Chapter 9

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This chapters just for shits and giggles because ma life sucks except like one person and I need some humor. P.S. try to visualize this chapter its funnier that way minus the gore :) And I didn't proof read so sorry bout that 👍
-yelenas_bby - 10:14pm

Ravana's POV

"Hey! Wake up!" Nat shook me awake. "Good your awake. Come on." "Where are we going?" I questioned as I followed Nat out of my bedroom. "Come on." I followed Nat down the halls and outside. "Woah." I said in awe of one of the Avengers jets. Nat was already boarded along with Yelena. I boarded and took a seat next to Nat, I put on a headset. "So what exactly are we going to do?" I asked, "The Avengers need our help in Wakanda. There's been alot of robots attempting to invade it. So we're gonna go help them."

The plane ride was quiet and I mostly just slept.

6 hours later

"Wake up sleepy head we're almost there." I woke up to Nat again. This time she was tapping my forehead with her pointer finger. "Here put this on." She handed me an earpiece, which I took, and placed in my ear. "And this." She handed me back my tactical armour and suit that I used as Red Skies. "And this." She then picked up my shield, bow, dual pistols, and sword, she handed them to me. I started walking to the bathroom to get changed. Once I was done I walked out Yelena and Nat both looked at me. "How do I look?" I asked while removing my helmet. My sword, bow, and shield were on my back, My dual pistols rested in my gun belt. I held my helmet against my side. "You look like you could kick robot ass all month." Nat stated, While Yelena just stared at a window. I sat back down placing my weapons in the seat next to me.

2 hours later
"Ok were almost here." Nat stated, "Great." I smirked as I placed my helmet back on my head and grabbed my weapons. Placing my pistols in their holsters and flipping the top over them. I placed my shield, swords, and bow on my back. As I opened the back door of the plane. "What are you doing!" Nat shouted, "Making an entrance!" I shouted back, as I jumped out the door. I could feel Yelena roll her eyes as she spoke into her ear piece. "Such posers." I smiled under my mask at her remark as I fell thousands of feet in the air.

No one's POV
In Wakanda

"What the hell is that?" Steve asked into his ear piece as he saw something fall from the sky. "I don't know but I'll go check it out" Sam replied as he zoomed in on the object. "No," Sam reported. "No what?" Steve asked in a worried tone. "It can't be," Sam replied, "What is it Sam!" Steve started running over to Sam, "Its Red Skies! Were all dead." "No, we aren't." Nat replied, "Don't worry she's on our side."

Ravana's POV
As I heard what Steve and Sam we're arguing about I couldn't help but laugh. I soon would hit the ground. I landed in a superhero pose, like the one in Deadpool that Angel Dust did. All the bots turned their attention twords me as I drew my shield, and started killing them by the second. After a long time Nat and Yelena finally landed and made their way twords me.

In the distance I saw a general a living human not a bot running away. As soon as I locked eyes with him I unleashed my wings and took off. "Did y'all know she had wings?" Sam spoke indefinitely, as the rest of the Avengers just stood there in shock. I spoke into my earpiece, "Of corse I have wings, and I also have claws, and canines, and instant healing, and superspeed." "God damn," Is all Tony could say, "Can I study your DNA when were done cause god damn your over powered." Bruce asked, "Umm sure I guess." Is all I could respond with.
I was soon approaching the general. Once I was too close to back up he pulled out a sword and slashed through my left arm chopping the bitch clean off. I didn't even feel it though. I knocked him out with my left arm because I grabed it with my right and started hitting him over the head with it.
"Umm guys I kinda have a problem." I stated through my earpiece, "And a hostage." "Whats the problem?" Nat asked clearly worried, "Ummm, how do I say this. Gently? My arm. Well I'm holding it with my other arm. And may or may not have knocked a guy out by beating him over the head with it. And took him as a hostage." I responded, "YOU WHAT!" Nat screamed, the team was silent. I flung my left arm over my back and dragged the general back to the main fight. Once I got there Nat saw me and immediately ran over. "RAVANA TRAVA!" She screamed, I took my mask off. The rest of the Avengers had finished the bots off and made their ways over to see the famed assassin Red Skies get absolutely dragged by Nat. I dropped my hostage and helmet, then grabbed my arm from behind my back. "Catch!" I shouted to Nat, as I threw my arm at her. She caught it and immediately dropped it after realizing what it was. "How the hell did you do that and how are you alive?" "Well, you see this bitch," I held up the general, "he decided to chop my arm off with his sword. And Bucky, can I maybe borrow your metal arm for like ever?" I asked, "But still how are you not dead?" Nat asked as she grabbed my arm. "And how the hell do we put this back on?" Nat asked as she tried shoving it back on. "Does anyone have duck tape?" Nat asked, earning the Avengers to start laughing. Vision created some duck tape and threw it to Nat. "Thanks." Nat responded, "No problem." Vision answered with a smile. Nat started fiddling with the tape and my arm and torso trying to tape it on. Yelena just face palmed and said, "I can't watch this." As she walked a few steps. As soon as she finished her sentence. I shouted, "Oh, so your just gonna run away like you did last night!" I yelled out after her, she just kept walking, "Oh no you don't." I snatched my arm from Nat who was still trying to hard to duck tape it back on, and threw it at Yelena which hit her in the back of the head. Causing her to grab it off the ground and sprint twords me with it. "Oh shit," I yelled, "she's got an arm!" I started running away from her but she was right on my tail. I started screaming. The Avengers literally died of laughter. Yelena finally cornered me and started beating me with it. "Nat! Help me!" I pleaded.

Red Skies (Yelena Belova x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now