we haven't eaten yet, but I'm sure they're incredible.
They all said thank you and left. Now it's just Nat and I on the beach.

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