Chapter 18

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Ravana's POV

I quickly grew tense as I looked at her, she was severly hurt and weak, "I don't want to hurt you Yelena." I stated, "But that's where your wrong, I will hurt you." Yelena replied, She threw a knife at me which I dodged and then lunged at me. She tackled me to the ground, I wasn't going to fight her, Not even defensively. She started puncing me all over, "YOU LEFT ME!" She screamed, while punching me, I could feel something wet on my body, I couldn't tell if it was blood, sweat, or tears. She continued punching me, "YOU LEFT ME TO THEM!" The wetness was all of them, blood, sweat, and tears. I slowly stood up as she continued punching me. "I'm sorry." I spoke, barely audible because I'm pretty sure she dislocated my jaw. I snapped it back in place, "I'm so sorry." I repeated slowly capturing Yelena in a hug. Soon she stopped squirming and just melted into my chest, now sobbing, I slowly sat down and let her sit on my lap and sob into my shirt. Once she calmed down she repeated shakily, "You left me, why did you leave me?" She looked up at me, with big sad puppy eyes, "I had to, I had no other option, just like when we were kids, you had no other choice than to leave me." I answered, She placed her head back onto my shoulder, and started sobbing again. In all the time I've known Yelena I've never seen her like this she had never showed emotion or insecurity, but now I undersood, she was a perfectionist who has trust issues. I continued to hold her until she stopped sobbing, "I'm never letting you go again." She spoke into my shoulder, "Dido." I responded, I felt her muffle a chuckle in my shoulder. "Which is why what I'm about to do is going to be the harder to do." Yelena stated, standing up and offering me her hand. I took it and stood up next to her. "Yelena, what are you going to do?" She hugged me and started. "I'm sorry Rav," I felt something cold impale my back, "I love you." She continued. I felt the knife twist as she pulled away, blood on her hands, as tears threatened to fall from her gleaming glossy hazel eyes. "It's okay, if I had to die so you could live, I would. I love you too." I felt tears stream down my face as I started to fall back over the edge of the mountain the base was on. Everything soon felt as if I was under water, my limbs became drooped, shouting and screams became muffled, and my eyesight blurred as I continued to fall. I heard Wade's muffled shout, "Ravana!" I continued to fall, everything rushing by me quickly in blurs of white, grey, and black, and then a sharp pain in my back and black.

Yelena's POV

I had to do it. To prove myself to HYDRA, I needed to kill Ravana and destroy the evidence. I had to pull the pin, drop the grenade, and run. I didn't look back as I continued running outside, I had to supress my emotions for now or else I wouldn't have made it out of there.

Wade's POV

When the grenade was pulled I jumped behind some nearby crates. A few seconds later I heard the boom and waited one more minute to make sure it was safe. I ran to the edge and saw nothing but white snow. I sprinted to Mason and the jet. "We need to find Ravana!" I shouted over the jet engine. "Why! What happened!" Mason questioned worriedly, "Yelena stabbed herin the back and pushed her over the edge of the mountain! I know where! Let me pilot!" I responded, I flew the plane to the edge and down the mountain. And finally I spotted her, laying at the bottom of the mountain. I gave the controls to Mason and rappelled down to her. I grabbed her and ascended back up to the jet where Mason was waiting with medcal supplies. He immediately started caring for her as I took the jet out of autopilot and started twords the most advanced civilization there currently is on earth. Wakanda.

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