Chapter 56

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It was 6 am on Monday when Nat woke me up.
N: Wake up bubs, we have to leave at 9 for the mission.
Me: Mmmmmmm...... It's too early...... Let me sleep for 2 more hours.......
N: No, you can't sleep for 2 more hours. We have to take a shower and then go downstairs to have a proper breakfast before we leave. I don't want you to get lightheaded during the mission. I don't want you to get hurt.
Me: Ok fine...... but can we cuddle for 10 minutes before we shower?
N: Of course babe. Come here.

Nat and I spend around 10 minutes cuddling and then had a shower together.
We went downstairs for breakfast at 7 where Nat made me pancakes.

At 8, we went back up to our room and started getting ready for the mission.
Me: Babe......
N: Yes my love....
Me: Can you help me with the zipper of my suit? I can't seem to get it up.
N: Of course bubs, turn around.

Nat helped me with my suit but I can tell she was worried about me.
Me: Bubs, are you ok?
N: Yeah I am. Don't worry.
Me: Please talk to me baby.
N: I'm just worried about you. I don't want anything to happen to you.
Me: Baby, listen to me. I know you're worried but I'm fine. I wouldn't go on the mission if I wasn't. I still don't have my full strength back but I have more than enough for this mission. I promise I'll let you know if something is wrong.
N: Ok baby, but pleaseeeeeeee tell me of something goes wrong.
Me: I will. Now come on let's go downstairs.

We went downstairs where Tony and Wanda were waiting for us.
We got into the jet and headed to the base.

Everything was going well until I saw someone about to shoot Nat.
I used my superspeed and took 2 bullets for her.

Nat turned around, because of the sound and saw me lying on the ground.
N: Y/N!! (Through intercom) Y/N's been shot! Can any of you help me carry her to a secure location?
W: I'm on my way.

Nat and Wanda carried me behind the building.
N: Why isn't it healing!!
Me: (I was getting very weak, because of the blood lost and barely managed to say) You....have to... get the bullets out....

Wanda used her powers to do so and my healing power immediately kicked in.
I saw some guards running towards us so I once again used my superspeed and knocked them out.

When I knocked them out, I heard Tony.
T: Good job Y/N. The mission is done. Everyone on the jet now, so that we can head back to the compound.

We headed to the jet but just as I was about to sit I felt light headed.
Me: Nat......
N: Yes love.....
Me: Something's wrong.....

Nat quickly ran towards me and held me by my waist so that I don't fall to the ground.
N: What do you mean love?
Me: I feel like..... I'm gonna..... fai......

I passed out due to the lack of energy in my body.
N: No!! Y/N!! Not again!! Tony!! When do we reach the compound?!
T: Around 3 minutes....
W: Let me see if I can help.....

Wanda went into my brain and saw that I don't have any energy left, so she gave me some of hers but only enough to wake me up, because she also didn't have alot of energy due to the mission.

I opened my eyes and Wanda took a seat.
N: Y/N!!!!! You're ok......
Me: I am, but check on Wanda. She gave me her energy.
W: I'm fine Y/N, I just need to rest.
Me: Yeah, me too.

We reached the compound and headed inside.
Nat was holding on to me by my waist when Tony stopped us.
T: Y/N and Nat, you BOTH are on  mandatory leave for 2 weeks. You have done more missions then required by your contract and I'm putting you both on leave so that you'll regain your strength back for upcoming missions. We don't have anything scheduled for the next 2 weeks but after that we have lots of missions. So please just go and rest.
Me: Will do.

I waited for Nat to say something but she didn't. That's when I realized that they haven't spoken much to each other since she came back from her mission.

I waited till we got into bed after taking a shower, to ask her about it.
Me: Babe....
N: Yes my love....
Me: Are you and Tony ok? I mean you have barely said a word to each other since you got back.
N: I'm sorry love, I'm just so mad at him. I found out something when I got back and I just can't forgive him yet.
Me: What did you find out?
N: That he fell asleep and forgot to bring you food and the next day you fainted.
Me: Baby, I'm fine......
N: You being fine doesn't change what he did. And you're not fine! Wanda had to give you some of her energy to wake you up, because you're still exhausted from before when he FORGOT to bring you food!!
Me: Babe, listen to me. I know you're still shaken up and worried about me but I'm fine. I'll rest and will regain all my strength in the following 2 weeks.
N: Ok bubs. Come on, let's go to sleep.

It was now 8 am when I woke up in Nat's arms.
She was asleep peacefully, so I didn't want to wake her up.
I slowly untangled myself from her and headed downstairs to the kitchen where I saw Pepper making breakfast.

Me: Heyy Peps, I missed you.
Pepper ran to me and hugged me tightly.
P: Are you ok?
Me: Yeah sis, I'm fine.
P: You can't scare me like that!! I didn't know what was going on!! Tony didn't tell me anything. Otherwise I would've come here and helped you.
Me: I know you would've. Don't worry I'm fine, honestly.
P: How are you fine? I thought you fainted again yesterday?
Me: Well I did, but that was for another reason. Not because I wasn't eating.
P: Then why did you faint?
Me: I was already weak from the previous week when I wasn't eating, but I took 2 bullets for Nat and lost alot of blood. Then I saw Hydra Agents running towards us, so I used superspeed to knock them out. Then when we got on the jet, I didn't have any energy left.
P: So how are you now?
Me: I feel tired but I'm fine. Nat hasn't left my side since she returned from her mission. She makes sure I eat properly and sleep well. I honestly don't know what I would do without her.
P: I'm glad to hear that. Now do you want me to make you anything? I know you can't make shit, so........
Me: Thanks Peps. If you don't mind can you make Nat and I pancakes? I want to surprise her with breakfast in bed but I don't know how to make them.
P: Yeah of course, give me 10 minutes and it would be done along with 2 black coffees.
Me: Thanks. How's Morgan?
P: She misses you, but I think she misses Nat more.
N: Who misses me more?
Me: Good morning bubs.... (I gave her a quick kiss)
N: Good morning baby, but don't change the subject.
Me: My so called favorite niece.....
P: She's your only niece.
Me: I know but she's my favorite.....
N: I miss her too. I was wondering if we can come up and visit her in a couple of days.
P: Yeah, of course. You don't need to ask Nat, you're practically family. You can come up anytime you want.
N: Thanks Pepper. What are you making?
P: Y/N wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed but you know she's shit at cooking so she asked me, but you came down here before she got the chance to bring it to you.
N: Awwwwww baby....... you shouldn't have. I would've made us something when I woke up, or you could've woken me up.
Me: I wanted to surprise you. You're preparing everything for me and I'm starting to feel like a burden again.
N: Babe please don't say that!! How many times do I have to tell you that when I do those things for you, it's because I want to do it and you can never be a burden to me babe.
Me: I just love you so much Tasha.
P: Ok lovebirds. Here's your food.

After eating together and talking for about an hour, Pepper got up.
P: I honestly want to stay here and spend time with you but I have to go. I have to pick up Morgan and take her home. I'll see you guys in a couple of days.
Me&N: Bye Peps.

After Pepper left, I turned to Nat and started talking with her.
Me: So baby, do you have any plans for today?
N: Yes actually. I wanted to go down to my bank if you were ok with it. I think there's something wrong with my account.
Me: Of course I'm ok with it baby, you don't need to ask permission.
N: I know, but I wanted to make sure that you're ok with me leaving.
Me: I am. Now go and get ready. How about we have a movie night tonight?
N: That'll be great.

Nat left me sitting in the kitchen and went to our room to get ready after giving me a quick kiss.
Tony walked in and took a seat next to me.
T: Heyy sis, how are you feeling?
Me: I'm fine bro thanks, but I want to ask something from you.......
T: You can ask me anything.
Me: Nat is pretty upset with you about the whole food thing. I assured her that I'm fine but she said that you shouldn't have fallen asleep in the first place. I don't like it when you two fight. It gives me anxiety. So I was wondering if you can make it up to her.
T: I know, and she's right. I shouldn't have fallen asleep and for that I'm so sorry sis.
Me: I know you are and I forgive you.
T: I actually wanted to ask you about that. What should I do to make it up to her?
Me: How about you take her on a brother-sister date? I think she'll love it and will forgive you if you apologize.
T: That's a great idea. When should I take her?
Me: Today! She is gonna go to the bank, then you can take her.
T: What if she says no?
Me: I'll talk to her.
T: Thanks sis, ohh and I almost forgot, tonight we're gonna have a party.
Me: A party? For what?
T: I'm Tony Stark! I don't need a reason to have a party.
Me: Fair enough. Then I'll go see if I have anything to wear. See you brother.
T: See you.

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