Chapter 13

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Nat opened her arms for me to cuddle into....
N: Come here princess. I know you're tired.
Me: Thanks baby. I am tired. I love y...
(I stopped yourself before I could finish the sentence and turned completely red)

N: What was that baby? (Nat's eyes widened, because she wanted to say it back)
Me: Nothing baby don't worry. Come on let's sleep we have a long day tomorrow.
N: Ok come here.

I cuddled into Nat's neck and let sleep consume me.
After Nat was sure that I was asleep, she let herself to fall asleep as well.

I woke up at 9 am feeling refreshed, because for the first time in like forever, I slept through the night without having a nightmare.
I looked up smiling, because I slept through the night in Nat's arms.

When I looked up, I saw Nat awake and smiling down at me.
N: Good morning princess, how are you feeling?
Me: I'm great Agent Romanoff, how about you?
N: I'm great. How did you sleep? Did you have any nightmares?
Me: No, I didn't. For the first time in over 10 years, I slept through the night.
N: Well, I'm going to sleep with you every night, so that you can sleep without having a nightmare. By the way, how are your legs?
Me: Well, I still can't feel them fully but it's ok.
N: Well, it's still 9 and we have training at 11, so how about I run you a bath and then we can get ready.
Me: Sounds good.

Nat ran me a bath and she got ready.
She then went downstairs to the kitchen and prepared us breakfast.
She grabbed the tray with pancakes and coffee on it and came back to the room.

The water was getting cold, so she helped me out of the tub and dried me off with a towel before putting clothes on me.
We then ate breakfast together and talked about random things.
Me: Well, we have to leave around 5pm in order to get the best experience for our date. So I'll come pick you up from your room at 4:45 if that's ok with you.
N: That's fine but I can also come to your room and we can go down from there, because your room is closer to the exit.
Me: No, because I'm taking you out tonight and I have to come and pick you up.
N: If you insist. Now come on, let's go train.

We went downstairs and entered the gym.
Nat and I trained for 3 hours and stopped at 2.

We went into the kitchen where everyone was seated to grab water but everyone just kept staring at us without saying anything.
I suddenly felt really anxious and said:
Me: What? What is everybody looking at?
T: Had fun last night?
Me: What?
T: Well after you and Nat went to her room, everybody went off to bed but you were so loud that everybody heard you guys having sex.

(I turned red and Nat noticed it)
N: So what? Don't you guys have sex? Don't act like we haven't heard each and every one of you at some point.
T: I mean that's true but yesterday was you and my sister so it was different.
Me: Well, I'm getting really sweaty.

(As soon as Nat heard me say the word, she knew she had to take me out of the situation)
N: Excuse us but we have a date we have to get ready for.
T: Y/N is everything set up or do you need my help with anything?
N: You told Tony where we are going and not me? (turning towards me)
Me: Well he kind of helped me pick out the location but the rest was all me. And thanks, Tony I prepared everything.

Nat grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.
She started to kiss my neck as soon as we entered her room, pinning me against the door.
Me: N-nat.... Stop.....
N: What? Why?
Me: We just finished a 3 hour training, so I'm all sweaty and smelly.
N: I think you still look hot.

(She went back to kissing your neck)
Me: I have a better idea...
(I said pushing her away and dragging her into the bathroom by her hand)

We got into the bathroom and turned on the shower, so that the water can get hot.
N: Come on princess, take off your clothes.

I blushed and took them off. Natasha did the same thing and she pushed me towards the wall with water running down on us.
 We started to make out for about 10  minutes, when there was a knock on my door.
Me: Yes?

Peter Parker (aka Spiderman) entered my room
Pp: Hello? Is this Y/N?
Me: Yes, I'm in the shower and who are you? ( I said while Nat was still kissing my neck)
Pp: I'm Peter, Peter Parker. Tony told me to introduce myself.
Me: Well, it's nice to meet you but can you wait till I'm out of the shower? If you'd like I'll meet you downstairs in 20 minutes.
N: No!! What are you doing?!
Pp: Nat? Is that you?
Me: Shit! What did you do?
(Nat laughed at me and answered Peter)
N: Yes Peter, it's me. I'm in the shower with Y/N. We'll meet you downstairs in 20.

Peter ran downstairs when he heard the tone of Nat's voice, because she scared him.
I laughed and kissed Nat passionately.
Me: Come on love, we need to get out now if we are going to go talk to Peter, get ready and leave before 5.
N: You're right. Come on, let's get out.

The both of us got out of the shower and put on our clothes for the date before going down to talk to Peter.
The time was 4:15. When we got downstairs, we saw Tony talking with Peter.
T: What did you do that traumatized the kid?
N: We didn't do anything. We were in the shower when he walked in the room and after I yelled, he left.
T: And you're still telling me you didn't do anything? Anyways...... Peter this is my sister Y/N.
Me: Hi Peter, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry if we scared you when we were in the shower.
Pp: It's ok. You didn't scare me. It's just Nat.... She scares me.
Me: Who? Agent Romanoff? Really? But she is the most lovable person ever.
N: Heyy babe, I have a reputation to uphold and you're ruining it.

( I just stood there smiling and biting my bottom lip)
N: What? What are you smiling at?
T: I think she doesn't know how to respond to you calling her "babe".
N: Oh My God!! Y/N!! I didn't mean to! It just slipped. Please don't freak out!!
I didn't say anything but I pulled her in for a passionate kiss.
Me: It's ok. I liked it.
T: Ohh Romanoff.... What have you done to my sister?

I gave Tony a death stare and told him we should get going.
The time was now 4:50 when we went to the car.

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