Chapter 10

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Yelena's POV


I watched as Ravana tied the general up to a tilt table that was vertical, from a side hidden room so she didn't realize I was watching. Inside the room was all white padding, somehow Bruce stiched Ravana's arm back on making it functional again, and Tony had her sleeve sewn back on to the rest of her suit. Ravana was wearing her full suit.

The general started to regain consciousness and asked, "Where am-" He stopped realizing who was in front of him, "Please no, not you Red Skies, I have a family, I can't go out like this, I'll tell you whatever you want." He stuttered frantically, Ravana removed her hood and took her mask off. "Oh, It's that easy? Now I just want to get my answers and then torture you for switching allegiances so fast. Sound good?" Ravana smirked as she pulled out her knife.

The general started frantically trying to get out of the leather straps. She held the knife to his chest. "What is your name, Rank, and Allegiance?" Ravana asked as she ran the knife down his torso. "Alfresco Quira, General, and I work for HYDRA." He quickly spat out nervously. Ravana moved her knife to its holster which left a slice on the generals torso. "You know I actually don't need that knife." She stated as she released her claws.

The general's eyes bulged, he quickly panicked as she approached him. "Who leads HYDRA, and what do they want." Ravana stated, as she tilted the general's face up leaving blood trickling down his throat from where her claws touched his skin, "That's out of my pay grade, not many people know who they are, all I know is the base I was working at is in Rio De Janeiro, and they wanted Wakanda, it's tech, and vibranium." The general rushed his answer, Ravana looked him in the eyes and stated softly as she smirked, "Thank you for the information."

She then started unlatching the leather straps. "If you want to live, fight me." She finished. "Okay," The general stated shaking slightly knowing he wasn't going to make it out of the room. "Just find my kids and wife and tell them I loved them." He stated, "Deal." Ravana told him. "3, 2, 1."

Ravana released her claws rushing twords him, slicing his shoulder deeply, she tripped him, and sliced his back. She then grabbed him by his short brown hair, and threw him across the room hitting the glass on the window I was looking through leaving blood dripping down it. Ravana then walked over to him but turned into a wolf mid air as she jumped on him. I gasped, I didn't know she could do that. Her suit had holes in it along with taters everywhere, and brown fur popping through them. She bit into the general's side and shook him around like a bone, she then started ripping into his body throwing shredded body parts everywhere. I couldn't watch anymore without being sick to the stomach. I walked out of the room to find Shuri and ask if she could make Ravana a new suit because of what she just did to her old one. Still the memory of what I just witnessed was enough to make me want to throw up.

I walked into Shuri's lab, "Hey Shuri, have you invented any new tech recently?" I asked, "Yes, actually I just finished my newest suit for my brother. Would you like to see it?" Shuri offered, "Yeah of course." I stated, "Okay then lets get started, right here we have strechable fabric with vibranium infused in it, and here we have some web swingers, similar to Peter Parkers. Oh and I can't forget about how I have figured out how to adjust thermal vision, night vision, tinted vision and binocular vision on the suits." Shuri finished, "All of this is incredible work, and I might have a challenge offer for you." I stated while following her twords the newest Black Panther suits, "Like what?" Shuri added as she stopped and looked at me, "Do you know Red Skies or Ravana Trava?" I asked, "Do I know Red Skies, the most legendary badass technological advanced human to ever live so far. I've never personally met them but I admire them." Shuri added, "Well she is now on our side, and I just witnessed her turn into a wolf, and in the process completely destroy her suit." I stated, "And you want to challenge me to combine all her old technology from her old suit with, vibranium a suit, with my newest tech." Shuri added, "Exactly." I stated, "I would be honored to make her a suit, so let's get planning." Shuri stated, already heading over to her planning board. As I was trailing behind her."

                   2 hours of planning later

"Ok, so the suit will be stored in a necklace with black arrowheads, be mostly black with some accents of red and gold, have my silent boots, absorb kinetic energy, send out a energy wave, turn invisible, stretch to fit any form, climb on any surface, shoot webs, be able to adjust vision, have a reliable data base, be practically indestructible, and all the other tech she already has." Shuri summed up for me, "Alright sounds perfect." I responded, "Alright it should be done in a few days." Shuri told me, "Okay, either way were all going to stay here until the threats stop." I answered, "And really though thank you for this." I thanked Shuri as I walked out, "It's really no problem." She responded.

Red Skies (Yelena Belova x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now