Chapter 7

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                              Ravana's POV

The mission is the same, this time no mercy. "Don't fail me." Dreykov whipered by my ear. "Trust me, I won't." I answered smirking under my mask.

                                2 hours later

My targets apparently got "leaked" information that I would be here to "pick up something". Even though we leaked the fake information on purpose to get them to meet me here, so I could get another shot at killing them. I looked through the scope on my sniper, looking for them. Where are they, where are they, where are they. I repeated over and over again in my head. I looked through the scope on my sniper at the buildings below and around me. Apparently my thoughts were a little too loud so I didn't realize they were behind me, until they were too close.

Shostakov was the first to approach, attempting to punch me in the back of my head, to which I judo flipped him over my head breaking his arm in the process, and knocking him out, I was still facing the opposite way.

Vostokoff was the next one, attempting to sweep my feet which I jumped and pressed off her body which sent her flying back in a wall and me into a backflip, I landed perfectly in Romanoff's pose as I drew my shield.

Romanoff was next attempting to hit me with her widows bites at me which I blocked with my shield, she lunged at me going under my arm as she lifted my helmet off and threw it off the building. "Сука." I mumbled, Romanoff tackled me by the neck slamming me into the ground, she sat on top of me as I tried squirming out.

Belova ran over, tossing Romanoff something, I was able to see it for a few seconds. It was a red vial, I instantly recognized it and tried squirming out even more. But it was too late, I was freed. Nat stuck a knife in my leg and tore out my tracker. I groaned in pain before Yelena knocked me out in the back of the neck with my shield.

On the plane

"You do know that I'm me right now." I spoke, "Yes we know, the bag over your head is for precautions." Melina answered, "Ok then." I stated, crossing my arms. I knew they weren't gonna trust me. To be honest, I'm kind of having an identity crisis right now. I know that I like to kill very violently and gorily, but there's now a new part of the old me which resurfaced that actually has emotions except remorse for the people I've killed. And well I actually remember Yelena, and what happened when she left me instead of being brainwashed by Dreykov.

In the middle of the woods

"Ok everyone. Wake Up!" Melina shouted, as everyone jumped at the second part from what I could tell because of the bag on my head. I instantly felt Yelena's glare through the bag and wanted to shrivel up and die in my seat.

Melina escorted me to what I'm guessing is a house with one hand on my back to lead me. Once inside Yelena roughly pushed me in a chair and squeezed the crap out of me with some of the ropes she was using to tie me to it. Once she had gone around my torso about ten times tighter than she needed to. She started my wrists. Once she was done she ripped the bag off my head roughly, messing up my hair which fell in front of my face, I blew it out of the way looking annoyed as fuck. She backed up to stand next to Nat.

"Разговаривать." (Talk) Alexei instructed, "About what?" I asked, "How many people have you killed?" Alexei asked with a plain expression on his face, crossing his arms, "Can she leave the room?" I asked him motioning twords Yelena with my head. "No." She snapped. I looked down and hung my head as I spoke my answer. "127,894." Alexei gasped. "I'm so proud of you, your ledger couldn't be more dripping in red!" He ran over to me with tears in his eyes as he hugged me.

Ok he smelled really bad, I gotta get out of this hug. I released my pointer fingers claw and cut through my wrist ropes then moved my hands twords my back severing the rope around my torso.

Luckily the fat bastard, Alexei, blocked all sight Melina, Nat, and Yelena had on me. I stood up, Alexei still clinging to my body as he slid to the ground on his ass. Everyone was confused, but Yelena, being one of the quickest in the group, because of her age, quickly caught on and jumped on me. Her skin was cold and tough, nothing like what I remember at all, not the warm, smooth skin I remember. It isn't just that, she seems different almost emotionless, she's different from when she left me, heck since the last time I fought her. There was nothing when I looked in her hazel eyes. "Kill with no mercy?!" She asked, no told Nat, Melina, and Alexei looking at them asking for their permission as she held one of her throwing knives up to my throat. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" I rambled out panicked, as I raised my hands in surrender. "He just smelled really bad! I couldn't take it anymore. If I wanted to escape I would have already done so." I finished, by then Nat, Melina, and Alexei, realized what was happening and ran over to pull Yelena off of me. "Do I really smell that bad?" Alexei asked, "Yes." Both Yelena and I answered, her answering more seriously than I, as I held my nose in a sign of disgust and made a face. Which earned a laugh from Nat and Melina because it was true. Alexei put on a fake hurt face and raised his hand to his heart. Which he broke when he started laughing. I glanced over to Yelena who stalked to walk off to a bedroom grabbing a bottle of vodka off the table on her way. I left the laughing three and went to follow her.

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