Chapter 66

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After dinner, we went back to our room.
Even though I wanted Nat to hold me in her arms, I knew she needed to be held more than I did at that moment.

I jumped on the bed and opened my arms.
Me: Come here, I wanna cuddle you.
Nat jumped in next to me and cuddled into my chest, holding on to me like life depends on it.

I started stroking her hair, because I knew it calmed her down and asked:
Me: Are you ok now bubs?
N: Yes, thank you.
Me: You don't need to thank me love. I love you, and that's what you do for the people that you love.
N: I know.... but I was supposed to comfort you, not the other way around.
Me: Baby as long as you're safe and happy in my arms, that's all that matters to me. I don't care about anything else except you. You mean everything to me and I don't like seeing you upset and will do everything in my power to make you smile and be happy everyday.
N: I love you so much. I have a surprise for you tomorrow for your birthday.
Me: But tomorrow is Monday and my birthday is on Thursday.....
N: I know but I want to do it. I spend all day today working on it. Pepper helped me, she was with me the entire day.
Me: So basically everyone knew about this fake mission and surprise except me... (I say giggling)
N: Basically. Now come on let's sleep, we have a long day tomorrow.


I woke up at 6 am in Y/N's arms. She was still asleep which was great, because it gave me time to prepare everything I need.
I slowly untangled myself from her and prepared our bags for this 4 day trip.

I grabbed them and went downstairs to the kitchen where I saw Tony and Pepper eating breakfast.
P: Hey sis, how are you?
T: Hey sis.
N: Hey guys, I'm great you?
P: Yeah, is Y/N ok?
N: Yeah, she's fine. We worked everything out yesterday and she ate before going to bed. I just need to make sure she has a proper breakfast before we leave.
P: Hey Tony, why don't you take their bags to the car while I prepare them breakfast.
T: We've become like their personal assistants haven't we?
P: Just take the bags!
N: Thanks sis, you know you don't have to.....
P: Don't be silly, I want to. Now how many pancakes should I make for you?
N: Hmmmm..... 6?
P: Coming right up.
N: Let me make us coffee while you're making that. You want some?
P: Yes, thank you.

After 10 minutes, I took everything and went back to our room and saw Y/N still fast asleep.

*Y/N's POV*

I woke up to Nat slowly stroking my cheeks and kissing my forehead.
N: Come on bubs, wake up. We need to leave shortly and you have to have breakfast.
Me: Good morning to you too love, but I wanna sleep. (I said while pulling the covers over my head)

Nat started laughing and pulled them off.
N: Come on love, get upp........

I still wasn't getting up so Nat straddled my hips and started tickling me.
Me: Ok...Ok!! I'm sorry....... I'm up!! I'm up!!
N: Good girl. (She leaned down and kissed me)

After breakfast we started getting ready.
Me: Babe, you never mentioned where we're going. So what should I wear?
N: Wear some comfy clothes. Like I'm going to wear a hoodie and some sweat pants.
Me: Ok, I'll wear the same.

I went over to Nat's clothes and grabbed her hoodie and sweats and put them on.
I looked over and saw Nat biting her bottom lip.
Me: What?
N: Nothing, I just love seeing you in my clothes.
Me: Come on love, let's go.

We went downstairs and saw Tony and Pepper looking at me concerned.
Me: I'm not mad at you for not telling me. I'm just happy that she's safe. But if you EVER do that again I swear to God I will murder you!!
T&P: Yup.
N: That was incredibly hot baby......
Me: BEHAVE!! (I said while giving her a kiss)

Me: So when are we leaving love?
N: Right now. I just thought that we should say goodbye first.
Me: Bye guys, I won't miss you to be honest, but take care.
N: Be nice!
Me: Ok I will! Jeez!! My wife to be is an incredibly scary Russian that can kick my ass at any moment.
Nat just hit me on the head with her hand.
Me: Point proven (I say while running away from them to go to the car)

After 2 minutes, Nat walks outside and I can tell she's pissed at me, or at least pretending to be.
I think I can see her trying to hide a smile....
Me: Ok, ok I'm sorry. I love you baby.

Her face just softened up and she just smiled at me.
N: I love it when you panic, because you think I'm mad at you.
Me: You're not mad?
N: No, I just wanted to see what you were going to do.
Me: Jerk.....
N: I love you too. Now come on get in.

Nat opened the door for me and I got in.
N: Ok, I'm going to ask you to do something that usually you ask me.
Me: What?

Nat pulled a blindfold from her pocket and handed it to me.
N: Can you put this on?
Me: You've got to be kidding me! How can I be sure that you're not kidnapping me?
N: Because as you said, I'm an incredibly scary Russian and if I wanted to kidnap you, I would've already done it.
Me: Fair point.
N: Plus, if I ever kidnap you, you would be happy and get Stockholm Syndrome.....
Me: You're probably right.....

I put the blindfold on and we started driving.

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