Chapter 11

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                              Yelena's POV

Shuri finally called me into her lab to inform me that Ravana's suit was done. Once I stepped foot into her office I noticed two suitcases sitting on her desk, she noticed me standing in the doorway, "I see you've finally arrived." She added, "Yes, I have." I stated, as I sat down in the chair across from her desk. She slid one of the suitcases over to me. "Open it." Shuri told me, I opened the black metal suitcase. Inside was a necklace with large golden bullets on it and black protective foam surrounding it. "What's this?" I asked her, "Well when you came here to ask for something I figured, why not make two? Go ahead and try it on." Shuri responded, I took it out of the case and placed it around my neck. "How do I activate it?" I asked Shuri, "Oh I almost forgot," She responded, as she pulled out a ring from her pocket, "Rub your thumb over the glyphs on the side of it." I placed the ring on my index finger and did as she said. The suit manifested over my body. It was a gold jumpsuit with some black running down the sides of my torso, and some more black on the sides of my mask. "How do I remove my mask?" I asked her, "Just think it and tell the suit to do it and it will do it, the ring I gave you can also read your brain waves, so basically rubbing your thumb against it is a manual way to operate the suit. And I did base your suit off my brothers only with the upgrades I showed you and some tech from Red Skies old suit." Shuri stated, "Thank you, for this, you didn't have to but you did." I thanked her, "Really it's no problem, I like to challenge myself." Shuri answered, as she slid the other suitcase over to me, and handed me a silver ring. "This one is for Red Skies." She stated, I returned my suit to the necklace, and grabbed both cases. I walked to the room I was staying in and dropped my suitcase off first before going to give Ravana her's.

Ravana's POV

I was watching tv in the guest room I was given until Tony, T'challa, and Steve decided on a move to make against HYDRA situation and threats, when Yelena walked in with a suitcase, and was wearing a new necklace. She tossed me a silver ring as she sat down next to me. "I saw what you did to the general, and your suit." She stated, I forced my eyes away from her, "Put the ring on your index finger." Yelena told me, as she took out a necklace from the briefcase. I did as she said, she then placed the necklace around my neck as she started, "I asked Shuri to make you a new suit that you can't break this time. Apparently she is a big fan of yours. So she made me one too." Her necklace then transformed into a full suit. "Just slide your finger over the glyphs on the ring," Yelena stated, "or tell the suit to do it with your thoughts." In my thoughts I told the suit to expand, and it did. Yelena retracted just the mask of her suit as she walked away. "Thank you, for this, but what exactly are we to each other?" I asked, she paused for just a second and replied, "You mean nothing to me." and then walked out. Her words hurt, like running full speed into a brick wall kind of hurt, and now I at least know why she hates me, after what I did to the general, but she also seems like she doesn't care, which probably isn't true because she did talk to Shuri about making me a suit. But Yelena is a very complex and sarcastic person, she covers pain with sarcasm,so she's hard to read. I returned my suit to the necklace as I shoved all my thoughts about Yelena to the back of my mind then walked out of my room to go test my new suit's abilities.

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