Chapter 1

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Sleep deprived me = Lots of details and better writing and longer chapters, yw :)
- yelenas_bby 4:42am :)

                               Yelena's POV
I screamed out in agony as Red Skies held me in a headlock and broke my left wrist. Soon after I screamed my sister, Nat, recovered and had freed me from the headlock Red Skies had me in. My body collapsed on the dirt as I was freed from them and gasping for air. My vision was starting to blur as I stared at the fight my sister was in.

I studied them and their fighting styles. Nat had blood dripping from her nose and one side of her face along with some dirt from getting slammed into the ground. Red Skies was barely tired from what I could tell in front of the white, gold, and red mask. Their cloak was originally red with a gold and a black stripe streaming down from the hood off to one side and expanding, was now covered in dirt and some blood from throwing us around like rag dolls in the middle of a field just outside of St. Petersburg. Their red tactical armor was glistening in the dusk lighting as they pushed Nat over to the opposite side of me. Whoever they were they were strong, quick, and athletic.

I breathed in, my breathe is finally normalizing and see my opening. I lunge at Red Skies and jump onto their back. Nat recovers quickly and jumps into a punch aimed right for their face. On impact I hear a loud crack as Red Skies shuffles off balance but quickly recovers as a mask chunk falls out and onto the ground as they fling me over their head. As I turned around on the ground I saw Red Skies grab onto a helicopter rope and turn around facing me I saw part of a face, Red Skies face, a face that I know all too well, a face of a person I thought was dead.

                        No one's POV
                         7 years ago
"Are we ready yet?" Dreykov asked one of the HYDRA doctors who was working on Project S.V.W.W.A. "Almost, We just need to sterilize her." The HYDRA doctor responded. Inside the lab room Ravana at the time was strapped to the operating table. "wha- what are yo- you going to do to me?" Ravana asked calmly trying to hide the fear in her voice. Dreykov had just walked in. "They are going to sterilize you, activate your genes, give you a dose and of the super soldiers serum, and do some, other things." He answered her. "Oh." Is all Ravana could manage without freaking out. She tried to hide the fear in her eyes but Dreykov caught just the slightest amount. And maniacally smirked to himself as he walked out.

    Time Skip 3 days because I can :)

Once Rav-no, she is no more, Red Skies woke up. Dreykov rushed in, "How are you feeling?" He asked gladly, excited that his new weapon hadn't failed or died. "Better than ever." Red Skies answered emotionlessly. Dreykov realized that this one was the one and had to suppress the joy bubbling inside him. "Well, I will tell you a little more details about what we did to you." Red Skies nodded him on.
"When we made you, in a lab, we combined your dna with an eagles dna, giving you the retractable wings on your back. You can move them if you want and they should be big enough for you to fly." Red Skies began to move her wings that she didn't notice before around, then retracted them. Dreykov continued, "Then as you know I combined our knowledge and recourses with the knowledge and resources of HYDRA. As you know they have created some sort of super-soldier injection. But I had them create a special dose that contains our widow's bite serum and their super-soldier injection. Making one special dose. Awhile ago when HYDRA was also experimenting, well you know the Maximof twins? They also made a second identical serum to the ones they gave them. Creating The Crimson Witch, who gave you super speed, the ability to turn into a wolf, superhuman strength, retractable fangs and claws, and instant healing. Now over the next month and a half, you will train until you have mastered your abilities." He then left Red Skies to herself as she smirked at the new found power coursing through her veins.

Red Skies (Yelena Belova x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now