Chapter 17

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Ravana's POV

It has been about a month now since I met Wade and started taking down HYDRA bases around Russia and Siberia with him. We just finished taking down the 7th base, still no sign of Yelena, we did find her file though. It had her codename, birth information, just basic information of her. But we still had a lead, we know HYDRA has her, and the locations of all the bases. In my fury of rage over the past month, I figured out her location, and Wade and I started taking down every base in our path. Turns out he's a really fun guy, we're actually pretty similar to eachother. We both have super-human healing, we're both assassins, we both like to kill people and make them suffer for what they have done, and we're both very sarcastic, which is fun when we're drunk. I'd even go so far to say were both each others bestfriends.

I pulled my sword out of the last HYDRA operative and wiped the blood on his shirt. "Ready to go bestie?" I asked Wade, "You know it Rav." He answered and we both froliced through the corpses to our jet. I sat down in the pilot's seat, as Wade sat in the co-pilot's seat. "Taylor Swift?" Wade asked, "Why the hell not?" I answered in an obvious tone, grinning at my bestie. Wade placed the Reputation album by Taylor Swift. As I took off, once at a steady flying altitude Wade stopped the music, "So." Wade stated, lookin at me, "So what?" I asked confused, I glanced over at him, "So, this next HYDRA base is where Yelena is being kept. Therefore, Spillith the teaith." I glanced over at him he was still staring at me. I rolled my eyes. "Miss girl tell me how your feeling!" Wade stated, "I feel as though, I need to karaoke to Taylor." I stated, Wade sarcastically gasped, as he poked the on switch for the radio and turned the volume dial all the way up. Taylor Swift started blairing throughout the jet, so I turned my head to Wade and started scream singing the lyrics, Wade soon joined in. Yes, I was using karaoke as a distraction because I always know Wade is always up for karaoke especially if it was Taylor Swift, to make him drop me talkng about my feelings because, honestly I don't even know what to expect. Yelena could be in a weakly state, or out on a mission, or under mind control, or try and kill Wade and I, or worse, she could be dead, but I didn't let myself think alot about the last option. So I continued singing with Wade.

We are currently making a pit stop just outside of Moscow to pick up a armored truck from Mason. "I am not coming with you." Mason stated defensively, "Yes you are." I answered, "No!" Mason answered, "Please, I'll forever be in debt." I pouted, "Fine, but you owe me big time." Mason finally complied. "But only to pick you up with the jet." "Okay." I stated. "Come on Wade!" I shouted while hopping in the shooter seat of the armored truck. "Coming!" He shouted back, while climbing in the drivers seat. "Ready to go?" He asked, "As ready as I'll ever be." I answered, "Good enough answer." Wade replied, I playfully slapped him on the arm from the back seat. He cried out in agony, "What was that for?" He asked, "Being a bitch." I answered, "Guilty is charged." Wade replied, "Just go." I muttered, "Okay." Wade stated as he started the truck.

The base was inside a mountain valley so it would be fairly hard to penetrate, so Wade and I were just going to storm it with the armoured truck and the minigun on top, then work our way to Yelena. We could just sneak attack but where's the fun in that.

We were slowly approaching the entrance which was hevily guarded. I released my suit and lifted the cover to rotate the minigun out and stood up to aim it. I smirked to myself as I started to spray the heavily guarded entrance with the minigun. Wade kept driving and started to do doughnuts around the entrance taking out as many guards as he could. Once there was no one left I grabbed my shield, swords, and duel pistols. "Come on Wade!" I stated, as I drew my shield, running into the base. Once a good distance inside I heard many footsteps arond a corner, I jumped out from around the corner and bounce my shield off the wall hitting multiple guards as it came back to me I grabbed it, jumped up and brought it back down hard on the last remaining guards head. I started to run forward twords the center of the base. I soon entered a large mostly empty airplane hanger. I looked around noticing no guards, that was until I heard her. "Hello Trava." Then nothing but maniacal laughter surrounding me.

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