Chapter 16

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                     Ravana's POV
I continued flying until morning when I finally spotted a cave in the side of a plateau. I flew in the opening, gently setting myself down. I'm exhausted so I transform my suit and cloak myself, so if someone does find me and I'm sleeping they wouldn't find me. I told my suit to show me a map of where I was. My suit displayed a map of the surrounding areas. When I zoomed out the closest city was Cairo, Egypt. I let the display go and allowed myself fall asleep.

When I finally woke up it was nightfall which ment great cover. My stomach grumbled as I realized I haven't eaten anything since lunch the day before. I located Cario and instantly set a course for a food joint that looked good and was open. I grabbed my duffle bag, sprouted my wings and sped to a good altitude, I passed a group of birds and soon saw the city lights.

Right before I entered the city I landed and tucked my wings back in. I retracted my suit into a pair of sunglasses and earpiece along with the necklace, I slung up my hood and hung my head low. I continued walking occasionally bumping into someone. I continued following the directions my glasses were giving me until I ended up at a pretty high class restaurant. I took my hood off and wandered through the doors untinting my glasses so they were clear. I walked up to the front podium and my server lead me to a empty booth. The only people there were a group of old guys who appeared to be gang leaders, smoking and playing poker, and the staff. "Hello Miss, welcome to The Lancers. What can I start you off with?" My server asked in Egyptian Arabic, "May I have a glass of water, a order of pretzels, a 24oz steak, chicken strips, and a burger?" I answered in the same language. "Are you sure, thats a lot for one person?" She added, "Yes, I have barely eaten in the past few days." I answered, she nodded understandingly and walked away. I rested my head on the window, watching people walk by, it was about 4am. I turned on some music from my earpiece because it was taking awhile. My server started walking over with my water and pretzels. "Thank you." I answered, before dipping a pretzel log in cheese and sticking it in my mouth, I swallowed and sipped on my water. Once I finished I returned back to the window, it had started raining and I let my mind wander to Yelena. I wondered how she was, or if she was okay, or if she was even still alive at this point, or if she was getting tortured for information and she had talked or not. I traced the raindrops running down the window, as if they were race cars, watching as they either fell behind or pulled ahead. Distracted by my thoughts and the raindrops, I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was my server I instantly turned off my music and silently thanked her. She gave me my food which I gladly ate. After about forty minutes I had finished, just as I was about to get up and pay I saw a man walk in with a red and black mask, with a wig over top, in a baby blue dress and matching high heals, and a red and black matching suit on underneath. He started to walk twords me and asked in English, "Hey, your Red Skies, right?" I cringed at the name but responded, "Yeah." He sarcastically gasped, "Oh my god! I am such a big fan!" He sat down across from me, I slumped, he looked at me sympathetically, "Hey, what has a top tier assassin glum." He asked, trying his best to make me smile. I started, "Well my childhood friend is in a secret Russian holding cell somewhere and I have to save her, but have no idea where she is." I answered, looking out the window. "Know what I think would make you feel better," He added, I moved to look at him. "I'm here to assassinate those gang members over there." He motioned twords the gangsters playing poker. "And I'll tell you what if you help me I'll help you find your friend and break her out. Deal?" He put out his hand, "Deal." I answered and shook his hand, "My name is Ravana, Ravana Trava." I added, "Wade, Wade Wilson, but my assassin name is Deadpool." He answered, I let go of his hand. "Well Wade, looks like we have some work to do." I stated, I cracked my knuckles, fully activated my suit, and placed my swords on my back. Wade gasped at my suit and swords, as he cocked his pistols. I stood up and walked over to the gangsters. They looked up, "Hello, and Good Bye." I stated, as I used my super speed to very brutally murder the gangsters. I stopped, "Damn, you go girl!" Wade shouted from across the room. I gave him a quick thumbs up as I retracted my suit, and returned my swords, grabbing $150 off the gangsters table. I walked twords my duffle bag and placed the $150 on my table that I got from the gangsters. I placed my swords in my duffle bag, slung it over my shoulder, and walked with Wade out the door as he skipped dpwn the street next to me, stating, "I already have a good feeling about this." I giggled at his antics, slinging my hood up as he skipped faster with his blue heels on in the rain.

I full out died laughing and almost fell on the ground when he got to a reasonable sized puddle, slipped and fell on his ass. Of course I helped him up while I was still laughing. Wade Wilson really did know how to brighten a top tier assassin's day. I also have a good feeling about this.

Red Skies (Yelena Belova x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now