Chapter 28

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Nat picked me up and sat me down on her lap and asked me why I just had a panic attack.
Me: The name....
N: The name?
Me: The winter soldier....... I know him.
N: What? How do you know him baby?
Me: His real name is Bucky Barnes and he was one of the men who tortured me at Hydra.
N: Awwwww.... Baby...... Don't worry. You're safe. No one can get to you. I'll always protect you.
Me: Tony?
T: Yes sis....
Me: Do you know anything about him?
T: No! I've been doing research but nothing is coming up.
Me: He was Steve's best friend during to war. He was kidnapped by Hydra and experimented on. He was tortured and brainwashed. He is sent on the deadliest missions and is usually always successful. When I was there, he would torture me and make me fight other people, and if I lost I would get beatings that were so bad that my entire body would bleed for days. He has a metal arm made of vibranium so it's bullet proof, and he used to use it to punch me.

I started crying again and my breath began to get heavy.
Nat quickly stopped me and hugged me tightly.
N: I'm sorry baby..... I'm sorry you had to go through that..... But I'm going to need you to breathe for me, ok?

I matched her breathing and calmed down again.
Me: Is that enough information brother? Or do you need more.
T: No it's enough. Just relax and we'll think of something.

I hugged Nat tightly and said:
Me: I'm sorry....
N: What are you sorry for love?
Me: For breaking down like that in front of you. I should have handled the situation better. I haven't had a panic attack since we came here and I'm sorry for having one now, when we should be worrying about you.
N: Stop it Y/N! Don't apologize! You have experienced trauma and your body reacted to a trigger. You don't need to apologize. I'm ok, don't worry. I love you so much and I don't want anything to happen to you.
Me: I love you more than anything in this world. I wish I can swap places with you, so that I'll know you're safe.
N: I wouldn't let you do that, because then you'll be in danger and I can't lose you. I love you more than anything in this world. Now let's get some rest before we land.
We cuddled and went to sleep.

The rest of the flight was uneventful, because we slept the entire time.
A couple of minutes before landing, Tony woke us up.

He got out of the plane first and scanned the surroundings to make sure it's safe for us to get off.
We got off and got into a car heading to the compound.
When we arrived, we got out of the car and I went to the trunk to get our bags.

Suddenly, I heard something familiar.
I heard a gun shot coming towards Nat. That's the sound of the gun that Bucky uses in his missions.
I used my powers for the first time in almost a year, and ran using my superspeed in front of Nat.
I looked down and saw my white t-shirt was turning red.

Nat shouted my name and started to cry.
Wanda ran out of the compound and used her powers to create a forcefield around me and Nat and carried us into the compound.
They took me straight into surgery, because I was unconscious and loosing a lot of blood.

Nat and Tony sat outside my room waiting to find out if I had made it or not.
N: What if she doesn't make it? I can't lose her! I love her! (Nat said while crying)
T: She's strong. She'll make it, because I know she is fighting to stay alive for you. She loves you very much and she'll do anything for you. Doctor Cho is the best! Don't worry!
N: Why did she do that? Why did she take the bullet for me? I told her never to do that! She told me she would sacrifice herself for me and I told her never to do that, because I can't live without her.
T: She did that, because she is so in love with you. She used her powers which she hasn't used since she got out because you were in danger. That's how much she loves you! One time, she called me and told me about a date you took her on where you visited the Eiffel Tower and she told me that you are the love of her life. I know she will make it and you guys will have your entire lives to spend it with each other.
N: She said what?
T: Yes! She said that you are the love of her life!
N: I just love her so much and I don't want to see her getting hurt.
T: I know. I know how much you love her, but we have to stop Steve and Bucky to make sure you both are safe. Wanda captured Bucky with her powers and he is in a cell downstairs, but he is refusing to talk to anyone besides Y/N.
N: What?! No!! He will not go near her. Let me go talk to him.
T: After we find out the outcome of the surgery, you can go and try to talk to him but he only wants to see Y/N.

~Time skip to 3 hours later~


After waiting for what seemed like forever, the doors opened and the doctor came out.
N: Doctor! How is she? Is she alive?
D: Don't worry, she is stable for now. Luckily, the bullet didn't hit any major organs or vessels so she should be fine. But I'm afraid I have some bad news.
T: Bad new?
N: What? What happened?
D: Unfortunately, when she fell she hit her head. So there is a possibility that she will not be able to remember some things that have happened after she got out of Hydra.
N: So there's a chance that she won't remember me?
D: I'm sorry but yes. I'll leave you to talk to each other and you can go in and be with her. But if she wakes up and doesn't remember you, you can't tell her anything.
N: What? Why?
D: Because if you do, her memories will be lost forever. But if you don't, there's a chance it will come back over time.

The doctor left and I started to break down.
Tony grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug which he knew I needed.
N: I can't lose her Tony! I can't live without her!
T: Don't worry, you won't lose her. She can never forget you. Don't worry....
N: I want to go and talk to Bucky!
T: Now? Are you sure? Do you wanna stay with her for a while?
N: Yes, I'm sure. I want to talk to him now, because I don't want to leave her side after.
T: Ok you can go see him, but I'll be monitoring you guys from the security cameras just in case something goes wrong.
N: That's fine.

I got down to where the cells are and saw Bucky laid on the floor looking at the ceiling.
When he saw me, he got up and approached the glass and said:
B: Natasha Romanoff. How are you feeling?
N: What the fuck do you want from me Bucky?
B: Bucky? Y/N must have talked about me if you know my name. How is she by the way? Is she dead yet or no?
N: No, she is very much alive. Now tell me what do you want from me?
B: From you? Nothing. But from your girlfriend....
N: My girlfriend? What do you want from her?
N: She's your mission, isn't she? You sent out the threat for me, because you knew she would come back here to keep me safe. And you knew she would do anything to protect me. So you pretended you were after me, when in reality Steve sent you to kill Y/N.
B: You're not as stupid as I thought. Yes, you're right. She is my mission. Not you! And as long as I'm alive, she will always be in danger. If I don't kill her for Steve, I'm going to kidnap her and take her back to Hydra. She will never be free.
N: And as long as I'm alive, you won't get the chance to do anything.
B: Ohh doll... I've already tried to kill her once. What makes you think you can stop me?
N: You only got the chance, because I didn't know you were after her. You will be locked up for the rest of your life. I'll make sure of it.
B: Ok doll. Now, I'm bored. If you want anything else, send Y/N. Otherwise, I won't talk to anyone.
N: Ohh, you won't be talking to her. Bye.

I got out the door and saw Tony stood there looking at me.
When my eyes met his, I broke down.
How was I so stupid?! How didn't I put 2 and 2 together earlier?! She got hurt because of me!!
T: Shhhh.... It's ok.... You're safe.... She's safe..... He will not get the chance to do anything again..... Don't worry...... She loves you very much and wouldn't want to see you like this.....
N: I want to go see her. I want to apologize to her. Oh God! What if she doesn't remember me and I don't get the chance to apologize? I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
T: Stop it Nat! You have done nothing wrong and you have nothing to apologize for. She will never forget you, don't worry. Now, come on. Let me take you to her.

Tony took me to her room and left, leaving me alone with Y/N.
I couldn't bear seeing her like this.
I sat next to her and held her hand crying my eyes out.

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