Chapter 21

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                               Ravana's POV
It's been 2 months since we arrived at Wade's house and I'm getting better and more graceful. I also changed my fighting style so now I make fewer mistakes and better decisions when sparring. I heard my phone ring and see a random number is calling me I pick up anyways. Knowing that people cant track my call unless it's longer than 30 seconds.

???: Ravana?
I instantly recognize the voice as Nat.
Me: Yeah.
Nat: Listen, I don't know how much time I have.
Nat: Tomorrow, in Moscow Yelena is going to assasinate the Prime Minister.
Nat: Please Ravana, save her, she's gone rouge working for HYDRA.
Nat: I can't go because, well I'm on the run. But please just save her.
Me: Okay, I'll save her tomorrow.

Nat hung up, "Wade!" I shout, "Were going to Moscow!" I shouted up the stairs. "I'll get the stuff!" He shouted back. By stuff he meant money, both our combat suits, all our weapons, some extra clothes, a first aid kit, and of course snacks and Taylor Swift. "I'm gonna head out to the jet!" I shouted up the stairs again. I walked out the door, uncloaking the jet with my ring and opening the door in the back so Wade could follow me in. I sat in the pilots seat and waited a few minutes for Wade to come out the door. He finally loaded the duffle bags and sat down in the co-pilot seat. "Ready?" I asked him, "Ready." Wade answered, I pushed the button on the karaoke machine I installed in the jet a few weeks ago, soon Are You Ready For It? by Taylor Swift was blasting through the speakers as I re-cloaked the jet and started flying twords Moscow.

The next morning, I must have fallen asleep because Wade was driving when I woke up. "Hey, honey buns," Wade spoke, "Sleep well?"
"Mhm." I mumbled, "I'll take that as a yes sweet cheeks." Wade continued, "Rav, were almost there." I practically jumped out of my seat, "Which ones my bag?" I asked Wade, "The one on the right." He answered, I shot back a quick thanks then grabbed it and started for the bathroom to change. I placed my necklace on and tucked my 'pen' in one of my pockets and walked out while the suit expanded over my body except from halfway up my neck and above. "How long until we're there?" I asked Wade, while sitting down in the pilot's seat. "30 minutes but the Prime Minister doesn't give a speech until 6:30pm and its 7:00am." Wade answered, "Thanks, for now I'm just going to follow him around." I stated expanding the suit around my head too and cloaking my whole body, "Okay, Good lu- and she's gone." I interrupted Wade by jumping out the back and free falling. I used some visual enhancements from my suit to help me locate the Prime Minister. I soon found him and shifted my suit to have webbing between my arms and my torso and between my two legs. I retracted my glove on my left arm so it could help slow myself down. I started gliding through the massive buildings and structures around me finding the Prime Minister at a cafe. I gently landed on top of the building across from the cafe, using facial recognition to try and find Yelena. After a few minutes of searching I didn't find Yelena so I fully cloaked myself again. Except for my left arm because that vibranium adapts to whatever I'm wearing. I sat there for a few hours watching the Prime Minister and surveying the area, Until it was finally time for his speech. He moved out of the cafe and into a black suv. I didn't notice a dark shadow behind me at the time but there was someone behind me. The white snow fell around me and onto the roofs and roads covering them even more. I shifted my suit to a all white version, (think of ghost from ant man and the wasp bc im to lazy to think of anything else), and jumped off the roof spreading my arms out with webbing between them and my torso. I easily glided through the streets of Moscow following the suv to where the Prime Minister would give his speech. I landed on a nearby rooftop, safety rolling to stop myself. It was 5:00, almost time to start looking for Yelena again. Ten minutes passed and still no sign of Yelena. "Who the hell are you?" Questioned a thick russian accented voice from behind me, I turned around gazing at the figure in front of me. They wore a all black stealth suit with gold and white trimming, with a black and gold mask covered by a white hood.

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(Yes Ik it's technically Clint's Ronan suit but its cool and goes with the helmet which I think is pretty cool) "Who the hell are you?" I answered, scoffing

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(Yes Ik it's technically Clint's Ronan suit but its cool and goes with the helmet which I think is pretty cool)
"Who the hell are you?" I answered, scoffing. The person lunged twords me to which I easily dodged their punches going for their legs and sweeping them, they jumped over me and tried to kick my head. But I dodged and swept their other foot, I used my superspeed to sit on their chest and hold them down as I pulled their hood down and helmet off with one hand holding them with my vibranium arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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