Chapter 5

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                               Yelena's POV
Im confused, no sad, mad? No shocked, scared, and a little confused. Once everyone recovered physically and mentally as we started wrapping our head around everything that just happened, which wasn't until we had gotten back to our cabin.

"Ok, what the actual fuck just happened." Nat spoke up as everyone sat quietly around the table. "Because I'm pretty sure that was Yelena's DEAD friend, who now apparently has wings, retractable claws and canines. So maybe SOMEONE could explain something." Nat finished.

"Dead friend, really Nat, really, you and me both know she was just more than a friend to me, we both loved eachother, yet you seriously have no idea how much this situation is hurting me, my old love now ex friend doesn't even remember my first name!" I answered holding back tears, as I stood up and finished, "And to see her like that, whatever that, thing is, no what, I don't care, I don't even wanna talk about it." I finished storming off as the tears finally fell and I reached the door to my room. I walked over to my bed after I shut the door and sat down my back resting on the side of my bed. I let the tears flow freely.

If you don't care then why are you crying, I thought, No, I don't care, I can't care, but yet I do, no it will hurt too much, just like last time, I CANT CARE.

My head was at war with itself over the monster who I loved, The sweet, gentle, kind, harmless girl who I loved was no more. I just need to except that she is no more, no more Ravana, no more nice girl. She was now replaced with a cold, violent, emotionless, killer, a monster. Red Skies is the only person or thing that is there anymore. I just need to except that. And if she is willing to kill any of us then we should be willing to kill her.

At that moment, something in me snapped, that would take months maybe even years to repair, if she is willing to kill us in cold blood, no remorse. Then we should be willing to do the same.

Little did I know that in that moment I was creating a monster.

Red Skies (Yelena Belova x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now