Chapter 13

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Yelena's POV

I slowly gained consciousness feeling a sharp pain run up my left leg as my head started spinning. I groaned as I was too lighthead to open my eyes. I felt something warm and damp under my back as I jerked up opening my eyes. I looked down and realized my left leg was bandaged, I looked to the right of my legs and realized I was on top of Ravana, I quickly got off her and checked her breathing. She was okay but unconscious and of course the huge gash across her abdomen. I sat next to her and started slapping her awake, repeating, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Until she started to stir awake as she swatted my hand away, groaning when she sat up. "I see your alive, and awake." She stated in a sarcastic tone. I just rolled my eyes, "Thanks for bandaging my leg." I responded, carefully I lifted the ripped shirt from my leg to check on it. To my suprise it was healed along with my other cuts and scrapes. "We should probably look for our weapons and suits. I need my babies." She stated, frowning at the thought of loosing her weapons again. I nodded as I helped her get up, we both split up to cover more ground.

Time skip about 30 minutes cuz im lazy and don't know what to write :)

I heard a shriek not too far away from me so I quickly ran over to where it was located. There was an indent in the ground about the size of a garden shed in the ground. At the center was Ravana sitting there hugging her weapons and putting on her necklace and ring happily morphing the suit around her body besides the helmet. She placed her swords in their sheath and thrwew it over her shoulder, next placing her bow and shield over her back, and finally kissing her two pistols, and returning them to her thigh holsters. I coughed to let her know I was there, and she abruptly turned red and looked at anything but me. "How much of that did you see?" She asked still red and clearly embarrassed, "Enough." I responded, chuckling as I started walking twords her. "Did you find mine?" I questioned, as she tossed me a briefcase that I caught. I opened it placing the ring on my index finger and necklace around my neck. I morphed my suit all the way, helmet included. "What's the plan?" She asked me, "Well obviously, find Nat and get out." I snickered, I told my suit to pull up a display of the map, leading a virtual displayed path on the inside of my mask and cloaking myself. Ravana did the same, "Follow me." I told her, she did as I asked and I followed the path my suit had created, looking up every once in awhile to see the beacon it had also created where the base was. The walk was silent as we tried to navigate through the nearby forest.

We marched twords the large cement wall with barbed wire on the tall metal gates. I surveyed the security, there were six guard towers with about seven guards in each of them. We were both mostly healed from the wreak. Ravana cloaked herself and morphed her helmet. We snapped into thermal vision and tapped into each other's thoughts which the rings allowed us to do, so we could communicate without having to talk and make sound. Ravana released her wings on the inside of her suit which expanded around them. She grabbed me bridal style and flew up.

Ravana's POV
(Itlanic is thoughts)

I landed with Yelena in my arms and placed her down on the ground. Thanks for that. Yelena thanked me through her thoughts. Your welcome I responded. The guards rushing around haven't noticed us so far, a few were confused with the gust of wind but quickly returned to their tasks.

Red Skies (Yelena Belova x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now