Chapter 20

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Ravana's POV
A week after I had arrived at Wakanda Shuri had finally cleared me to leave but I already knew what I was going to do. My plan was to sparr with Wade, learn the strengths of my new arm, and attempt to breakthrough to Yelena again. Which brings me back to why I plan to sparr with Wade and train my ass off. Shuri walked into my room clearly holding something behind her back, but I wouldn't ask her about that yet, I was focused on getting out of here first. "Hey Shuri, am I finally cleared to leave?" I asked, "Yeah you are, but I would like to give you something first." Shuri answered, pulling a black box the size of a small thick book out from behind her body, "So, as you know I have been experimenting with nanotch recently," she removed the lid revealing a black pen with some wakandian writing on it, "Yeah." I replied, "Well I developed something like nanotech mixed with shapeshifting. Watch closely." She told me, Shuri removed the pen from the box, placing the box next to me on my bed. Shuri scanned the ring she gave me with the writing on the pen. She placed a ring on her pointer finger, "Watch closely." She repeated again, the pen shifted into a sword. "Woah." I gasped, "It has the same technology that your suit has, so it can change into anything if you think it." She removed my ring placing it in my palm as the sword shifted into a pen again. She placed the pen back in the box and handed it to me. I looked at her hesitant to take it. "I made it as a gift for you, so you wouldn't have to carry around so much stuff when you go on missions, there's also a jet outside for you." Shuri stated, I took the box, and placed the ring on my pointer finger. "Thank you Shuri," I stated, "Its really no problem," She answered, "No for everything, this pen, the suit, the arm, a place to stay." I continued, "If you ever need anything just call me or send me a message." "I will." She answered, leaving my room. I gathered my things in a duffel bag and left with Wade. "Where to Wade?" I asked him, "My house."

Time skip bc i can .,.

"DUDE! You didn't tell me you were rich!" I shouted when we arrived at Wade's house,

"DUDE! You didn't tell me you were rich!" I shouted when we arrived at Wade's house,

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                              Yelena's POV

I did it, it's done, Ravana's dead. I killed her. I thought to myself, I gently caressed my scalp while sitting in the fetal position in the corner of my cell at HYDRA. I killed the one person who would and could save me. I killed the only person who ever loved me. I killed her. I killed my final weakness. I had killed, my last hope.

Red Skies (Yelena Belova x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now