Chapter 8

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                                Ravana POV
I stopped at the large glass doors as I took a deep breath and opened it. When I walked in Yelena was sitting on the floor with her back resting against the bed with her knees against her chest. She looked up to see who opened the door, so when she noticed it was me she took another swig from the vodka bottle before setting it back down. Knowing she was gonna need it, to be honest it kind of hurt. I quickly covered it though. "Hey." I said, she didn't respond, I sat down next to her. "You do realize I came in here to be alone, right?" She stated clearly annoyed, "Well then we can be alone together." I answered. "Get out," She answered angerly, "or I'll make you." I got up with a hurt expression on my face, moved over to her, and lifted her up in my arms as I ran out the door with her before she could object we were 160 feet in the air. Yelena was about to argue with me but realized that we were outside in the air, and quickly jumped further in my arms as she latched her arms around my neck. Her eyes were wide with fear as I felt her start shaking with fear, my wings started to lift us higher. "If you want to go down, just tell me." I added as she shook her head up and down furiously. "Do you trust me?" I asked her, "No." She responded. I started, "Too bad." I tucked in my wings and we started to dive bomb. Yelena let out a scream as we fell from 350 feet in the air. As we neared around 50 feet I untucked my wings and we stopped falling. Yelena was still screaming as if we were still falling but quickly realized that we had stopped. I laughed at her, because her face was priceless. She slapped me on the face as we started to decent slower. Soon we were on the ground.

Yelena's POV

Once she landed I jumped down from Ravana's arms and started walking back to the house. I saw in the reflection of the window Ravana had a sad expression on her face as she looked at her feet clearly contemplating what to say. I stopped and turned around to look at her. The cool night air hitting me as I shivered. "If you want to say something then just say it, it's freezing out here." She looked up and met my eyes, thinking over my words. Ravana started rambling about something stupid, I don't want to be rude and leave in the middle of her lecture. So I slowly approached her got on my tip toes, and kissed her on the cheek. She stopped rambling so I walked back in the house. Thank god that was over.

Red Skies (Yelena Belova x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now